• 传说座村庄遭到巫婆诅咒

    Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch.


  • 这家认为他们诅咒而遭了殃。

    The family thought that they were under a curse.


  • 投给愤怒的一瞥一句诅咒

    He shot her an angry look and a curse.


  • 全家人仿佛都受到诅咒遭了殃

    The whole family seemed cursed.


  • 也许存在家族诅咒

    Maybe there is a curse on my family.


  • 诅咒蹒跚站起来

    I cursed and hobbled to my feet.


  • 于是我们再次出发诅咒延误西走

    So we set off again, cursing the delay, toward the west.


  • 他们自己未能生育后嗣看作是来自上帝诅咒

    They see their failure to produce an heir as a curse from God.


  • 如果我们诅咒了,我诅咒的。

    I figured if we were cursed, I could curse, too.


  • 可能会因为做的而感激或者诅咒他。

    You may bless him or curse him for what he has done.


  • 我们诅咒

    It is our curse.


  • 一个训练过程既是诅咒,也是改变机会

    It is a learned process, which is both a curse and an opportunity for change.


  • 尽管饱受责难,但《莫诅咒不是本悲观著作

    The Curse of the Mogul is not a gloomy book, for all its censure.


  • 《超级无敌掌门狗:人兔诅咒绝对一部出色的动画喜剧

    The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is an absolute brilliant cartoon comedy.


  • 使黑色雾气笼罩自己,并所有驱逐、出卖她、曲解的人施以诅咒

    She puts a dark mist upon her and brings a curse upon all those who drive her out, who deal in her and twist her in dealing.


  • 亚当诅咒》中,叶芝遗憾地说,美丽值得之努力的,隐藏这种努力

    Yeats, in "Adam's Curse", regrets that the beautiful is something to be labored for and he wants to conceal that labor.


  • 哈利·波特诅咒孩子第一第二部分一部正在伦敦西区上演的舞台剧。

    "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts I and II" is a play currently running in London's West End.


  • 罗琳表示,《哈利·波特诅咒孩子讲述这个巫师故事中“不为人知部分”。

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will tell the "untold part" of the boy wizard's story, Rowling has said.


  • 他们整洁的格军兵营夷为平地,俄罗斯人诅咒自己贫困同时,却又在为胜利欢呼

    As they smash up neat Georgian barracks, the Russians curse their own poverty and hail their victory at the same time.


  • 总而言之,奥林匹克邮轮海上工程奇迹它们似乎受到诅咒遭受灾难性命运

    All in all, the Olympic class ships were marvels of sea engineering, but they seemed cursed to suffer disastrous fates.


  • 周末再也需要练习你们的“手稿召唤”了,因为对《哈利波特诅咒孩子等待已经结束

    This weekend, there's no more need to practice your accio manuscript spells, as the wait for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will be over.


  • 依然相信胜利属于我,但是我刚要摘得战利品时,海伦气喘吁吁地摇了摇头,说道:“我被诅咒了。”

    The victory was mine, I still believe, but when I made to take the trophy, winded Helen shook her head, declaring, "I have the curse."


  • 这个神话提醒我们这些进步是有代价的:作为普罗米修斯罪行惩罚众神创造了潘多拉给了装满邪恶诅咒盒子

    The myth also reminds us that these advances have come at a price: as a punishment for Prometheus' crime, the gods created Pandora, and they gave her a box filled with evils and curses.


  • 辱骂诅咒那些流行音乐歌手

    He rails and cusses at those pop stars.


  • 恶毒诅咒

    He swore foully.


  • 愤然诅咒

    He swore angrily.


  • 可以看看叶芝的诗歌《亚当诅咒》,看看诗人是如何谈论一美学理想的。

    You could go to Yeats' poem Adam's Curse to see how the poet talks about this aesthetic ideal.


  • 在《亚当诅咒》中,叶芝遗憾道这种美丽值得之劳作的,掩盖这种劳作

    Yeats, in Adam's Curse, regrets that the beautiful is something to be labored for and he wants to conceal that labor.


  • 走进前门威严基督——左边诅咒之人遭受苦难,右边是受保佑的人,看起来快乐得多

    You walk in the front door, Christ in majesty—on the left side are the damned writhing and on the right side are the blessed looking a good deal happier.


  • 催眠画面来源于卢奇·维斯康的“恐怖诅咒”。

    Its hypnotic images are drawn from such sado-masochistic films as Luchino Visconti's "The Damned."


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