• We found it in a baby book. And then Michael we named after my husband's good friend and my father."

    VOA: special.2009.07.06

  • So in this context, the river of oblivion serves an obvious purpose in the context we have here in Book Two.


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  • In Book One alone there are four primary instances of what we can think of as this primary simile dynamic.


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  • In the book a creature named Sam-I-Am tries to get another creature to eat an unusual meal, green eggs and ham.

    VOA: special.2010.05.02

  • And with that realization, we see a very dramatic moment in Book I, even in the book as a whole.


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  • In his book "The Color Line", he wrote that the problem of race has been part of America since its creation.

    VOA: special.2009.12.27

  • So, in fact, as Thucydides tells us beautifully in Book V, when the two armies actually hit each other they have already made a slight turn to the right.


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  • University of Notre Dame anthropology professor Susan Blum wrote about this in a new book, "My Word! Plagiarism and College Culture."

    VOA: special.2009.04.23

  • Then there came to be questions about whether the scenes, the stories in the book, actually did happen to him.


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  • For example, one afternoon a group of writers and critics gathered to discuss book sales in the Arab world.

    VOA: special.2009.03.11

  • Tell me I think you do a few case studies in this book or this grounded in different communities.


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  • She won a National Book Award in two thousand for her poetry collection "Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems."

    VOA: special.2010.04.18

  • Another theme in the Book of Deuteronomy is the theme of providential concern, and that appears in Deuteronomy 8.


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  • One cold January morning in nineteen eighty-eight, library workers found a small,almost frozen kitten in the book drop.

    VOA: special.2009.02.23

  • Some of the poems in this book dramatize, and describe the stylistic changes I'm talking about.


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  • Smith said he was able to read the strange writing in this book and put it into English.

    VOA: special.2009.05.28

  • Usually we write in journals, but I allow them to their writing in this book.


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  • By the middle nineteen fifties, Doctor Seuss had become one of the best-loved and most successful children's book writers in the world.

    VOA: special.2010.05.02

  • And what I'm showing here is not on your notes, if you're interested you can look it up in your book.


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  • He worked as a cattleman for several years, then wrote about the heroic life of the cowboy in a book called "The Virginian."

    VOA: special.2010.03.18

  • I think you may have defined it already, but I couldn't find a definition of strictly in the book we have.


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  • She took hundreds of pictures, and published some of them in her first book, "Eyes on Russia."

    VOA: special.2009.05.10

  • It's a very interesting discussion, but he also talks--and this is discussed in his book-- about the concept of nutritionism.


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  • The stories were collected in a book called "The Saga of Pecos Bill" published in nineteen twenty-three.

    VOA: special.2009.11.28

  • Using the example of Star Trek, Steven Pinker, in his book How the Mind Works, nicely illustrates the problem here.


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  • For them,evolution opposed the explanation of creation found in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

    VOA: special.2009.02.25

  • We're not going to talk about this in any detail, there's a little bit more detail described in your book.


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  • In this book he describes his efforts to restart diplomatic ties with China during the presidency of Richard Nixon in the early nineteen seventies.

    VOA: special.2011.07.13

  • In the book in which the essay "The Intentional Fallacy" appeared, a book called The Verbal Icon, Wimsatt collaborated with Monroe Beardsley on three essays, and this is one of them.


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  • Another study that she did-- and this is a report in her book, "Mindfulness", which I highly recommend.


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