• 实际说来我们买不起东西。

    Practically speaking, we can't afford it.


  • 大致说来这件事两种方法

    There are, broadly speaking, two ways of doing this.


  • 说来奇怪不大喜欢看电视

    Strange to say , I don't really enjoy television.


  • 严格说来交战

    Technically (speaking) , the two countries are still at war.


  • 严格说来,这部小说不能算长篇,而是短篇

    Strictly speaking, the book is not a novel, but a short story.


  • 总的没有这个主意抵制

    Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea.


  • 总的说来我们对此做不了很多事。

    Basically, there's not a lot we can do about it.


  • 说来巧,昨天刚碰见了

    Funnily enough, I met her only yesterday.


  • 总的说来篇文章读起来不错

    Generally, the article reads very well.


  • 如此说来成为一名顶级名模。

    So you want to be a top model.


  • 总的说来是个巨大的成功

    All in all it had been a great success.


  • 大致说来犀牛一种定栖动物

    Rhinos are largely sedentary animals.


  • 不能说来来,还票入场

    You can't just pitch up and expect to get in without a ticket.


  • 大体说来赞成这个想法

    On the whole, I'm in favour of the idea.


  • 说来话长哪儿说起呢?

    It's a long story. Where shall I start?


  • 总的学校很开心

    By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.


  • 总的同意克里斯蒂娜的看法。

    On balance he agreed with Christine.


  • 大致说来两个选择

    Basically you've got two choices.


  • 总的这项活动取得极大的成功

    Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success.


  • 怎么的?说来话长工夫听吗?

    What do I think about it? How long have you got?


  • 严格说来这不算违法

    It wasn't illegal in the strict sense (of the word).


  • 说来这儿见面。

    He said to meet him here.


  • 总统争辩中央的强有力统治一种必然

    The president pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a necessity.


  • 一般说来在什么地方是由工作决定的。

    It's generally your job that dictates where you live now.


  • 说来怪,一样事情在一以后发生了。

    Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again.


  • 总的说来物物交换一种非常低效组织交易的方式。

    Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.


  • 不该告诉我会告诉你,因为说来也是这个家庭的一

    I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family, so to speak.


  • 说来怪,记得我1956年7月5日午餐吃的什么忘了今天早餐吃的什么。

    Funnily enough I can remember what I had for lunch on July 5th, 1956, but I've forgotten what I had for breakfast today.


  • 莎拉恐怕说来话长

    Hi, Sarah. Well, it's a bit of a long story I'm afraid.


  • 说来容易!”乌鸦回答说

    "That is very easily said," answered the Raven.


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