• 这个短文里作者一个自称乐观主义者

    In the essay, the author a self-proclaimed pessimist.


  • 陌生人心平气和走进牢房,态度倒自称医生职业相称

    The stranger had entered the room with the characteristic quietude of the profession to which he announced himself as belonging.


  • 人们应该都是他们自称那个人,不应该撒谎或者隐藏他们真实自我

    People are supposed to be who they say they are. And not lie or hide their true selves.


  • 我们的时候,刚认识三个礼拜,”这位以“小姐”自称的女孩

    "We'd known each other three weeks when we went to get a wedding certificate," says the woman, who will only give her name as Cheng.


  • 如果时候发现有人没有自称学位雇主解雇他们之前证明他们没有能力做这份工作。

    If it is then found that someone does not have the degree they claimed, employers still have to prove they can't do the job before sacking them.


  • 任何公开行动都会违背中国自称“不干涉”政策,有损于中国“和平崛起”的叙述

    Any overt action would contravene its self-proclaimed doctrine of non-intervention and sully its narrative of a peaceful rise.


  • (马克·艾伯尼)坚守自称的黑客理论”,认为只要动机纯洁任何入侵电脑的行为都是正常的。

    He (Mark Abene) adhere to a self - styled "hack ethic", which justified any computer intrusion as long as the motive is pure.


  • 小时内,另一自称猛虎派系援引组织的情报部门发布声明:“组织领导人安全时机成熟就再次现身。”

    Within hours, another self-described Tiger faction, quoting the Tigers' intelligence arm, released a statement that said, the “LTTE leadership is safe and it will re-emerge when the right time comes”.


  • 借鉴前人亲属称谓语自称研究,本文对亲属称谓语自称的语义类别表达功能及其翻译策略三个方面进行了考察。

    The following three aspects of self-reference of kinship terms in modern Chinese have been dealt with: semantic categories, expressive functions and translation strategies.


  • 所以墓志铭其实就是自称衣冠冢,一个铭文遗体却不在地方当然通过此充分说明了,语言随意性特点。

    So any epitaph is therefore a self-declared cenotaph an inscription on a place where the body isn't which of course tells us a lot too about the arbitrary nature of language.


  • 以色列人说,以色列进一步空袭摧毁了巴武装人员自称导弹发射架巴勒斯坦医务来源说,这次空袭造成了三名儿童死亡

    Further air strikes destroyed would-be missile launchers, according to the Israelis, but also killed three children, according to Palestinian medical sources.


  • VP8肯定TheoraDirac有更好的压缩效率,如果自称专利费能够成立免专利费的视频格式一次升级

    VP8 is definitely better compression-wise than Theora and Dirac, so if its claim to being patent-free does stand up, it's an upgrade with regard to patent-free video formats.


  • 但是巴马,克林顿夫人参议院投票批准发动伊拉克战争表明不能作出良好判断。奥巴马质疑克林顿参议员自称经验基础

    But Obama says her vote in the Senate to authorize the war in Iraq shows her lack of good judgment and he also questions the basis of her claim to experience.


  • 虽然这种茫然根源来自他们生活圈子里没有可以模仿对象,由于缺乏想象力因为导师们已经一手包办了他们自称的大学规划

    While the vagueness stems from the lack of models in their communities, it also comes from the lack of imagination with which mentors have addressed their professed college plans.


  • 如果米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)今天还不宣布退选,那么不是他所自称的“数据至上者”(译者注:罗姆尼在当日稍晚时间宣布退选)。

    If Mitt Romney doesn’t withdraw today then he’s not the data-driven guy he claims to be.


  • 缅因大学历史学家霍华德·西格尔运动带头人霍华德·斯科特后来东窗事发,爆出是个失败打蜡推销员而非自称伟大工程师,那场运动便自己破灭了。

    Howard Segal, an historian at the University of Maine, says the movement imploded when its leading light, Howard Scott, was unmasked as a failed wax salesman, not the great engineer he claimed to be.


  • 一名官员表示教堂自称华盛顿国家大教堂因为许多与国家利益相关服务那里举行。

    An official says that the church calls itself the Washington National Cathedral because many services of national interest have been held there.


  • 美国完成了具有挑战性的智力任务有可能承认他们需要休息,而欧洲参与者自称他们能够继续坚持。

    Americans were more likely to admit to needing breaks after completing mentally challenging tasks; European participants on the other hand claimed they were able to keep going.


  • 两个自称警官的人牧师房子带走了

    Two men claiming to be police officers went to the pastor's house and took him away.


  • 科学自称科学的理论的推动下,社会正在曾经视为性格缺陷道德缺陷的某些特征,重新归为类似身体残疾人格障碍

    Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.


  • 两个自称工的骗子来了。

    One day, two rogues, calling themselves weavers, made their appearance.


  • 项实验中,和其他人相比自称感到孤独有可能意识赋予不同工具。

    In one experiment, people who reported feeling isolated were more likely than others to attribute consciousness to various gadgets.


  • 斯通自称是“杰斐逊马克思主义者”,他把进步政治调查热情说出真相的冲动人权揭露不公正承诺结合在一起。

    A self-described "Jeffersonian Marxist," Stone combined progressive politics, investigative zeal and a compulsion to tell the truth with a commitment to human rights and the exposure of injustice.


  • 岛上自称有着两个特殊沙滩东湾,它是一个受欢迎游泳区,具有大批田园诗般的海滨别墅,还有观音著名帆板运动的避风港

    The island boasts two exceptional beaches: Tung Wan, a popular bathing area with idyllic beach houses and Kwan-yin Wan, known as a windsurfing haven.


  • 岛上自称有着两个特殊沙滩东湾,它是一个受欢迎游泳区,具有大批田园诗般的海滨别墅,还有观音著名帆板运动的避风港

    The island boasts two exceptional beaches: Tung Wan, a popular bathing area with idyllic beach houses and Kwan-yin Wan, known as a windsurfing haven.


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