• 就涉及到了解释市场恐慌最新理论

    That leads us to the latest theory of why market panics happen.


  • 惊惶失措的降息应对市场恐慌有可能使情况恶化。

    Reacting to market panic with panicky rate cuts is likely to make things worse rather than better.


  • 上周俄罗斯禁止了粮食出口缓解歉收造成国内市场恐慌

    Russia banned grain exports last week in a move to ease panic on domestic markets caused by the failing harvest.


  • 快速上升违约损失可能引发另一场金融市场恐慌

    Rapidly rising defaults and losses could yet trigger another financial-market panic.


  • 没有人敢确信不过看起来这次欧洲市场恐慌可能结束了。

    ONE can't be certain, but it seems as if the latest European market panic may—MAYhave come to an end.


  • 美国联邦储备委员会紧急下调利率消除市场恐慌

    The U. S. Federal Reserve slashed interest rates to put an end to the panic in the stock market.


  • 相信大选结束宣布,来冒险导致市场恐慌

    I do not believe she will make any firm announcement of a rate hike before the election and risk causing a market panic.


  • 个月欧洲债务危机使市场恐慌主权风险时,所有人转向了美元

    THREE months ago, when Europe’s debt crisis had markets panicking about sovereign risk, it seemed that all roads led to the dollar.


  • 可预见将来欧洲央行唯一能够迅速制止市场恐慌机构

    For the foreseeable future, the ECB is the only institution that can staunch market panic quickly.


  • 道德卫士将会阻拦任何进一步援救行动,这理念引发了新一轮的市场恐慌

    And the perception that the moralizers will block any further rescue actions has set off a renewed market panic.


  • 具有158历史华尔街投资银行雷曼兄弟倒闭引发市场恐慌

    The bankrupt of the Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers with 158 years history lead to market scare.


  • 个月欧洲债务危机使市场恐慌主权风险时,所有人转向了美元

    THREE months ago, when Europe's debt crisis had markets panicking about sovereign risk, it seemed that all roads led to the dollar.


  • 没有任何论文可以击垮我们即使我们不得不引起市场恐慌开始一个角落囤积汗衫

    No paper shall beat us, if we have to get up a corner in a double-breasted undershirts and create a panic in the market.


  • 公司宣布破产时候由于市场恐慌许多公司债务代付款项以很低的折扣卖了出去

    When the firm declared bankruptcy much of the firm's debt or other obligations were sold at deep discounts as the market panicked.


  • 雷曼倒下之后,贷款者一切都小心谨慎,使得一些关键公司无法进行基本交易加剧市场恐慌

    Since its failure, lenders have adopted a gimlet-eyed approach to everyone, making it hard for key companies to perform basic transactions, and thereby exacerbating the market panic.


  • 由于世界金融市场恐慌气氛弥漫,西班牙证券交易所上周五记录了该所历史上大幅度的下跌

    The Spanish Bourse registered last Friday the biggest drop in its history amid spreading panic on the world financial markets.


  • 好消息我们什么造成市场恐慌进行新的研究包括几个月前刚刚发布的一项重要研究

    The good news is that we have new research on what causes market panics, including a major study that came out in just the past few months.


  • 这会引起市场恐慌投资者金融机构带来损失,其影响可能扩大到使信贷紧缩,从而影响到企业和家庭。

    The concern is that this will trigger panic in the market and cause losses for investors and financial institutions.


  • 资本充足公司利用目前市场恐慌的时机收购资产股价低廉的公司,这也是增加产量储备另一途径。

    Well-capitalized companies also can take advantage of the current market panic to snap up assets and companies trading at fire-sale prices, another route to increase production and reserves.


  • 一些分析师认为抛售行为国际市场恐慌情绪减退而平息,认为俄罗斯充足储备,足以安度当前的风暴

    Some analysts say the selling will subside along with the panic in international markets, and that Russia's reserves are ample to weather the storm.


  • 期间,报道过重大市场恐慌(互联网泡沫破裂上次金融危机),以及几十较小市场恐慌

    In that time, I have covered two major market panics-the dot. com bust and the financial crisis-and dozens of minor ones.


  • 由于信贷违约掉期投机者用来市场恐慌情绪突然增加时获利,因而可能夸大债券持有者忧虑程度

    Because CDS are also used by speculators simply to profit from sudden increases in market panic, they might be exaggerating the degree of concern among debt holders.


  • 期间,市场多次迫使欧洲一连串的债市股市恐慌采取行动,最近市场恐慌导致89月份股市大跌

    The market has forced the Europeans to act over that time through a myriad of scares in the bond and equity markets, with the latest flare-up sending stocks tumbling in August and September.


  • 询问大多数专业投资者市场策略师“为什么会发生市场恐慌”,多数情况得到同样回答股价太高了。

    Ask most professional investors and market strategists why stock panics happen and you will mostly get the same answer: stock prices get too high.


  • 乔布斯离职苹果公司股价在狂跌5%。但是由于乔布斯会继续担任董事长职,因此市场恐慌情绪逐渐得以稳定。

    Although Apple shares took a 5 per cent hit after Mr Jobs stepped down, market fears were allayed because he was staying on as chairman.


  • 历史显示市场恐慌这些资金瞬时消失,让早已倍感压力的欧洲央行(European Central Bank)更加为难

    History shows that a market panic can make those funds suddenly unavailable, potentially putting an already stretched European Central Bank even more on the spot.


  • 上周四美国股市出现大幅抛售根源或许来自欧洲因为意大利西班牙主权债务违约担忧造成市场恐慌投资者纷纷抛售股票以避免损失

    The massive selloff in U.S. markets on Thursday appears rooted in Europe as fears of a sovereign debt default in Italy and Spain caused traders to panic and run for cover.


  • 上周四美国股市出现大幅抛售根源或许来自欧洲因为意大利西班牙主权债务违约担忧造成市场恐慌投资者纷纷抛售股票以避免损失

    The massive selloff in U.S. markets on Thursday appears rooted in Europe as fears of a sovereign debt default in Italy and Spain caused traders to panic and run for cover.


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