• 他们决定接受我们最初报价

    They've decided to accept our original offer.


  • 报价估价可以当场电脑做出来。

    Quotes and estimates can be prepared by computer on the spot.


  • 报价一直有效,直到另有通知

    The offer will remain open until further notice.


  • 所选产品类型报价索要即

    Price quotes on selected product categories will be sent on request.


  • 他们开工之前拿到报价

    You need to get a written quotation before they start work.


  • 他们提出一个使不好拒绝报价

    They made me an offer I couldn't refuse.


  • 他们经过反复讨论决定接受我们报价

    After considerable discussion, they decided to accept our offer.


  • 我们立即向报价

    We'll send you a quote without delay.


  • 那个报价已经撤销了

    The offer has been withdrawn.


  • 电话报价

    I'm waiting for someone to call me back with a price.


  • 报价仍然有效吗?

    Does your offer still hold?


  • 这个报价有效吗?

    Is the offer still open?


  • 他们有可能拒绝做生意即便报价很有吸引力

    They may refuse to trade, even when offered attractive prices.


  • 卡隆集团已经收购曼德斯的报价上加了些好处。

    Kalon Group has sweetened its takeover offer for Manders.


  • 份书面报价清楚成本包含哪些内容。

    Get several written quotations and check exactly what's included in the cost.


  • 一家旅行社波士顿新泽西航班报价$260。

    A travel agent quoted her $260 for a flight from Boston to New Jersey.


  • 昨天英镑报价为1.8285美元,这个价格星期一以来变。

    Yesterday the pound was quoted at $1.8285, unchanged from Monday.


  • 我们提出了一个报价然后摇头

    We made another offer and then another shake of the head.


  • 非常高兴,出乎意料地接受了最后报价

    She was so pleased that unexpectedly, she accepted the last offer I made.


  • 牢记卖方最初报价通常一般合理价格至少高出40%

    Keep in mind the price offered by the seller at the beginning is usually at least 40% over the generally reasonable price.


  • 一家公关公司其作商业发行报价我时,得到了一个强硬的回绝

    My first smack in the face came when a PR company called me for a business launch and had written a quote for me.


  • 一家公关公司其作商业发行报价我时,得到了一个强硬的回绝

    My first smack in the face came when a PR company called me for a business launch and had written a quote for me.


  • 这样我们可以收集到一切我们所需信息,需要实际谈话就可以他们提供一个准确报价

    This way, we can collect everything we need to provide them with an accurate quote without needing to have an actual conversation.


  • 其中随机挑选出来提出双方都知道应该如何分配允许有一个报价必须被接受拒绝没有谈判

    One is randomly chosen to propose how a sum of money, known to both, should be shared between them; only one offer, which must be accepted or rejected without negotiation, is allowed.


  • 银行清洁工作承包出去之后,才发现新的清洁公司报价更便宜

    When the bank contracted out its cleaning, the new company was cheaper.


  • 直接市场联系确保提供最及时的报价

    Direct market connections ensure the timeliest supply of quote.


  • 这里离岸加运费到佛里敦价包括1%佣金

    The prices quoted here is based on C&F Freetown with 1% commission.


  • 应该复杂报价使用何种格式

    What format should be used for the complex quote?


  • 希望知道贵方最新报价

    I'd like to hear your most recent quotation.


  • 我们在下个接受报价

    B: We'll be taking quotations next month.


- 来自原声例句

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