• 所大学许多外界资助研究项目

    The university has many externally funded research projects.


  • 这个屋子当作是逃避外界避难所

    He regarded the room as a refuge from the outside world.


  • 大雪使得外界通信联系中断

    Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days.


  • 此类事件只有外界条件有利时才会发生

    Such events occur only when the external conditions are favourable.


  • 许多人来说,邮局外界联系惟一纽带。

    For many, the post office is the only link with the outside world.


  • 允许救援人员通过卫星外界取得联系技术已经存在

    The technology to allow relief workers to contact the outside world via satellite already exists.


  • 方案犯人们有益因为能让他们外界去融入社会

    The scheme was good for the prisoners because it brought them outside into the community.


  • 高耸的山脉村庄外界隔开

    Towering mountains separate her village from the world outside.


  • 我们外界获取食物等其吞入腹中。

    We take bits of the outside world like food and we swallow them.


  • 我们可以通过电子邮件卫星电话外界联络

    We can communicate with the outside world by email and satellite phone.


  • 外界传达一个关于抱负明确信息

    It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations.


  • 他们积极结果归因于外界帮助甚至运气

    They will attribute positive results to the outside help or even luck.


  • 它们更好阻止外界噪音所以可以调低音量音乐。

    They do a better job of stopping outside noise, so you can listen at a lower volume.


  • 入耳式耳机头戴式的更好因为它们可以阻隔更多外界噪音

    In-ear headphones are better than over-the-eat ones because they can stop more outside noise.


  • 意思是只需想想水下时,实际能听见外界噪音

    I mean, just think how little noise from the outside world actually reaches you when your head is underwater.


  • 是无法想象得到一个服刑十八的人到了外界可能多么孤独无助

    You cannot imagine how lonely and helpless one can be on the outside after eighteen years in prison.


  • 拉伯格说:“在快速眼动睡眠期间大脑处于全速工作状态,外界脱节。”

    "During REM sleep," says LaBerge, "the brain is working full-tilt, yet it is disconnected from the outside world."


  • 他们不仅仅屈从于权利野心甘露同时外界敌人们将自己的希望寄托他们两个人身上。

    Not only had they succumbed to the nectar of power and ambition, but also the enemy outside built up their hopes with them.


  • 每个人都雅典幸福安宁报责任感并不是因为源于外界的压迫,而是因为这座城市他们骄傲

    Each one felt responsible for the welfare of Athens, not because it was forced on him from the outside, but because the city was his pride.


  • 每个都觉得自己雅典福利有责任这不是因为外界将此强加而是因为这座城市骄傲安全之所。

    Each one felt responsible for the welfare of Athens, not because it was forced on him from the outside, but because the city was his pride and his safety.


  • 没有人当地人了解北极,就是为什么当地人满足不发表任何看法,只外界专家来告诉他们发生了什么

    Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside experts tell them what's happening.


  • 如果没有外界提示信号这种差异就会积累生物的日常内部调节活动继续进行,与太阳日有关潮汐活动那样。

    Without the external cue, the difference accumulates and so the internally regulated activities of the biological day drift continuously, like the tides, in relation to the solar day.


  • 不管怎样这样通道坟墓经历事情显然可能外界日常现实要激烈使它们成为非常特别地方

    Anyway, what was experienced inside one of these Passage Graves clearly could be far more intense than the everyday reality outside, which made them very special places.


  • 没有我们还是觉得与外界隔绝了。

    Without a car we still felt very cut off.


  • 马丁外界接触,专心

    Martin shut himself off from the world to write his book.


  • 外界看来,公司这个问题保持沉默便是承认有罪

    The company's silence on the subject has been taken as an admission of guilt.


  • 时候,他们很难忍受外界的影响。

    Sometimes, it is very hard for them to stand outside influences.


  • 们有时会在炎热的夏季饮用菊花茶,以减少来自外界的炎热。

    Chrysanthemum tea is sometimes used in the hot summer season to reduce the hot from outside.


  • 外界认识自己是很难的,但是知道自己是谁,也就是拥有自我意识,可以帮助你理解感情,拉近友谊。

    It can be difficult to see yourself from the outside, but knowing who you are, namely self-awareness, can help you understand feelings and make friendships closer.


  • 些研究甚至表明,外界的噪音和杂乱有助于一些人集中注意力,因为这使他们在头脑中形成一堵“墙”,围着他们正在做的事情,提高他们的专注力。

    Some research has even shown that outside noise and untidiness help some people focus their attention, because it makes them form a "wall" in their mind around what they are doing and improves their focus.


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