• 奶油水果大蛋糕的吗?

    Is there any gateau left?


  • 12减57

    Take 5 from 12 and you're left with 7.


  • 拉森家给的报酬不错但是不下多少钱奢侈品。

    The Larsons pay me well enough, but there's not much left over for luxuries.


  • 瓶里

    He drank up the wine which was left in the bottle.


  • 试着纸板箱玩具汽车,用父亲纸板木片房子

    I tried making toy cars with cardboard boxes and constructing buildings from leftover cardboard and bits of wood my father gave me.


  • 那天发生模糊的记忆。

    The events of that day were just a blur.


  • 一张票,币决定谁。

    There's only one ticket left—I'll toss you for it.


  • 地震座房子没倒。

    After the earthquake, only a few houses were left standing.


  • 旅馆得只一片废墟。

    The hotel was completely burnt out.


  • 鲁德巴尔已不存在,只一些建筑骨架

    The town of Rudbar had ceased to exist, with only skeletons of buildings remaining.


  • 门考试了。

    I only have one exam to go.


  • 没有什么了。

    There's hardly any tea left.


  • 奶粉了。

    There are only two boxes of powdered milk left.


  • 如果喜欢鸡尾酒尝尝别的

    If you don't like the cocktail you ordered, just leave it and try a different one.


  • 山顶上,他射下了九个太阳,只一个在天上。

    At the top of the mountain, he shot down nine suns, leaving only one in the sky.


  • 饿了,什么的没有?

    I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?


  • 喜欢乐队演出的倒计时了。

    There is only one more day to go before your favourite music group play live.


  • 件事。”心满意足班杰继续说

    "There's only one thing more to be done," continued the gratified Badger.


  • 十二减去

    Twelve minus seven leaves five.


  • 只海豹了!

    There's only one seal left!


  • 此外外语知识退化一点大学学法语

    Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was reduced to a little college French.


  • 周日足球排球古典式摔跤自由式摔跤门票还没售完。

    Only football, volleyball, Greco-Roman wrestling, and freestyle wrestling remained for sale on Sunday.


  • 等到爸爸离开了自己一个人的时候,那我要怎么办呢?

    What shall I do when papa and you leave me, and I am by myself?


  • 第一次参加马拉松比赛,我的只脚踝受伤了,意味着星期不能跑步两个星期的训练时间。

    A month before my first marathon, one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train.


  • 梨去掉伤耗18了。

    There are only eighteen jin of pears in this basket after taking out the damaged ones.


  • 我们这么一点点了。

    Look, we have only this tiny bit left.


  • 调查范围已经缩小5个人了。

    The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons.


  • 宜将勇追穷寇。

    With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe.


  • 愿将货照成本

    I will sell this remnant to you, at cost.


  • 了。老师来到的面前。

    With only two people left, my teacher approached me.


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