• 我们似乎十分享受发现事物关系解决疑难带来成功感和自豪感。

    We enjoy the feelings of achievement and power that come from finding answers and solving mysteries.


  • 没有什么成就成功感可以超过面对恐惧,穿越和战胜恐惧后的感受

    There's no greatest feeling of accomplishment and success than running right at your fear and coming out on the other side of it, knowing you beat it.


  • 一方面,收入超过这点后,人们总体成功感满足感会随着收入的提高而增强。

    On the other hand, peoples overall sense of success and well-being continued to rise as their earnings grew beyond that point.


  • 成功感几乎绝对幸福感、你内心平静、你自我价值的感觉、你人生中的快乐满足感决定的。

    Success is determined most fully by your happiness, your peace of mind, and your feelings of self-worth, fulfillment and joy in life.


  • 目的是藉演出交流,迅速提高团员技术水平增强团员团队合作精神提升团员个人自信心成功感

    The purpose of such performances and exchanges is to raise members' technical standards, to strengthen their team spirit, and to raise their personal confidence and sense of achievement.


  • 经验使我们越来越没有成功感,也导致我们未来改变自己能力下降。(理解为习惯,经验会让人做事越来越呆板)

    The experience makes us feel less successful, and leads us to discount our ability to change in the future


  • 女性高管法官的身边,仍然无以计数的女打字员销售人员为服务,她们来说完全没有成功感可言。

    For one woman executive or one woman judge there are still countless typists and saleswomen who struggle through their day without any sense of victory.


  • 对于很多人来说他们总是职业成功感薪酬的多少联系起来,因为他们薪水当做一种象征,即,企业多么重视他们象征。

    For most people, they always associate career satisfaction with their remuneration because they may take their salary as an indication of how much they are valued by the enterprises they work for.


  • 认为真正成功谈判者可能生来就有第六,知道如何对当前的形势做出适当回应

    I think, the really successful negotiator is probably born with six sense about responding appropriately to the situation at hand.


  • 认为真正成功谈判者可能生来就有第六,知道如何对当前的形势做出适当反应

    But I think, the really successful negotiator is probably born with six sense about responding appropriately to the situation at hand.


  • 后续研究发现那些选择推迟满足的孩子现在学业成功强烈的自我价值感甚至往往更健康

    Follow-up studies have found that those who chose to delay satisfaction are now more academically successful, have greater self-worth, and even tend to be healthier.


  • 一方面,他们搞笑视频呈现项目因为好的视觉效果幽默感提高了其成功率

    For another, they present the project with a funny video because good visuals and a sense of humor improved success.


  • 一方面,他们对这有趣的视频项目反感因为良好视觉效果幽默感提高了成功率

    For another, they resent the project with a funny video because good visuals and a sense of humor improved success.


  • 组织如果专注他们期望的最终结果,就无法蓬勃发展;正如个人如果没有目标提供使命感,就无法成功一样。

    Organizations cannot thrive without being focused on their desired end results any more than an individual can thrive without goals to provide a sense of purpose.


  • 这么短的时间内所发生的变化令人难以置信,中国人令我钦佩的品质是他们对成功的渴望,他们的家庭观和责任感。

    I couldn't believe the changes which had taken place in such a short time and the qualities I admire in Chinese people are their wish to succeed, their family values and their sense of responsibility.


  • 但是通过这种日式黑色材运用周围所有墙面材料细节中,我们成功的将这个柜台的存在感做到了极致

    By using Japanese black plastered wall to all the materials, details and all of the walls, we successfully abused the existence of the display case.


  • 有着清晰目标梦想公司的存在是为了追逐理想,但随着时间的推移和随之而来成功她们不可避免地失去了目标

    And therein liesthe rub.Companies that are founded with a clear sense of a higherpurpose or cause exist to advance that cause, with time and success,inevitably lose that sense of purpose.


  • 结果可能半途而废,然后终内疚-或者你达成目标,但发现成功似乎没有带给你更多的快乐。

    Chances are, you'll give up part-way and end up feeling guilty - or you'll reach the goal, only to find that success doesn't seem to make you any happier.


  • 通过采取这些步骤保持自己尊严感价值感未来工作成功了充分的准备。

    By taking these steps you retain your sense of dignity and worth as well as prepare for success in your future work.


  • 人们跨越了地域限制共同目标努力一起享受成功集体成就感

    It allows people across continents to work together towards common goals and collectively feel the success of others.


  • 这种投机者往往因为他们强烈平衡感生意事务上的公正获得成功

    Such ventures will generally succeed because of their strong sense of balance and fairness in all their business dealings.


  • 自己现状与成功人士的成就对比我们避免自卑感失败感。

    By not comparing ourselves to successful people’s results, we can avoid the feelings of inadequacy or failure.


  • 写博成功不会来得那么容易如果认为很容易,你会有强烈的失落感

    Blogging success will not come easy and if you think it will, you are going to be sorely disappointed.


  • 这些成功满足感中仍然参挫败感更加强烈感觉就是海军威慑力量还不足以防止海盗脱离控制

    Yet satisfaction at such successes is mixed with frustration and an overwhelming feeling that naval deterrence is doing little more than prevent piracy from getting out of control.


  • 而且他们取得成功之后幸福感通常很短暂他们常常感觉自责羞愧

    Moreover, their happiness after succeeding at something was usually short-lived, and they often felt guilty or ashamed.


  • 使认识到不管我取得多少外在成功不会带给任何心理满足感

    That's how I realized no matter how much external success I achieved, it was never going to bring me fulfillment.


  • 认识亿万富翁家庭成功地将分寸感勤奋责任感逐渐灌输家里的年轻一代:没有私人飞机私人司机之类的享受。

    I know one billionaire family who have managed to instil a sense of proportion, industry and obligation into the various younger members: there are no private jets, chauffeurs or suchlike.


  • 就个人而言成就感或者说知道很快成功

    Personally, I'd take some time to give yourself the satisfaction of knowing you've (or soon will) succeeded...


  • 尽全力获得别人标准定义成功也许能赢得别人尊敬但是带来属于你自己成就感么?

    Striving to succeed according to somebody else's standard or definition may win you the admiration of others, but will it bring you a sense of personal accomplishment?


  • 尽全力获得别人标准定义成功也许能赢得别人尊敬但是带来属于你自己成就感么?

    Striving to succeed according to somebody else's standard or definition may win you the admiration of others, but will it bring you a sense of personal accomplishment?


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