• 是洪都拉斯《论坛》驻华盛顿记者

    I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras.


  • 昨天拉斯韦加圣地亚哥能感觉到冲击波

    The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego.


  • 玛丽最终露面时拉斯开兹夫人道了歉。

    When Mary finally appeared, she made her apologies to Mrs. Velasquez.


  • 他们赌博的爱好使其受到了拉斯韦加赌场老板们的欢迎。

    Their taste for gambling has endeared them to Las Vegas casino owners.


  • 似乎约翰没有厌倦拉斯韦加表象可能骗人的

    Johnston isn't tired of Las Vegas yet, it seems, but appearances can be deceptive.


  • 以后,拉斯开兹作品很大程度上仅限于王室肖像画了。

    Velzquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family.


  • 拉斯特用第二”来简单指称那些更年轻正在组建家庭

    Laslett uses the shorthand of "second age" for the group of younger people who are creating families.


  • 在业余时间会与钢琴家玛丽亚·拉斯波波娃一起登上舞台——不是作为音乐家,而是作为她的翻页人。

    In his spare time though he goes on stage beside pianist Maria Raspopova—not as a musician but as her page turner.


  • 多数翻页人是学钢琴的学生或有前途的音乐会钢琴家,尽管拉斯波波娃女士也曾请她的丈夫在舞台上帮助过她。

    Most page turners are piano students or up-and-coming concert pianists, although Ms. Raspopova has once asked her husband to help her out on stage.


  • 我们只是加尔各答马德拉斯轮船上呆在一起几天

    We were together only during the few days the steamer took from Calcutta to Madras.


  • 洪都拉斯当局致力于保护儿童青少年开展一项保护街头乞讨青少年运动

    Honduran authorities dedicated to the protection of children and adolescents have undertaken a campaign to protect youngsters who beg on the streets.


  • 除非亲自去看病人,否则很难拿到报酬。”克利夫兰诊所远程医疗主任彼特·拉斯姆森

    "It's very hard to get paid unless you physically see the patient," says Peter Rasmussen, medical director of distance health at the Cleveland Clinic.


  • 洪都拉斯儿童家庭研究所连同警察和地方检察官,在全国范围内展开行动解救儿童惩戒父母

    The Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family, together with the police and the district attorney, carry out operations around the country to rescue the children and punish the parents.


  • 获救的儿童带到洪都拉斯儿童家庭研究所然后交给他们父母,父母承诺他们权利得到保护。

    Those children who are rescued are taken to the Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family and then handed over to their parents with the promise that their rights will be protected.


  • 第二天晚上西拉斯叔叔客厅里出现了一些全都着枪我们卧室窗户跳出来,小屋

    The next night, some men were in Uncle Silas's sitting room all with guns! We jumped out of the bedroom window and climbed into the hut.


  • “你可以看上晚上电视数数自己一共听到多少背景音乐。” “蝶总裁里米·拉斯赛尔

    "Watch an evening's worth of TV and count how many times you hear music in the background," says Jeremy Lascelles, chief executive of Chrysalis.


  • 法国拉斯洞穴发现冰河时代晚期绳索条绳索旋转的纤维捆成因此子编成的。

    The late Ice Age rope found in the French cave of Lascaux consists of fibers spiraling to the right, and was therefore tressed by a righthander.


  • 鉴于穴居一般都居住在洞口附近因此拉斯岩洞许多穴居者隐藏他们艺术作品,其中必定存在某些原因

    Since cave dwellers normally lived close to entrances, there must have been some reason why so many generations of Lascaux cave dwellers hid their art.


  • 欧洲每年超过14万名学生参加项目,他们在欧洲大陆2200所参与机构之一修读学分课程

    In Europe, more than 140,000 students participate in the Erasmus program each year, taking courses for credit in one of 2,200 participating institutions across the continent.


  • 拉斯科岩洞叙事画描绘头部像鸟的人和一只受伤动物的故事,似乎证实了第三种观点许多未解之谜

    One Lascaux narrative picture, which shows a man with a birdlike head and a wounded animal, would seem to lend credence to this third opinion, but there is still much that remains unexplained.


  • 20世纪40年代,法国西南部玩耍孩子们发现了拉斯洞穴,这是一系列狭窄洞穴洞穴,里面有巨大史前动物壁画

    In Southwest France in the 1940's, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals.


  • 盆地古老火星海洋位置的另一个候选地点,据测量跨度大约为3000公里并且底部位于盆地边缘下方接近9公里的位置。

    The Hellas Basin, which measures some 3,000 kilometers across and has a floor that lies nearly 9 kilometers below the basin's rim, is another candidate for an ancient Martian sea.


  • 爱丁堡大学安东内·说:“许多父母担心他们语言孩子来说一个障碍问题如果他们放弃这种语言,他们的孩子会更好地融入社会。”

    "Many parents fear that their language is an obstacle, a problem, and if they abandon it their children will integrate better," says Antonella Sorace of the University of Edinburgh.


  • 科尔特位于洪都拉斯

    Puerto Cortes is in Honduras.


  • 洪都拉斯桃花心木直纹橡木最佳

    Honduras mahogany and quartersawn oak were the best.


  • 此时,瓦拉斯履行了合同离开队伍

    Valas leaves the group at this point, his contract fulfilled.


  • 尽管目前的结果具备统计学意义,但是拉斯泰利认为实验结果是有希望的,值得做进一步研究

    Although the result did not reach statistical significance, Rastelli calls the result promising and worth further studies.


  • 安德拉斯·希夫(András Schiff)布达佩德特莫尔德慕尼黑音乐学院任命荣誉教授

    András Schiff has been made an Honorary Professor by the Music Schools in Budapest, Detmold and Munich.


  • 阅读拉斯··提尔:反基督

    Read 'Lars von Trier: Antichrist?


  • 那么,查拉斯的梦想是否幼稚了些?

    So is Charas a naive dreamer?


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