• 白日梦可能看上去像是真实生活境遇预演我们知道它们不是

    Daydreams may seem to be rehearsals for real-life situations, but we know they are not.


  • 如此境遇的抱怨遭到了医院护士嘲笑

    The hospital's nurses laughed when she complained about this treatment.


  • 坚强表面人类生存境遇虚无底色。

    Under the toughness of the old man, it reveals a sort of nihilism of human being's survival.


  • 一旦能够冷静下来,这正是回顾你刚刚经历紧张境遇时机。

    Once you've been able to calm down, you should be in a better position to address whatever stressful situations you're expriencing.


  • 生活这个社会中的个体呢,因境遇不同应该千人千面。

    Therefore, all the individuals living in this society should be varied by their different life experience.


  • 这些见面后,鼓励他们相信我们可以共同改善整体境遇

    By meeting with these people, I motivated them to believe that together we could help improve collective situation.


  • 希望所在的也能有一家母乳银行帮助那些和我的孩子一样境遇的婴儿。

    I would like to see a milk bank in my province to help babies like mine.


  • 鉴于人类境遇种种局限又有何种希望允许人们出生天希望来得伟大呢?

    Within the limits of the human condition, what greater hope than the hope that allows an escape from that condition?


  • 全文五个部分展开论述一部分旨在形而上学及其历史境遇回顾反思。

    This paper goes on from the five aspects as following:The first part looks back the history of metaphysics.


  • 这种主客关系对应外在现实世界,是人类真实的生存境遇缩影或间接反映

    This kind of host and guest relation is reflection and miniature of the true existence circumstances.


  • 第二部分主要从历史现实两个层面,分析道尊严”应然地位实然境遇逆差

    The second part has analyzed the different situation of "the absolute authority of the teachers" in the history and reality.


  • 人类生存境遇的深切关怀、心灵世界反省是作为电影大师的特质所在。

    He has deep solicitude for human survival, and reflect the world within its master as the trait.


  • 不同意象选择受到作家情感人生境遇的制约受到审美情感平和强烈所影响。

    The choice of different images is restricted by the writer's feelings and life circumstances. It's also influenced by the mildness and strength of his beauty_appreciation feelings.


  • 也许我们不一定总是能够改变我们境遇但是我们总是可以改变我们自己这种境遇态度。

    Maybe you can't always change the situation10, but you can change your attitude towards the situation.


  • 虽然他们作品有自嘲幽默的一面,但更多地表现出弱势群体面对存在境遇的本能反应

    Although these works contain a sense of self-mockery and humour, they also convey the instinctive reactions of weaker people towards their living environment.


  • 遇到了相同境遇的女孩子们,并之交往,这让她真正走出了自我。”她的母亲劳拉

    "She met girls that were more like her, that she could associate with, and it just really brought her out," her mother, Laura says.


  • 鲁迅狂人日记》《长明灯》等作品,通过对狂人境遇的描述揭示传统文化荒谬本质。

    In Lu Xun's short stories, the Diary of a madman and the Forever Ignited Lantern, the writer has uncovered the absurdity of traditional culture by describing the destiny of the madman.


  • 基于土地小人物一生不渝热爱抱持时代生存境遇高度敏感乡土世界呈现两个向度的展开。

    Based on the unswerving love to the land and the insignificant person lives, holding highly sensitive to survival circumstances of The Times, his local world presents to two directions.


  • 莎维德丽反抗失败暗示出传统力量强大,“房间具有深刻的象征意义,是印度女性自我境遇的具象化

    The rebellion and failure of Savitri suggests the overwhelming power of tradition, and her"dark room"is a significant symbol that concretizes the conditions of the Indian women.


  • 先前许多关于世界宇宙论解释,就理论一样,提出理想初始状态以及随之而来人类境遇不断恶化

    Many previous cosmological explanations of the world proposed, as does the theory of entropy, an ideal original state and afterwards, for man, a continually deteriorating situation.


  • 如果古希腊哲学家柏拉图在对人类境遇探讨中包含那么真知灼见的话,名字可能几个世纪遗忘了。

    If the writing of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato had not contained so much truth about the human condition, his name would have been forgotten centuries ago.


  • 王女士有着同样境遇施女士10年前感染艾滋病病毒后,就对生活失去了信心自己完全封闭了起来。

    Miss Wang with the same situation of the facilities 10 years ago, Ms. Infected with the AIDS virus, on the life of lost faith in himself completely closed up.


  • 那种个体生命存在追问。十四行集》得到深刻延续拓展,并升华人类普遍生存境遇忧虑与关切。

    The inquiring of the existence of individual life continues and develops more profoundly in his sonnet and dis tills into anxiety and concern about common circumstances in which human beings survive.


  • 然而通过现代人生存境遇考察发现人们越来越依赖商品越来越物所束缚劳动异化的异化并未摆脱。

    But with the modern situation of the survival study, we found that people are increasingly dependent on commodities, of being fettered more and more, imposed by the Alienation of labor and human.


  • 然而通过现代人生存境遇考察发现人们越来越依赖商品越来越物所束缚劳动异化的异化并未摆脱。

    But with the modern situation of the survival study, we found that people are increasingly dependent on commodities, of being fettered more and more, imposed by the Alienation of labor and human.


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