• 他们展示的放大图像那样,火箭捕获了一个表达有癌抗原的癌细胞

    As they zoom along, the rockets capture cancer cells that express corresponding antigenic surface proteins.


  • 结果即使那些资金私人股本公司发现交易不是他们期望的那么便宜

    The result was that even those private-equity firms with access to capital found that deals were not as cheap as they might have hoped.


  • 欢呼人群承诺自己竞选时保证的一些政策转变并未他们预料那样及时到来。

    He acknowledged to a cheering crowd that some policy changes he promised on the campaign trail are not coming as quickly as they expected.


  • 欢呼人群承诺,自己竞选时保证的一些政策转变并未他们预料那样及时到来

    He acknowledged to a cheering crowd that some promised policy changes are not coming as quickly as they expected.


  • 他们本周皇家学会学报上发表报告所说,试验的模式他们预期大部分相同。

    As they report this week in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, the pattern was much as they expected.


  • 但是他们合理经营一些赚钱的想法一份公共利益承诺,那么很多报纸还是经营下去的。

    But many papers can remain sustainable if they are managed properly and driven less by profit imperatives than a commitment to public service.


  • 项目领导者可以请求收到团队成员关于某个主题的快速反馈他们即将休假时间

    For example, a project leader can solicit and receive quick feedback from fellow team members about a topic, such as their upcoming vacation time.


  • 乌云灰色云团随风飞过天空(行云他们真正古老小说的那样)的那些下午中的一个

    It was one of those afternoons with dark and light grey clouds flying across the sky on the wind (scudding, as they say in really old novels).


  • 客户登入网站后可以获取以下信息他们目的地天气预报家里机场方向指引以及沿途路况通知

    Customers log in to the site to access information such as the weather forecast in their destination, directions to the airport from home and notifications of road-works en-route.


  • 建立一项法规允许年近古稀之他们所愿很快安详地离去而没有公开宣布老年人完全可能的。

    It is perfectly possible to frame a law that allows suffering people who are close to death to die quickly and peacefully, if they wish, without declaring open season on old folk.


  • 持卡人当前30通知持卡公司他们抵制利率上升,可以现有利率下,付清余额关闭账户

    Cardholders currently have 30 days to tell their card company that they want to reject an interest-rate increase, close the account and pay off the outstanding balance at the existing rate.


  • 指出人们一直自我欺骗他们为什么没有晋升他们技术水平或者他们当前职位安全性

    She notes that people tell themselves lies all the time, about why they didn't get promoted, their level of skill, or perhaps the security of their current position.


  • 订阅者保存一个订阅请求注册许多其他首选项他们怎样接收他们订阅标准匹配活动结果

    Subscribers also register a number of other preferences when saving a subscription request, such as how they want to receive the results of activity matching their subscription criteria.


  • 列出关于你伴侣件事,将早上一眼看到地方他们衣柜或者浴室镜子上

    Write down 10 things you love about your partner on a sheet of paper and stick it somewhere they will see it first thing in the morning, such as inside their wardrobe or on the bathroom mirror.


  • 他们新奇事物痴迷般,诺维科夫先生成为故乡著名餐馆老板也部分由于俄罗斯强烈的思乡情怀

    As much as their obsession with novelty, Russians' powerful nostalgia has been part of Mr Novikov's rise to become his country's bt-known restaurateur.


  • 某些情况下个借口说自己不懂然后这些用户联系其他资源他们当地计算机商店件很简单的事情。

    In some instances, it's easy to plead ignorance and direct these users to other resources, such as their local computer store.


  • 他们本周在于华盛顿举行美国化学学会会议上介绍那样,他们开始分析尸体气味,目标是机器自动操作侦测过程

    As they outlined to this week's meeting of the American Chemical Society, in Washington, DC, they have been analysing the smell of corpses, with a view to automating the process of detecting them.


  • 长期以来,Zapthink主张对SOA采用更有针对性方法或者他们所说务实SOA (Pragmatic SOA)。

    Zapthink has long argued for more targeted approaches to SOA, or Pragmatic SOA as they called it. As we reported in an earlier article.


  • 他们标准做法一般,PaddyPower雇用了领域专家并且他们想法放入电脑模型产生一个最初赔率

    As is its standard practice, Paddy Power recruited experts in the field and fed their thoughts into a computer model to generate the initial odds.


  • 这些参与者进行了一系列细致问题的询问,他们业余爱好他们发觉他们自己健康状况生活满意度沮丧焦虑程度

    The participants were asked detailed questions about their leisure habits and how they perceived their own state of health, satisfaction with life and levels of depression and anxiety.


  • 许多中产阶级职业卡车运输金融咨询软件工程已经引起他们兴趣或者很快就引起他们的兴趣。

    Many middle-class occupationstrucking, financial advice, software engineering—have aroused their interest, or soon will.


  • 他们转向电视电脑互联网录像带光盘音频设备一类的电子媒体按钮自娱自乐。

    They turn to electronic media such as television, computers, the Internet, videos, CDs and audio equipment, which can provide them with instant self-entertainment at the push of a button.


  • 在那里学生老师可以上帝交流他们可以举行伟大的活动音乐会庆祝活动

    There, students and teachers can communicate with God, and they can also hold great activities, such as concerts and celebrations.


  • 人们照顾年长亲属时,他们往往使用现有社区服务成人日间护理中心

    When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services such as adult daycare centers.


  • 他们通过问这样问题来衡量意义:“觉得生活方向感意义感的频率高?”

    They measured meaning by asking questions like "How often did you feel that your life has a sense of direction or meaning to it?"


  • 然后他们可以这些粉末制作其他食物薯条蛋白质饼干等等

    Then they can use the powder to make other foods like chips, protein bars, biscuits and so on.


  • 人类需要使用工具因为他们没有其他食肉动物狮子老虎那样锋利的牙齿

    Human beings needed to use tools because they did not have sharp teeth like other meat-eating animals, such as lions and tigers.


  • 人类需要使用工具因为他们没有其他食肉动物狮子老虎那样锋利的牙齿

    Human beings needed to use tools because they did not have sharp teeth like other meat-eating animals, such as lions and tigers.


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