• 这些思想见解维护王朝统治和大一统思想的体现

    These thought embodies the idea of great national unity to vindicate the control of the Zhou Dynasty.


  • 实践追溯到起源中国法院舞者是王朝统治

    The practice traces its origin from court dancers in China during Song Dynasty's rule.


  • 但是村落不是单纯地存在于某个时代不仅仅人们聚居场所,处于王朝的统治之下

    But, villages did not only belong to a certain era, for they were not only the living space for common people, but also the territory under the control of the royalty.


  • 印度北部城市,位于斯利南部巴基斯坦边境附近从前是拉其普特王朝的统治中心,后来锡克人占领人口20'35

    A city of northern India near the Pakistan border south of Srinagar. Formerly the seat of a Rajput dynasty, it was later captured by the Sikhs. Population, 20 ', 35.


  • 一节课着重查理王朝早期统治时期。

    In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles's reign.


  • 服的样式各不相同,因为每个汉人统治王朝都有自己的风格,但汉服通常很宽松,袖子垂到膝盖,飘逸的长袍环绕于身。

    What hanfu is like is different since each Han-controlled dynasty had its own style, but the clothes are usually loose, with sleeves that hang down to the knees and flowing robes around the body.


  • 即使是巴沙尔 阿萨德父亲哈菲兹 阿萨德1970年创建王朝之前叙利亚不断暴君统治

    Even before Bashar al-Assad and his father, Hafez al-Assad, created a dynasty that has endured since 1970, Syria was governed by a succession of tyrants.


  • 有些相信862年,这个里克提及,他统治基辅罗斯留里克王朝创建者

    Some people believe that in 862 this lake was mentioned by Rurik, the founder of the Rurik dynasty which ruled Kievan Rus.


  • 通过阅读泰德”,看到泰德是如何自由统治工业王朝直到交托否决行使权,你一定铭记在心决不会这么

    By reading Call me Ted, you learn about how Ted had free reign to produce at Turner Industries until he gave over that veto clause, and you make a mental note not to do that.


  • 伊朗起源可以追溯到波斯,一个形成于公元前6世纪美尼德王统治古老王朝

    Iran traces its national origin to Persia, an empire that emerged in the 6th century BC under the Achaemenid dynasty.


  • 统治英国的1485年1509年期间,这位篡位的国王不仅稳定加强统治网罗钱财而且意图王位为基础,牢固地建立都王朝

    From 1485 to 1509 he ruled England, a usurper-king steadily tightening his grip and casting his net for money, intent on establishing his Tudor dynasty firmly on the throne.


  • 那些让位给共和制的地方,比如叙利亚今天,也可能是利比亚明天王朝仍然统治地位。

    And where they have given way to republicans, new dynasties, such as Syria's today and Libya's probably tomorrow, still hold sway.


  • 阿勒·马克图姆王朝1833年开始统治迪拜。迪拜并不遵守阿拉伯联合酋长国制定联邦司法体系

    The al Maktoum dynasty has ruled Dubai since 1833. Dubai does not follow the federal judicial system of the United Arab Emirates.


  • 从中可以对莫卧儿王朝统治时期技术工具有所了解。

    This served as an insight to techniques and tools used during Mughal reign.


  • 辛格作为国民大会统治王朝忠实拥护者,他并没有真正权力

    As the loyal retainer to Congress's family dynasty, Mr Singh lacks real power.


  • 神庙里史前古物可以追溯到不同时代——从在希腊统治下埃及托勒密王朝最近的公元前30年。

    Artifacts from the temple date back to various times during the Greek-run Ptolemaic dynasty, which lasted until 30 B.C..


  • 王朝王室成员成为电视名人之前,历史学家通过追踪第二个儿子未来亨利世的崭露头角,寻求亨利七统治下微弱闪烁阳光所以在本书中亨利八世再次崭露头角

    Long before the Tudors became television celebrities, historians sought gleams of sunshine in his reign by tracing the emergence of his second son, the future Henry VIII; and so it is again here.


  • 现如今,当英语降临这个以黑人为主国家后的16,他的“统治王朝“依然恢宏壮阔。

    Today, 16 years after the advent of black-majority rule, English reigns supreme.


  • 而言之,拥有三百历史摩洛哥阿拉维王朝可能会变得欢迎的波旁王朝。波旁王朝现在仍然统治海峡对岸西班牙

    In short, Morocco's 300-year-old Alawite dynasty may start to look a bit more like the popular Bourbons, still reigning across the straits in Spain.


  • 所有第25王朝统治埃及四分之三世纪努比亚国王,佩伊第一位被称为皮肤法老人。

    Piye was the first of the so-called black pharaohs—a series of Nubian kings who ruled over all of Egypt for three-quarters of a century as that country’s 25th dynasty.


  • 尼泊尔5月底废除了不得人心印度教君主制,走向共和,从而结束了孔雀王朝沙阿王族尼泊尔240多年统治

    Nepal became a republic at the end of May when the unpopular Hindu monarchy was abolished, bringing down the curtain on 240 years of rule under the Peacock Throne of the Shah dynasty.


  • 入围小说之一的《》(Wolf Hall),可谓夏季阅读推荐榜上热门。 作者希拉里·曼蒂娥(HilaryMantel透过首席国务大臣托马斯·克伦威尔的视角,引人入胜地讲述了亨利统治下的都德王朝的故事。

    One novel that has featured heavily in summertime read recommendations is Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel's gripping account of Henry VIII's Tudor court told through his chief minister, Thomas Cromwell.


  • 不过我们现在历史向前出发,前往公元前1200年,寻找中国有记载的第一统治王朝--商朝

    As it is, though, we now have to leap forward to around 1200 BC to find China's first historical rulers, the Shang Dynasty.


  • 出身低微来自工人家庭的,最终成功升任为国王重用的大臣。 克伦威尔故事一直史学家们津津乐道,被用来证明都王朝统治时期社会阶层之间具有巨大的流动性

    His rise from working-class obscurity to king’s righthand man has always fascinated historians as an exemplar of ruthless Tudor social mobility.


  • 两千多年时间经历了不同法老或是统治王朝更迭。

    We found the atherosclerosis over 2, 000 years of time, and so there would be many different families who were the pharaohs or the ruling parties at the time ...


  • 克莉奥帕·特拉托勒密王朝,该家族马其顿希腊血统,在亚历山大大帝他们统治埃及

    Cleopatra was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a family of Macedonian Greek origin that ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great.


  • 行政机构前一王朝统治期间建立的。

    The civil service was established under the previous dynasty.


  • 行政机构前一王朝统治期间建立的。

    The civil service was established under the previous dynasty.


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