• 军队可以阻断毒品运输

    Troops could be ferried in to interdict drug shipments.


  • 怒气指向宗教毒品政治

    He aims his bile at religion, drugs, and politics.


  • 酒喝得不多而且不毒品

    He doesn't drink much and doesn't touch drugs.


  • 形容毒品这个时代最大灾难

    He described drugs as the greatest calamity of the age.


  • 涉及娼妓毒品的丑事。

    It was a squalid affair involving prostitutes and drugs.


  • 在这次突击行动中起获了大量毒品

    A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid.


  • 已采取步骤使某些毒品合法化。

    There are moves to decriminalize some soft drugs.


  • 海关人员突然袭击,缉获大量毒品

    A swoop by customs officers netted a large quantity of drugs.


  • 声称这些毒品别人给他的赃。

    He claims that the drugs were planted on him.


  • 无法接受这种典型的毒品文化。

    She couldn't accept the whole drug-culture bit.


  • 指控犯传播毒品罪而遭逮捕。

    He was arrested on drug distribution charges.


  • 否认拥有毒品为了提供给别人

    She denies possessing the drug with intent to supply.


  • 相信儿子沾染毒品

    He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs.


  • 他们讨论了遏制走私毒品流通办法

    They discussed ways of stemming the flow of smuggled drugs.


  • 这种毒品剂量使用时会引发幻觉

    The drug induces hallucinations at high doses.


  • 毒品指控面临军事法庭的审判。

    He is due to face a court martial on drugs charges.


  • 市长打击毒品斗争中行动不力。

    The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.


  • 犯罪毒品充斥着市中心区。

    Crime and drugs are infesting the inner cities.


  • 他因涉嫌毒品遭到拘捕。

    He's been busted for drugs.


  • 毒品皮箱内衬中。

    The drugs were secreted in the lining of his case.


  • 涉嫌毒品犯罪被捕

    She was arrested for drug-related offences.


  • 他们否认共谋走私毒品

    They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs.


  • 许多罪案都与毒品有关。

    Many of the crimes involved drugs.


  • 他们马桶冲走毒品

    They flushed the drugs down the toilet.


  • 使摆脱毒品最快方法彻底戒毒。

    The quickest way to get her off the drug was to let her go cold turkey.


  • 毒品可以做出各种各样奇怪事情来

    Drugs can make you do all kinds of weird things.


  • 一位空姐抓了起来被指控走私毒品

    An air hostess was arrested and charged with drug smuggling.


  • 他们训练毒品

    They train dogs to sniff out drugs.


  • 大多数囚犯人生某个阶段服用毒品

    Most of the inmates have used drugs at some point in their lives.


  • 大多数囚犯人生某个阶段服用毒品

    Most of the inmates have used drugs at some point in their lives.


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