• 所作所为滥用经理职权。

    What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.


  • 父亲看到所作所为非常气愤

    Dad'll go mad when he sees what you've done.


  • 乔克的所作所为摸不着头脑。

    What Jock had done was beyond my comprehension.


  • 这起抢劫是一个四人团伙所为

    A four-man gang carried out the robbery.


  • 头上那些可能一个女人所为

    Those blows to the head could have been delivered by a woman.


  • 这次谋杀精神变态者所为

    The murder was the act of a psychopath.


  • 所作所为无法作出合理解释

    There is no rational explanation for his actions.


  • 这起凶杀案一个疯子所为

    The killing was the act of a madman.


  • 认为所作所为辜负信任

    I saw her actions as a betrayal of my trust.


  • 乞求饶恕他的所作所为

    He begged forgiveness for what he had done.


  • 认为他们所作所为有点不太公正吗?

    Do you think it's a bit below the belt what they're doing?


  • 最近不断听到很多关于的所作所为

    I've been hearing a lot about your doings recently.


  • 毁损显然些恣意破坏公物所为

    The damage is clearly the work of vandals.


  • 思想堕落者所为

    This is the work of a depraved mind.


  • 觉得自己的所作所为帕特里克的背叛

    She felt that what she had done was a betrayal of Patrick.


  • 这些畜生,他们所做所为不可原谅的。

    These people are animals and what they did was unforgivable.


  • 小狗”所为36岁的儿童开办的滑雪学校

    Snow Puppies is a ski school for 3 to 6-year-olds.


  • 他们必须自己所作所为更加负责

    They have to be more responsible for what they do.


  • 所作所为

    I'm fed up with what you're doing.


  • 世界唯一所为聋人开设的文科大学

    It is the world's only liberal arts university for deaf people.


  • 忏悔录并不能比喻那些诗人所作所为

    Confession is a bad metaphor for what those poets did.


  • 如何影响人们,让人们将其所想所为联系起来的呢?

    How do you influence the way people connect the way they think about something and the way they act about something.


  • 他们这次袭击只是一个疯子——约翰·布朗个人所为

    They said the raid was the work of one man—one madman, John Brown.


  • 所作所为他家丢人现眼。

    His conduct brought disgrace upon his family.


  • 所作所为可以看出比较自私

    Judging by his actions, he is rather selfish.


  • 自己的所作所为深表痛心。

    He evinced great sorrow for what he had done.


  • 根据证据侦探推断佣人所为

    From the evidence the detective deduced that the servant had done it.


  • 必须把你的所作所为父亲解释清楚。

    You must account to father what you have done.


  • 所作所为不能让人接受的

    I cheated. What I did is not acceptable.


  • 伊朗纳兹所作所为完全非法

    What Iran is doing at Natanz is entirely illegal.


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