• 颠簸剧烈,甲板上浪

    Ship laboring heavily, shipped seas over deck.


  • 甲板大量,采取减速,改向措施减轻颠簸

    Shipped heavy seas on deck, reduced speed and altered course to relieve labouring.


  • 基于概率理论非线性动力学方法研究随机甲板船舶随机跳跃

    The random jumping of ships with water on deck in random beam waves is studied based on the probability theory and nonlinear dynamic method.


  • 高速船在航行产生甲板,使门窗风筒舾装件中的水密问题变得较为突出。

    A notable problem of high speed vessel navigating in the rough sea and generating deck wetness is the watertight of the outfits such as doors, Windows, ventilators etc.


  • 文章作者就如何减少船尾甲板保证甲板救助船员自身安全方面,提供自己建议

    The article afford the advice how to deduce the over sea on the after deck to ensure the self-safety of the salvation sailors on the after deck.


  • 上浪载荷计入时域非线性运动方程,并考察了其对浮体运动和载荷的影响。

    Then, the slamming loads and green water loads are considered in the equations of nonlinear body motions.


  • 由此大型浅水中的动力特性,运动响应系泊载荷、是否、甲板上浪等,国内外的研究热点之一。

    Therefore, the shallow water hydrodynamics such as 6-DOF motions, mooring loads, touching sea bottom and green water will still be the hot topics on large floating structures.


  • 观看类节目额外奖励能够见到大笔金钱手提包鞋子内部装饰甚至是最小的庆典

    A bonus of watching these shows is getting to see gobs of money thrown at handbags, shoes, interior decor, and even the most minor of celebrations.


  • 他们条新闻石激起千层视频——《残忍谋杀》——看起来是有意的剪辑版本

    The video that caused their last news splash -- "Collateral Murder" -- seemed like an attempt at an editorial.


  • 如果西海湾连守几便夜晚将尽或是黎明微拂之时看见某种稀有飞蛾顺着海潮线飞舞

    For a small bay lies westward a little, where he who watches night after night may see a certain rare moth fluttering along the edge of the tide, just at the end of evening or the beginning of dawn.


  • 显然我们能更好的理解地球发生,我们可以看到体验改变世界外形力量,我们可以利用他们甚至辐射能产生能量

    Back on the earth, things are betterunderstood.we can see and experience the forces that change the shape of ourworld and can use them to generate power by wind, waves, and even byradioactivity.we


  • 海岸75地方休息过去他的朋友BrianSimpson一个近乎完美滑行

    Resting on his board 75 yards from shore, he turned to watch his friend Brian Simpson glide under the curve of a near-perfect wave.


  • 如果你sealegs(Android机子的附加装置),海洋风暴包括高度疾风/预测涌动方向特别是低洼地方深入分析

    For those with sea legs, SeaStorm also includes a deeper analysis of wave heights, high wind, wind/wave forecasts, and swell direction (good for low-lying areas).


  • 不能那些廉价纪念品

    I can't afford to waste money on cheap souvenirs.


  • 长时间,没有翻身只是一动不动躺在当做麻袋着呼啸而过风声一下下拍在船舷的声音。

    For a long while he did not stir, but lay unmoving upon the heap of old sacks that served him for a bed, listening to the wind in the lines, to the lapping of the river at the hull.


  • 涨了巨大方舟高涨颠簸

    The water rose, and the huge ark tossed on the swell of the waves.


  • 设计建立工程学研究建议基础的。

    The design of the breakwater was based on the recommendations of an engineering study.


  • 此外依照神秘主义,占星作用波动变化的,是通过一个无限大的数字经度波动穿透空间传输地球

    Moreover, according to occultism, astrological forces are vibrations which are transmitted to earth via an infinite number of longitudinal waves through the ether.


  • 猛烈的风,汹涌造成许多船只偏离航线,撞礁石

    High winds, rough seas, have carried away many ships off course onto the rocky coast.


  • 任何站立在这儿的人,都会感觉到自己大海边礁石那些,全是冰海

    Anyone standing here would feel as if he stood on a reef by vast ocean, and those mountains were like frozen ocean water and waves.


  • 本文建立了航行船舶非线性参数激励摇运动方程,研究了当升沉固有频率接近横摇固有频率船舶稳定性

    A nonlinear parametric excitation equation is obtained for ships in longitudinal waves, and the dynamic stability is analyzed when the natural frequency of heave and roll are approximately equal.


  • 虽然印象堵由组成的压过来,而实际水中移过,而水则留在原处。

    Although an ocean wave gives the impression of a wall of water moving in your direction, in actuality waves move through the water leaving the water about where it was.


  • 基于回归分析考虑淹没、越、波陡、相对水深相对筒等的影响,给出了作用圆筒和波力矩的计算公式,可用于工程实践。

    On the basis of regression analysis, the relationship between wave parameters and wave force as well as moment acting on the large diameter cylinder structure is given.


  • 外观电影收益来自于高技术的令人难忘善于创造卡通制作,来自于沙滩水晶一样的一个细节展示就如企鹅真正

    Visually, the movie benefits from impressively inventive technical animation-from the crystalline waves to the sandy beaches, every detail suggests a parallel reality where penguins really do surf.


  • 亲爱的但愿我们白鸟

    WOULD that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea!


  • 、梗中,踩东北秧歌最大特点

    Stability waves and the waves in the stems, stems in Alice, hit the board, twisting in the Yaoshang, is the most prominent characteristic of Yangge Northeast.


  • 动力定位系统一种闭环控制系统,采用推力器来提供抵抗等作用环境力,从而尽可能使船舶保持海平面要求的位置

    The dynamic positioning system is a closed loop control system which resists against the disturbance by wind, wave, and current with the help of thrusters on the vessel.


  • 动力理论实践基础促进了翼和鱼尾型推进器的深入研究

    The research of wave-wing type and fishtail type propellers has been promoted based on the theory and practice of wave-mechanics.


  • 动力理论实践基础促进了翼和鱼尾型推进器的深入研究

    The research of wave-wing type and fishtail type propellers has been promoted based on the theory and practice of wave-mechanics.


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