• 他们热衷于环境问题

    They are all passionately interested in environmental issues.


  • 他们热衷于改变破旧的环境

    They are keen on changing shabby surroundings.


  • 一直是个热衷于读书的人,小时候有时本书

    I was always an enthusiastic reader, sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child.


  • 编辑们尤其如此他们天生热衷于参与自己每一件事

    This is especially true of editors, who by nature tend to be eager and engaged participants in everything they do.


  • 过去年轻人热衷于参与国家服务公民事务往往充满了活力理想主义

    In the past, the young have eagerly participated in national service and civic affairs, often with lots of energy and idealism.


  • 遗憾现在很少有学生热衷于阅读经典著作,认为它们真的值得一

    It's a pity that few students nowadays are keen on reading classics which I think are really worth reading.


  • 暴走是一热衷于走路跑步远足,人们常常看到他们沿着街道全速行走

    Hiking groups, a group of people who are enthusiastic about walking, running or hiking, are often seen walking at full speed along the street.


  • 怀疑领域一些专家热衷于作出其他解释比如幸福感下降发挥作用的未评估变量

    I suspect that some experts in the field will be keen to address alternative explanations, such as unassessed variables playing a role in the well-being decline.


  • 怀疑领域一些专家热衷于寻找其他解释比如评估变量幸福感下降发挥作用

    I suspect that some experts in the field will be keen to address alternative explanations, such as unassessed variables playing a role in the wellbeing decline.


  • 非洲现在同样热衷于亚洲药物青蒿素一种中国灌木中提取的、非常有效治疗疟疾药物

    Africans are now just as keen on Asian medicine: artemisinin, a highly effective malaria remedy derived from a Chinese shrub.


  • 然而本世纪其他语言学家那么热衷于处理来自异国语言奇异数据,他们并不总是如此感激

    Other linguists in the earlier part of this century, however, who were less eager to deal with bizarre data from "exotic" language, were not always so grateful.


  • 然而本世纪其他语言学家那么热衷于处理来自异国语言奇异数据,他们并不总是如此感激

    Other linguists in the earlier part of this century, however, who were less eager to deal with bizarre data from "exotic" language, were not always so grateful.


  • 一位老师特别热衷于色彩图片引入数学教材认为卡通文化长大学生容易理解这些内容

    One teacher was particularly keen to introduce colour and pictures into maths textbooks: he felt this would make them more accessible to pupils brought up in a cartoon culture.


  • 现在由于消费者那么热衷于花钱购买新的小玩意这些细分市场增长曲线出现了放缓某些情况下甚至出现了市场萎缩

    Now these segments are looking at slower growth curvesor shrinking markets in some casesas consumers are not as eager to spend money on new gadgets.


  • 克拉克同意自己的投资300万美元这个项目上,风险投资者那里再筹集1500万美元,这些总是热衷于听取克拉克想法

    Clark agreed to invest three million dollars of his own money in the project, and to raise an extra 15 million from venture capitalists who were always keen to listen to Clark's new ideas.


  • 热衷于做菜并不一定使腰围变粗。

    A passion for cooking does not necessarily have to be bad for your waistline.


  • 热衷于阅读爱情故事

    She's a compulsive reader of romances.


  • 贝克指出行政当局并不热衷于这场斗争。

    Baker suggested the administration wasn't raring for a fight.


  • 热衷于服务他人,而不是追求更高的名利

    He was interested in service, not self-aggrandizement.


  • 传媒界似乎热衷于对某些个人团体进行大肆炒作。

    The media seems obsessed with hyping up individuals or groups.


  • 从小时候就开始热衷于发明东西。

    My love of making things began when I was a kid.


  • 着中国的发展,我们的政府越来越热衷于保护环境。

    With the development of China, our government is more and more enthusiastic about protecting the environment.


  • 热衷于骑自行车的普鲁伊特来说,首先要做的是更换他被盗的自行车。

    For Pruitt, a keen bicyclist, the first thing to do was replace his stolen bike.


  • 自俄罗斯的博士生德米特里·多罗宁热衷于在网上与他的140万粉丝分享他在浙江农村的经历。

    Dmitry Doronin, a doctoral student from Russia, is keen to share his experience in rural villages in Zhejiang with his 1.4 million followers online.


  • 疯狂热衷于电影

    She's nuts about movies.


  • 研究发现如今美国年轻人几代人那样热衷于社交活动

    It was found that American youngsters today don't socialize nearly as much as the earlier generations.


  • 教师不是那些善于研究热衷于研究偶尔出现教室里教书的人。

    Teachers are not people who are great at and consumed by research and happen to appear in a classroom.


  • 当时人们热衷于旅行体验地方并不是每个人支付得起这些费用。

    At the time, people were wild for travel and for experiencing new places; but not everyone could afford it.


  • 哈林顿自己所拥有机会心存感激热衷于所有230名员工提供机会。

    Grateful for the breaks she's had, Harrington is passionate about providing opportunities to all 230 employees.


  • 促销活动节礼开始,即12月26日,一直持续1月份热衷于便宜货的人会早早来到这里第一个进门的人。

    The sales start on Boxing Day26th December, and continue for the month of January, but the keenest bargain hunters get there early to be first through the doors.


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