• 直到18世纪家庭分工有了清晰的界限:男人负责赚钱养家女人做家务带孩子

    Not until the 18th century did labor begin to be divided along a sharp line: wage-earning for the men and unpaid maintenance of household and children for the women.


  • 家庭分工想法不是件坏事,家庭整体幸福着想,还是应该灵活变通一些。

    So is being equally rigid about non-traditional divisions of labor. It's okay to have ideas about how to organize your family but your best bet for happiness is to be flexible.


  • 很少家庭劳动分工如此均等、安排得如此有条有理

    Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically and methodically laid out.


  • 总的来说美国家庭家务活分工情况还是随着时代变化而变化。

    Overall, times are changing in the American home.


  • 当然父亲参与育儿有助于孩子成长的另一个原因父母双方分工合作、满足孩子需求互相支持时,整个家庭往往运行得更好

    Another reason involved fathers help kids, of course, is that families often function better when two parents are working as a team to give children what they need, supporting each other's efforts.


  • 人员已经在造成了27,690人死亡失踪的海啸中失去了房屋家庭

    Some have lost homes and families to the tsunami that left 27, 690 dead or missing. TEPCO sees them as soldiers.


  • 该书初版时,大部业国家庭彼得一家一样生活。

    When they were first published, families in most industrial countries were just like Peter’s and Jane’s.


  • 婚姻幸福英国夫妻重大决定通常达成一致,比如在家庭经济家务分工、和对待自己和对方父母等方面。

    Happily married people in the UK tend to agree more on how to make major decisions, how family finances are handled, the division of household tasks, and how to deal with parents and in-laws.


  • 过去劳动分工男人寻找家庭主妇女人寻找养家糊口的人。

    It used to be about the division of labor: men sought homemakers, and women sought breadwinners.


  • 研究显示过度工作状况普遍存在导致许多双职工夫妇回归一种传统的男女分工家庭模式——男主外,女主内。

    The findings suggest that the prevalence of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a separate spheres arrangement--breadwinning men and homemaking women.


  • 当事人应当同心协力共同分担家庭责任并且同意上述家庭责任任何分工

    The parties shall combine their efforts and share the responsibilities relating to the household tasks, and may agree as to any division of such household responsibilities.


  • 高中生家庭功能问题主要出现家庭成员之间沟通角色分工情感反应这三个方面

    The main problems existing in senior high school students' family are communication between family members, distribution of roles and emotional reaction.


  • 相比之下,中国家庭政策强调妇女劳动力市场的参与,忽视在家务育儿上性别分工

    In contrast, China's family policies emphasize women's participation in the Labour market, but overlook the gender division of household work and childcare at home.


  • 痛苦的认为我们新的家庭生活中成员分工要明确

    It was painful but I realized it was about keeping roles clear in our new family life.


  • 两性在分工家庭地位上差异,并通过口述的方法了解了妇女真实的生存状况她们的心声与需求

    By means of oral account the author has been able to put herself into the picture of the real survival conditions of women and their demands.


  • 分工仍然以前一样可是现在却把迄今所存在家庭关系完全颠倒了过来,这纯粹是因为家庭以外分工已经不同了

    That division of labor had remained the same; and yet it now turned the previous domestic relation upside down, simply because the division of labor outside the family had changed.


  • 然而大多数圈子里尤其是我们生活中的重要场所——家庭学校以及大部作场所——独立思考受到人们的质疑

    But in most circles, particularly in places that shape our lives - families, schools and most workplaces - thinking for yourself is regarded with suspicion.


  • 混乱慌张中,一部人员餐厅装饰一新。 与此同时厨房的工作人员需要在就职舞会第一家庭准备点心。

    During the chaotic flurry, some staffers will also be putting their finishing new touches to the dining rooms, while the kitchen staff make a snack for the First Family before the inaugural ball.


  • 混乱慌张中,一部人员餐厅装饰一新。 与此同时厨房的工作人员需要在就职舞会第一家庭准备点心。

    During the chaotic flurry, some staffers will also be putting their finishing new touches to the dining rooms, while the kitchen staff make a snack for the First Family before the inaugural ball.


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