• Currently, onshore exploration is small compared to sea-based exploration.

    FORBES: Mapping Out A Play On Oil Drilling

  • ' This report shall address the engineering steps that would be needed to develop a sea-based NMD system to supplement the ground-based NMD system.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Those growing capabilities include short-range missiles designed to hit sea-based targets as well as medium-range Shahab and Ghadr missiles.

    CNN: Can U.S. help Gulf shield itself against Iran?

  • This is one reason many NMD experts prefer to begin with a sea-based system, since ships can be repositioned as needed to meet a variety of threats against the U.S. or its allies.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A November Missile Defense

  • The Dangers of Myopic Parochialism: A principal by-product of a decision to cancel space-based and sea-based elements while reactivating the E2I and GSTS would, of course, be to put almost the entire SDI program into the Army's hands -- much of it centered in Huntsville.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The Missile Defense Agency refuses to push a sea-based system, even though we have a great foundation in Aegis.

    FORBES: Atomically Aiding Our Enemies

  • Other items likely to be in greater demand include sea-based missile defenses, stealthy submarines suited to shallow-water operations, better airborne and orbital intelligence systems, and weapons for disrupting Chinese networks.

    FORBES: Mideast Unrest, China Spark Swift U-Turn In Outlook For U.S. Defense Industry

  • In this regard, it was noted with considerable concern that Moscow has to date made only modest reductions in its sea-based and other nuclear forces compared to the deep cuts the United States has already effected or is currently undertaking.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Britain, France and Italy, having recently decided, after years of dithering, not to build a frigate together, still hope to produce a joint sea-based air-defence system which would have some capacity against missiles.

    ECONOMIST: Rockets overhead

  • It calls for substantially expanding the Navy's sea-based defenses to provide, among other things, protection of the U.S. East Coast and interior from attacks launched from and beyond the Atlantic.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Concentrating on missile defense

  • In fact, the New York Times reported on Saturday that Team Obama is poised to look at alternatives - sea-based missile defenses or putting those or other anti-missile systems ashore someplace other than Poland and the Czech Republic.


  • It was at this point that the role of the U.S. Navy in missile defense plans began to grow thanks, ironically, to its possession of a sea-based combat system called Aegis that had debuted only weeks before Reagan proposed his strategic defense initiative in 1983.

    FORBES: Missile Defense Becomes A Navy Mission

  • Kadish declared that such a layered system, comprised over time of a range of systems to address an evolving threat, would likely utilize sea- and space-based missile defense "layers" to complement and add robustness to the ground-based capability he is preparing for deployment in Alaska.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Critics' Study Makes Case for 'Layered' Missile Defense

  • The success of this operation underscores the wisdom of President Bush in undertaking to withdraw from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and to begin deployment of in particular sea-based missile defenses.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Satellite intercept shows missile defense need

  • Moreover, developing countries lack the necessary capabilities, including in terms of knowledge and skills, to handle land-based deep-sea research, with the notable exception of molecular biology techniques, which have become increasingly available worldwide.


  • Because they are already floating, their collapse does not have any effect on sea levels, according to the Cambridge-based British Antarctic Survey.

    CNN: Massive ice shelf on verge of breakup

  • Until that information comes in, "I don't see a sea change in the approach to these patients based on this data, " says Alan Venook of UCSF, who is leading the comparative trial.

    FORBES: ImClone Gets Targeted

  • Interestingly, two of the most vocal of critics of missile defense -- MIT's Professor Theodore Postol and IBM's Richard Garwin -- have been recently sighted recommending that AEGIS ships be adapted for sea-based missile defenses precisely to address this mission.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Critics' Study Makes Case for 'Layered' Missile Defense

  • Obering went on to say that the U.S. would be investing in a "good experimental foundation" that would add to the country's existing sea and ground-based missile defenses.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 2007: A Chinese space odyssey

  • Sea-based missile defense is vital to our overall ability to defend ourselves, but it is not a substitute for the land-based system which is designed to provide defense against longer range ballistic missiles.


  • Finally, notwithstanding the latest setback in testing the Nation's preliminary anti-missile defense system, the perfecting and fielding of such capabilities must continue - and be expanded to include sea-, air- and space-based assets.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The terror next time

  • But since then the Administration hasn't gone all out to pursue critical steps even with its sea- and land-based programs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The operation validates the Center's longstanding support for and confidence in sea-based missile defense and its evolving capability to protect the American people.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Satellite intercept shows missile defense need

  • Western military analysts have noted Russia's use of destroyers and landing craft from the Black Sea and Northern Fleets to back up its feeble Baltic-based naval forces.

    ECONOMIST: NATO and Russia

  • So, for example, having an operational Airborne Laser system and a ground based system give the sea based interceptor more timely and accurate information with which to do its job.


  • That is especially true if, as has been reported, the Clinton-Gore Administration is pursuing a new arms control agreement with the Russians that would explicitly preclude sea-based and other anti-missile capabilities needed to provide comprehensive protection of the American people against ballistic missile attack.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • America now says the first phase of the system will be based on ships at sea, with a radar closer to Iran.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • The soundest experts in this field advise that we need to build a fully integrated system which combines both space- and sea-based components, rather than the fixed, land-based one favored by the present administration.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The American writer, who was hailed the king of the Beat generation and a hero to many young men, penned The Sea Is My Brother aged 20, based on his years as a merchant seaman.

    BBC: Kerouac's 'lost' book published

  • Westport in County Mayo is a charming place on any occasion but it will especially alive on the 6th to 8th of September with its annual festival featuring superb sea food and dishes based on the best produce and game from its region.

    FORBES: Eat Your Heart Out At Ireland's Food Festivals: 3 Million Oysters, The Craic Of Dublin, And Haute Lit At A Country House

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