• 过去认为戈登是个白痴。

    I used to think that Gordon was a moron.


  • 很欣慰地得知,“酷”的定义比我过去认为的要宽泛得多。

    I'm relieved to know that "cool" has a much broader definition than what I used to think.


  • 心理学家过去认为笑容是不会撒谎的。

    Psychologists used to think that a genuine smile never lies.


  • 包括很多过去认为不会有外国竞争安全职业

    But it also covers many occupations that used to be thought safe from foreign competition.


  • 孩子们过去认为胡萝卜吃饭妈妈他们东西

    Kids used to think of carrots as something that their mom put on their plates at dinner.


  • 我们过去认为控制思维右脑控制你的心

    We used to think that the left brain controlled your thinking and that the right brain controlled your heart.


  • 过去认为锻炼方式跑步远足因为前者时间

    I used to think running was a better form of exercise than hiking because it took less time.


  • 神经学家过去认为这些粘糊糊的胶质只是用来神经元黏合在一起

    Neuroscientists used to think glia were simply the sticky stuff that holds neurons together.


  • 科恩先生过去认为美国通货膨胀是受全球化的潜在影响

    Mr Kohn used to argue that globalisation had a muted impact on American inflation.


  • 科学家们过去认为南极洲大规模臭氧层年际变化掩盖微小趋势

    Scientists thought large, wholly natural, year-to-year variations in Antarctic ozone would obscure any small upward trend.


  • 过去认为有点老生常谈但是现在话可以影响个人行为

    I used to think this was a bit corny, but now I know that the very act of saying this phrase does impact both people.


  • 中国印度这些我们过去认为可能用之不竭劳工市场事实上显著收紧

    Labor markets which we previously thought were inexhaustible, like China and India, have actually tightened up quite dramatically.


  • 过去十年间,一又一研究表明,动物表现出过去认为只有人类才具有的能力

    In study after study over the past decade, they've shown abilities previously thought to exist only in humans.


  • 科学家过去认为永冻土解冻会排放二氧化碳甲烷,氧化亚氮不会释放出来

    The scientists said that past studies had reckoned that carbon dioxide and methane were released by a thaw of permafrost while nitrous oxide stayed locked up.


  • “在几年想像不到的人们过去认为网络不是食品场所。”

    That was “something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. People didn’t think this would be the right space to be selling grocery-type products, ” he said.


  • 除此之外,过去认为男人结婚后,妻子基本就不工作了,所以就多了另一张嘴

    In addition to that, it used to be that when a man got married, it was literally another mouth to feed as the wife rarely sought employment.


  • 我们是不是又发现性别不是过去认为的那样有关女性患者并非我们想象的那样凤毛麟角呢?

    Are we about to find that it is not as strongly linked to gender as has been supposed, that there are more autistic women out there than we imagine?


  • 比如有人同样论点,比如相信鲸鱼哺乳动物,我过去认为鲸鱼,鲸鱼显然是鱼,不是吗?

    Say somebody was making the same argument, say I didn't believe whales were mammals, I thought whales are fish, whales are obviously fish aren't they?


  • 科学家过去认为在SanAndreas断层南部250到450年会发生一次巨型地震,而现在他们觉得平均88年会发生一

    Scientists used to say that enormous quakes occur every 250-450 years along the southern San Andreas. They now think the average is every 88 years.


  • Hertenstein博士:“我们过去认为,身体接触只是用以加强交流情绪”,现在变成了“一种我们过去想象更加不同的信号系统。”

    We used to think that touch only served to intensify communicated emotions,” Dr. Hertenstein said. Now it turns out to bea much more differentiated signaling system than we had imagined.”


  • 股票市场处于萧条期,利润率几乎所剩无几,债券收益率有史以来达到最低点时,投资者们对过去认为任何有可能的回报资金都不会抱有幻想。

    With stock markets in the doldrums, interest rates cut to almost nothing, and bond yields at record lows, investors were desperate for any kind of meaningful return on their money.


  • 认为过去25年里政府妥善地处理过这个问题。”—“我赞同一观点。”

    "I don't think a government has properly done it for about the past twenty-five years."—"I'd go along with that."


  • 大多数认为女王过去50年中尽职尽责。

    Most people think the queen has done a good job over the last 50 years.


  • 并不认为是因为把自己的过去告诉了你的男朋友才把吓跑的。

    I don't think that revealing your past to your boyfriend scared him off.


  • 一些需要面对伤痕累累的过去另一些人认为最好不管

    Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone.


  • 项新研究表明,鱼的记忆力相比我们过去认为的要好很多。

    A new study has found that fish have much better memories than we used to think.


  • 过去人们很少认为龙虾一道好的菜肴

    People seldom considered the lobster as good dish in the past.


  • 在下面列出杰出女性中,认为过去100年中重要女性

    Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?


  • 人们旅行外国建筑、食物、民族服装因为他们认为这些过去与现在不同。

    People traveled to see the buildings, the food, the national dresses in foreign countries because they thought they would not be the same as those of their own countries in the past.


  • 我们过去认为经文应该教派群体文库中,但是现在大家认为存在于一个类似于陶瓷厂的地方。

    We used to think scriptures were a library of a sectarian community, but now I think that they think it was a pottery factory or something.


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