• 必须办理一定手续方能移居他国。

    Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate.


  • 任何商业投资都包含一定风险因素

    Any business venture contains an element of risk.


  • 体系加入一定灵活性

    A certain amount of flexibility is built into the system.


  • 购买食物时,一定法定权利

    When you buy foods you have certain statutory rights.


  • 模特儿似乎给增添一定魅力

    Being a model invests her with a certain glamour.


  • 他们双方都一定道理

    They both had some right on their side.


  • 受害者明确要求责任人给予一定赔偿。

    There is a clear demand among victims for some sort of reparation from offenders.


  • 旁观者一定距离之外,以示尊敬。

    The onlookers stood at a respectful distance.


  • 这种方法一定新意

    There's a certain novelty value in this approach.


  • 多年来外交事务上表现出了一定预见能力。

    Over the years he's demonstrated a certain prescience in foreign affairs.


  • 杰伊一直倾向于同女朋友保持一定距离。

    Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends at a distance.


  • 这些提议联系起来成为一揽子提议确有一定道理

    Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic.


  • 一项法律详细规定房子必须水域相隔一定距离

    A new law specified that houses must be a certain distance back from the water.


  • 感染艾滋病病毒到发展成为艾滋病病人一定时间间隔

    There's a time lag between infection with HIV and developing AIDS.


  • 飞机得在达到一定速度以后,才能足够提升地面起飞。

    An aeroplane has to reach a certain speed before there is enough lift to get it off the ground.


  • 可以建立信托那样孩子们到了一定年龄以后可以任何遗产

    You could also set up a trust so the children can't spend any inheritance until they are a certain age.


  • 所以确实一定吸引力

    So that does have a certain appeal.


  • 一些分隔物,所以能保护一定隐私

    There will be a couple of dividers, so there's some privacy.


  • 了这么多确实很喜欢一定不确定性

    Having said all that, I do actually enjoy an element of uncertainty.


  • 是因为气味一定高压中心中被抑制住了。

    This is because odors are repressed in a fair high pressure center.


  • 我们这种情绪持续多久可以一定发言权

    We can have some say in how long that emotion will last.


  • 认为成绩表明逻辑和数学方面一定能力

    I think my results show that I have some ability in logic and in mathematics as well.


  • 空乘人员、消防员警察必须超过一定身高身体健康

    Flight attendants, firefighters and police officers have to be over a certain height, and be physically fit.


  • 愿意帮忙,可有一定的限度

    I'm willing to help, within limits.


  • 预算缩减部门受到一定影响。

    My department got dinged by the budget cuts.


  • 除了胡安每个人都取得了一定成功。

    With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success.


  • 任何投资都有一定风险

    Any investment involves an element of risk.


  • 这个协约规定地区享有一定的自治权。

    The agreement gives the territory limited self-rule.


  • 儿童到了一定时候需要了解更多知识。

    There comes a time when children need to know more than the basic facts of life.


  • 相对于其他货币货币都被赋予一定的价值

    Each currency is given a value vis-à-vis the other currencies.


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