• There's one, it's a book by Dimson, Marsh, & Staunton that--called Triumph of the Optimists-- that Jeremy Siegel quotes.


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  • For Jeremy Siegel, in the latest edition of his book, the equity premium is 4% a year since 1802.


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  • In The Iliad, as you can see, the warrior Glaucus uses the simile of the leaves to dismiss the importance of genealogy.


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  • Our primary text will be the excerpt in your book from Hans-Georg Gadamer and a few passages that I'll be handing out from Martin Heidegger and E.D. Hirsch.


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  • Yeats's elegy here recalls her youth and that of her sister, both friends of the younger Yeats: Eva Gore-Booth a youth spent in the Sligo mansion, Lissadell, where Yeats visited in 1894.


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  • One of the great short stories of the last century begins with a sentence by Franz Kafka: "As Gregor Samsa woke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect."


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  • What I'm gonna do is draw a larger table, the same basic structure: I'm choosing Alpha and Beta on the rows, my pair is choosing Alpha and Beta on the columns, but now I'm going to put both grades in.


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  • We found an equity premium-- or actually Jeremy Siegel's book gave an equity premium of 4% a year.


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  • What I want to do, I want to talk about Jeremy Siegel's book and the equity premium puzzle.


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  • I was going to the Bahamas with my family and with Jeremy Siegel's family-- we'll come back to Jeremy Siegel in a minute.


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  • Jeremy Siegel says that in finance we should be using geometric and not arithmetic averages.


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  • The second book that I'm assigning is Jeremy Siegel, Stocks for the Long Run.


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  • Jeremy Siegel, in his book, which is assigned for this course, is really emphasizing this capital asset pricing model, emphasizing the kind of efficient portfolio frontier calculations that I've done.


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  • The numbers that Jeremy Siegel produces seem implausibly high for the stock market.


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  • In finance, there's often reference to another kind of average, which I want to refer you to and which, in the Jeremy Siegel book, a lot is made of this.


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  • There's an appendix to one of the chapters in Jeremy Siegel's book where he says that one of the most important applications of this theory is to measure how successful an investor is.


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  • Jeremy Siegel holds the unique distinction-- Business Week did a poll asking MBA's about their favorite professor.


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