• 泰晤士河起源于茨沃尔德丘陵。

    The Thames rises in the Cotswold hills.


  • 尔德又笑了,一阵爽朗的大笑

    Jerrold laughed again, a solid, fruity laugh.


  • 骑车了英格沃尔德

    He cycled to Ingwold.


  • 怀特尔德生活读者看来越来越像是真的

    Whitechild's life becomes increasingly real to the reader.


  • 承认这会学生学习过程中引起退步

    Calderdale accepts that this can cause regression in a student's learning process.


  • 先生结束演讲观众起立为鼓掌大声欢呼

    Mr. Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech.


  • 上完学,戈尔德施密特成了作曲家兹·施雷克弟子。

    After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.


  • 尔德迷人微笑着伸出手说:“十分荣幸,博特夫人。”

    Calder smiled charmingly and put out his hand. "A pleasure, Mrs. Talbot."


  • 从小就对制造东西兴趣。

    Calder became interested in making things when he was a child.


  • 这部戏剧作品集的作者中,保罗·格林、苏珊·格拉斯佩、麦克斯韦·安森、桑顿·怀尔德、威廉·萨罗扬和田纳西·威廉姆斯都因其对戏剧的贡献而获得普利策奖。

    Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.


  • 罗伯特·斯蒂克戈尔德提高学习能力有什么建议

    What does Robert Stickgold suggest about enhancing learning?


  • 尔德利用工程学知识创造出了他的第一个风铃

    Calder used his engineering knowledge to create his first mobiles.


  • 大约1930年,现实金属线作品转向抽象作品。

    In about 1930, Calder turned from realistic wire figures to abstract ones.


  • 这件可爱作品出自一位名叫亚历山大·美国艺术家之手。

    This lovely creation was the work of an American artist named Alexander Calder.


  • 怀尔德确定教学环境促进实现反思行为三个原则

    Wildman and Niles identify three principles that facilitate reflective practice in a teaching situation.


  • 怀尔德工作表明认识到建立反思实践某些困难重要性

    The work of Wildman and Niles suggests the importance of recognizing some of the difficulties of instituting reflective practice.


  • 之后尔德美国,在那里写了一个关于作为飞行员经历故事

    After this, Roald went to America where he wrote a story about his experience as a pilot.


  • 尔德学会了如何找到准确连接根金属线使所有部件能够协调摆动

    Calder learnt how to find the precise point to connect each wire so that all the pieces will sway in harmony.


  • 其他公会一样,怀尔德伯格编织公会禁止女性成为主人但是主人遗孀除外

    Like most other guilds, the Wildberg weaver's guild banned women from becoming masters, however, it exempted master's widow.


  • 卡莱姆作品很快吸引颇具鉴赏目光法国外交官斯·莫里斯··塔利兰·佩里戈尔德的注意。

    Carême's creations soon captured the discriminating eye of a French diplomat, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord.


  • 可能不是什么新鲜事一个关于茱莉亚·查的众所周知并不准确故事可能造成这个食物流言

    It's probably not a new one either. A well-known, but inaccurate, story about Julia Child may have contributed to this food myth.


  • 可能不是新的故事,一个著名的不准确的,关于茱莉亚·查尔德的故事可能早就这个食物神话

    And it's probably not a new one either, A well-known, but inaccurate, story about Julia Child may have contributed to this food myth.


  • 尔德平底锅里之后:“把它起来,而且如果只有你一个人厨房里,看到呢?”

    Child put it back in the pan, saying, "But you can always pick it up and if you're alone in the kitchen, who's going to see it?"


  • 乡村学校接受了基本教育,大部分时间都叔叔农场里游荡收集科茨尔德丘陵中充裕化石

    He received rudimentary village schooling, but mostly he roamed his uncle's farm collecting the fossils that were so abundant in the rocks of the Cotswold hills.


  • 怀尔德特别兴趣的研究在何种条件思考可能会活跃——一个文献几乎没有任何指导主题

    Wildman and Niles were particularly interested in investigating the conditions under which reflection might flourisha subject on which there is little guidance in the literature.


  • 例如,斯蒂芬·杰伊·认为大陆漂移理论之所以否决,是因为没有解释大陆是如何穿过明显坚固海底的。

    Stephen Jay Gould, for example, argues that continental drift theory was rejected because it did not explain how continents could move through an apparently solid oceanic floor.


  • 玛蒂曾经写过关于童话尔德·达写作产生影响文章,篇文章古怪又令人愉快的话语新的认识

    Matilda once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl's writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words.


  • 根据法因戈尔德的说法,吸引了广泛读者因为不是数学家也不是物理学家而是一个远离牛顿思想学术文学巨人”。

    Voltaire's book commanded a wide audience, according to Feingold, because "he was neither a mathematician nor a physicist, but a literary giant aloof from the academic disputes over Newtonian ideas".


  • 怀尔德伯格主妇并非没有受过训练因为正如欧吉维在其他地方指出的那样,妻子孩子主人一起工作他们训练可能是非正式的,仍然存在

    Wildberg master-widows were not untrained for, as Ogilvie notes elsewhere, wives and children worked with masters, their training may have been informal, but it existed nevertheless.


  • 尔德斯坦一个永生的

    Waldstein is a man who lives eternal life.


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