• My friend said this was Japanese binding, the way that books open from left to right, backwards.


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  • And you friend says, "Well, you know I was kind of a nerd in high school. No one really liked me."


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  • And so I said, "I'm dropping out and my friends many of them thought I was nuts. There's couple of professors who are still over there who told me I was nuts."


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  • I have a friend who's a social psychologist who told me a story once that really made me very nervous, although she's fine.


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  • Frost says at the time that he's publishing A Boy's Will, to a friend: You mustn't take me too seriously if I now proceed to brag a bit about my exploits as a poet.


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  • It doesn't depend on our going to the archive, finding out what the author said in his letters about it, finding out what he told his friends, or what he told the newspapers. It doesn't involve any of that.


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  • And our engineers constantly hear from other friends working for other Internet companies in Beijing--they living the most flashiest office spaces in Beijing and their salary is raised three times a year.


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  • And you're looking at some of the buildings and some of the foods and you say to your friend,


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  • This is one of his friends: "'Sal, where did you find these absolutely wonderful people?


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  • So how can we say that " justice means helping friends and harming enemies," : Socrates asks, "when we may not even be sure " who our friends and our enemies really are?


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  • if your friend asked to borrow $100 from you, ... you would probably not say-- you might actually put interest on this person, so you could say, alright, I'll do it with 5% interest, pay me back in a year.


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  • But it's funnier to do with your friends, I mean, if you're going to do tricks and all that.


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  • And your friend is saying, "Oh, I'm so glad to be here." "This is so beautiful, so glorious."


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  • And if you're working with your friend, you can tell him or her whatever you're thinking and it's not going to offend him or her and they'll probably comprehend it similarly to how you imagined it in languages that really are a perfect idea of transmission vehicle.


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  • You said you have a friend who's an artist. Have you ever bought one of their paintings?


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  • So you say to your friend, "Okay, I'll watch. I'll watch your kids. I'll watch them."


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  • And your friend is saying, "Oh, you know, I remember those years, they were so great."


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  • Well, your friend says actually because you're the one who wants to pet the dog,


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  • His friend told me that he doesn't have a girlfriend, but I'm not sure.


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  • And you could tell that friend that's what the other friend said as well.


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  • Yeah, yeah. I mean I've... One of my best friends growing up was half-Japanese.


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  • If you're discussing this colleague with another friend, you can tell your friend,


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  • You could explain your dilemma and then look at your friend and say,


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  • And your friend is saying, "This is going to be a huge night."


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  • I would say none of my friends who live in London have cars.


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  • If in my thought experiment I say to my friend, "Well, I know why you're feeling that way.


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  • I was at a party a few years ago for a friend of mine and we ran out of food so he said, " "I'll just go pick up some food."


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  • He even said, "I believe I have had friends and family but maybe I am being tricked.


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  • So my friend decided he'd give it a try and he raised his hand and he said, "Voltaire," and then paused and hesitated and continued with his lecture as though my friend had never asked his question.


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  • Let's say you are looking through a photo album with a friend and she says,


    remind me of 课堂 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

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