• 这种平和部分由于切尔的宗教信仰

    This serenity arose in part from Rachel's religious beliefs.


  • 奉行宗教信仰吗?

    Do you still practise your religion?


  • 的言行总是自己宗教信仰为依归。

    He was always guided by his religious beliefs.


  • 理论各种政治宗教信仰完美地结合起来了。

    His theories mesh together various political and religious beliefs.


  • 学院欢迎来自各种族有各种宗教信仰国籍学生

    The college welcomes students of all races, faiths, and nationalities.


  • 贝托·埃科宗教信仰丧失小说当中得到了反映。

    Umberto Eco's loss of his own religious faith is reflected in his novels.


  • 所有申请者不论年龄性别宗教信仰国籍,都考虑

    All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or nationality.


  • 欧洲宗教信仰削弱可能出生率下降的其中一个原因。

    Eroding religious belief in Europe may partly explain lowered birthrates.


  • 这种观点得到了他们关于宇宙起源结构哲学宗教信仰支持

    This view is also supported by their philosophical and religious beliefs about the origin and structure of the universe.


  • 一般农民不同,他们喜欢华丽服饰姿态他们通常农民有着相同宗教信仰和迷信。

    Unlike the general run of peasantry they had a taste for flamboyant dress and gesture; but they usually shared the peasants' religious beliefs and superstitions.


  • 一些指出埃及人名字习俗宗教信仰律法存在这些故事保留的一些历史记忆标志

    Some point to the presence of Egyptian names, and customs, and religious beliefs and laws as a sign of some historical memory being preserved in these stories.


  • 这些虔诚的商人叫做WaliUllah或者接近人”,把他们的祈求呼吁爪哇当地神秘主义相结合,通过一途径积极热情地拓展商业买卖宗教信仰

    Those devout traders, called "Wali Ullah" or "those close to God", energetically spread both trade and religion by adapting their appeals to the native mysticism of Java.


  • 这些虔诚商人叫做WaliUllah”,或者接近的人”,把他们的祈求呼吁爪哇当地神秘主义相结合,通过这一途径积极热情地拓展商业买卖宗教信仰

    Those devout traders, called "Wali Ullah" or "those close to God", energetically spread both trade and religion by adapting their appeals tothe native mysticism of Java.


  • 的行动出于虔诚宗教信仰

    She was motivated by deep religious conviction.


  • 人们宗教信仰而受迫害的情况贯穿了整个历史

    Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.


  • 迪尔凯姆提出宗教信仰作用加强社会团结

    Durkheim proposed that religious beliefs functioned to reinforce social solidarity.


  • 现在认为宗教无害的,只要强迫成员改变宗教信仰

    I now take the view that religion is harmless so long as it does not compel its members to proselytize.


  • 先生提出并不意味着现在高压政治手段应该位于宗教信仰

    But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion, Mr. Nye argues.


  • 一次信仰复兴会”,每个人都宗教信仰不仅成年人甚至男孩女孩们也有。

    There had been a revival, and everybody had got religion, not only the adults, but even the boys and girls.


  • 整个历史进程中,人们为了贸易宗教信仰经济利益战争移民其他同样强烈动机而旅行

    Throughout the course of history, people have travelled for purposes of trade, religious conviction, economic gain, war, migration and other equally compelling motivations.


  • 如果父母孩子有共同兴趣育儿方式和宗教信仰达成共识他们可能会享受彼此陪伴

    If parents and children share interests and agree on childrearing practices and religious commitment, they are likely to enjoy each other's company.


  • 如果父母孩子有共同兴趣价值观育儿方式和宗教信仰达成共识他们可能会享受彼此陪伴

    If parents and children share interests and values and agree on childrearing practices and religious commitment, they are likely to enjoy each other's company.


  • 不过仍然53%认为奥巴马提及自己宗教信仰恰到好处不太多也太少

    Though, to be fair, the Pew poll also asked respondents whether Obama himself mentioned his religious faith too much, too little, or about the right amount, and 53 percent picked “right amount.


  • 为了确保朝拜者被打扰酒店的餐厅宗教信仰里分离了开来,设施缓冲区域

    In order to assure that worshippers are not disturbed, the hotel-restaurant has been separated from the religious buildings by means of an intermediate buffer space.


  • 不过一些收养机构反对这些条例帮助同性家庭收养就是强迫他们违背自己宗教信仰

    But some adoption agencies have been bucked the rules, saying it's unfair to force them to go against their religious beliefs by coordinating adoptions for gay families.


  • 球迷忠诚混合多种因素:地域阶层有时候甚至是宗教信仰,有时候则仅仅是个人意愿

    Which team you support is the result of an intricate compound of ancestral, regional, social, and sometimes even religious loyalties. And, of course, personal choice.


  • 一方面,也不能强制宗教信仰法定假日或者生活习惯,所以必须鼓励宽容。

    On the other hand, it cannot enforce religious practices and holidays, or different ways of life, so it must preach tolerance.


  • 宗教信仰,是对无量高谦恭敬服,而凭借人类愚弱的心智细节中人类方能觉察它。

    My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.


  • 当地教育部门的权威人士建议,从现在开始,所有学校制定校规时,要考虑学生宗教信仰

    Ms Begum's local education authority, Luton Borough Council, added that all schools would now be advised to take pupils' religion into account when imposing school uniform rules.


  • 然而发现某些可以运用任何生命中的特定规则不管宗教信仰你的生活标准是什么

    However, I've found that there are certain principles that can be applied to any life, no matter what your religious beliefs or what your standard of living.


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