• 因此欧洲世界事务美国问题中的相对比重相对地减少

    Therefore, Europe's relative gravitas and weight in both global affairs and American issues will proportionately decrease.


  • 清华大学美国问题专家阎学通我们可以看到一个没有历史包袱开端

    'We could see a new start without the old burdens of the past,' said Yan Xuetong, a professor of American studies at Tsinghua University.


  • 这个问题威胁欧洲美国分离出来

    The issue threatened to decouple Europe from the United States.


  • 这些政策对于解决长久以来广泛地影响美国全球竞争力问题没什么作用。

    Such policies will do little to resolve long-standing problems more broadly affecting America's global competitiveness.


  • 而且通过推动墨西哥加拿大美国经济繁荣将会帮助我们解决与我们大家有关问题取得进展

    And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us.


  • 认真思考美国生活中典型且非常严重的浪费问题

    He ruminated on the terrible wastefulness that typified American life.


  • 呼吁美国地区带来和平问题发挥更加有效作用

    He called on the United States to play a more effective role in bringing peace to the region.


  • 中心的问题看来美国撤出时会发生什么

    The overarching question seems to be what happens when the U.S. pulls out?


  • 美国老年协会那些处理老年人问题的人提供资源服务

    The American Society on Aging provides resource services to those dealing with the aged.


  • 国防部长回避了美国是否打赢这场战争问题

    The defence secretary ducked the question of whether the United States was winning the war.


  • 美国少数民族文化经常引发跨文化冲突问题

    Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict.


  • 阿曼达很多关于美国殖民时期贸易问题

    Amanda, you've asked a lot of questions about trade during the colonial period of the United States.


  • 美国是否存在分裂社会问题极度愤怒的群体?

    Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America?


  • 明年影响房地产行业另一个问题将会美国不断恶化的基础建设

    Another issue affecting real estate in the coming year will be America's falling infrastructure.


  • 这样问题认为友好的美国它们可能认为无礼的。

    Such questions are thought to be friendly, whereas they might be considered offensive in the United States.


  • 虽然174个国家批准公认存在缺陷的《京都议定书》降低碳排放水平,但美国欧盟问题上的分歧依然存在

    Although 174 nations approved the admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to reduce carbon levels, the arguments between the US and the EU on this issue still exist.


  • 19世纪以来,美国一直面临环境问题的困扰,特别是空气污染

    Since the beginning of the 19th century, America has had trouble with environmental problems, air pollution in particular.


  • 美国西南地区考古学主要问题为什么这么不俗定居点甚至整个西南地区史前时代被遗弃了呢?

    Major question in the archaeology of the southwestern region of the United States is why so many impressive settlements, and even entire regions, were abandoned in prehistoric times.


  • 美国其他西方国家一次移民浪潮经历了适应性问题

    The United States and other western countries have experienced adjustment problems with each new wave of immigrants.


  • 美国问题通常只有有钱人家孩子才能最好学校上学实际上是一个难题

    We have a problem in the United States that usually only wealthy kids go to the best schools and it's kind of a problem actually.


  • 如果圣何塞问题得不到解决,美国自身基本信念就会动摇。

    If the problems of San Jose can't be solved, one of America's fundamental beliefs about itself can be shaken.


  • 1996年项针对美国民意调查中,道德缺失美国面临最大问题

    In a 1996 poll of Americans, loss of morality topped the list of the biggest problems facing the U.S.


  • 美国政治问题上的意见统一:73%的人希望有生之年看到一位总统

    Americans are less doubtful when it comes to politics: 73% expect to see a female president in their lifetime.


  • 美国宇航局有条不紊火星探索方式尚未解决这些问题

    NASA's methodical approach to the exploration of Mars has not yet answered the questions.


  • 结构性种族主义障碍包括权益不公”,黑人基础基金匮乏美国历史问题直接导致的后果

    Structural racism's barriers include "equity inequity", the absence of black capital formation that is a direct consequence of America's history.


  • 盲目地所有人授予学士学位以及不太重要东西轻微贬值,忽略了一个重要的问题不是美国经济所需要唯一东西

    The headlong push into bachelor's degrees for all, and the subtle devaluing of anything less, misses an important point: That's not the only thing the American economy needs.


  • 盲目地所有人授予学士学位以及不太重要东西轻微贬值,忽略了一个重要的问题不是美国经济所需要唯一东西

    The headlong push into bachelor's degrees for all, and the subtle devaluing of anything less, misses an important point: That's not the only thing the American economy needs.


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