• 自从离开以来一直很消沉

    He's been in the doldrums ever since she left him.


  • 自从创世以来每个世纪,人们能发现奇妙的东西

    In each century since the beginning of the world wonderful things have been discovered.


  • 自从出狱以来已做到规规矩矩

    Since leaving prison, he's managed to keep his nose clean.


  • 自从美国入侵以来这位总统的声誉一落千丈

    Since the U.S. invasion the president's reputation has nosedived.


  • 自从战争爆发以来捐款中心电话一直个不停

    Since war broke out, the phones at donation centres have been ringing off the hook.


  • 自从价格上涨以来我们失去很多生意

    We've lost a lot of custom since prices went up.


  • 自从投放市场以来这种片剂本身已经改变许多

    The pill itself has changed a lot since it first came onto the market.


  • 自从开始新的工作以来已经了很多钱。

    She's been raking it in since she started her new job.


  • 告诉法庭自从去年被解雇以来职业生涯遭受了一次直线下降。

    He told the tribunal his career had "taken a nosedive" since his dismissal last year.


  • 自从上次离开这里以来这座小镇已经变得让人不出来了。

    The town has changed beyond recognition since I was last here.


  • 想像得出自从上次写信给以来我们经历的所有恐怖事情吗?

    Can you possibly imagine all the horrors we have undergone since I last wrote you?


  • 这个俱乐部自从1990年成立以来发展迅速

    The club has grown rapidly since its inception in 1990.


  • 自从我们上次见到以来,她的身体多了

    Her health has worsened considerably since we last saw her.


  • 自从上次演奏以来已经过了这么时间了。

    It's been such a long time since I played.


  • 飞行安全自从20世纪70年代急剧发展以来没有得到改善

    Air safety has not improved since the dramatic advances of the 1970s.


  • 自从出生以来,我从来没有感冒过。

    I have never caught a cold since I was born.


  • 自从认识以来变化真大啊!

    How changed he was since she had seen him!


  • 自从出生以来,我从来没有片刻安宁

    I've never had a moment's peace since I've been born!


  • 自从开放以来许多著名在那里写作学习比如卡尔·马克思

    Since its opening, many famous men have written and studied there, like Karl Marx.


  • 自从电视出现以来人们一直预言消亡。

    Since the advent of television people have been prophesying the death of the book.


  • 想不到吧,自从上次见到以来,我经历这样时刻

    I've been through such times since I saw you last, you can't think!


  • 然而自从这个想法提出以来异常情况不断出现。

    Yet almost since the idea took root, exceptions have been cropping up.


  • 自从1989年希望工程开始以来取得好的成效

    Since Project Hope started in 1989, it has done very well.


  • 自从上次一起以来一切很顺利

    Things have gone on well with me since I was last with you.


  • 自从12月5播出第一以来,《活着》就广受好评

    Since its first episode on Dec 5, Letter Alive has been widely praised.


  • 自从文明出现以来人们一直地球年龄感到好奇。

    Since the dawn of civilization, people have been curious about the age of Earth.


  • 自从失业以来,他的样子总是那样邋遢

    Ever since he lost his job, he has been looking rather down at the heels.


  • 自从生意兴隆以来他们一直着优裕的生活。

    They have been living on easy street since his business began to prosper.


  • 自从去年以来一直在钻研这个深奥的问题

    I've been working on this abstruse problem ever since last year.


  • 自从发动进攻以来名以色列人丧生

    Two Israelis have also been killed since the offensive began on Saturday.


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