• 海草水中摇曳。

    The seaweed swayed in the briny water.


  • 目的总结帕米膦酸钠不全症中的应用经验

    Objective To summarize the experience of pamidronate for osteogenesis imperfecta.


  • 过程中,土壤微量元素含量分布具有一定规律性

    The contents and distribution of soil microelement follow certain regularity in the process of soil-forming.


  • 键时释放大量能量补偿激发电子能量

    We're going to release a lot of energy for bonding, it's going to more than make up for the fact that we actually had to spend some energy to promote that electron.


  • 让科学家特别兴趣尘土在成云过程的作用和对飓风台风影响

    Scientists are particularly interested in the role of this dust transport in the formation of clouds and in influencing the development of hurricanes and typhoons.


  • 生产细节直接决定产品质量好坏,一位生产人员过程秉持这样理念

    Production directly determine product details of the quality of every production personnel in the production process of this kind of idea shall uphold.


  • 工厂商店附近行人电动车争抢空间,制鞋模具和盒子在成鞋子加工厂前着。

    Inside a honeycomb of small shops and factories, pedestrians compete for sidewalk space with scooters, construction crews and boxes stacked outside crowded showrooms.


  • 气藏油气赋存规律又一新认识机制分布规律上与常规油气藏类型不同

    Deep basin gas reservoired mechanism and distribution law are different from normal reservoir, which is a new recognition of gas and oil assignment law.


  • 所有丧礼架子上拥挤着,个都一个男人女人倚的图像顶部盯着分散人群。

    Crammed together on rows of shelves, each one has the image of a man or woman reclining as at a banquet on top of the urn, staring out at the gaping visitors.


  • 本文复合造词这一动态过程为关注点认为复合造词材料过程中,必要引入一个“语素化”的概念

    This paper focuses on the dynamic process of compounding, arguing that it is necessary to introduce the concept of "morphemization" in the formation of compounds.


  • 但是六月廿六日河床(阿根廷最强的足球队)军110年后第一降级至乙组,甚至的波卡支持者没有大肆庆祝

    But even die-hard Boca supporters had little to cheer on June 26th, when River, the country's most successful team, was relegated to the second division for the first time in its 110-year history.


  • 一轮比赛英格兰队德国队以2:2平局。

    England tied 2–2 with Germany in the first round.


  • 文件桌上随便搁

    She piled the papers in a heap on her desk, just anyhow.


  • 窑洞是半山腰

    The cave has been hollowed out of the mountainside.


  • 波浪背景中破碎时,海底升起的气泡扭曲半圆形。

    An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.


  • 波浪背景中破碎时,海底升起的气泡扭曲半圆形。

    An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.


  • 智利自己推销一个重视旅游目的地时面临最大问题,它是地球尽头

    The biggest problem facing Chile as it promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at the end of the earth.


  • 位于圣路易斯华盛顿大学1853立时命名为艾略特学院。

    Washington University in Saint Louis was named Eliot Seminary when it opened in eighteen fifty-three.


  • 岩石风化过程中分解越来越小的颗粒

    The rocks get broken down into smaller and smaller particles as they are weathered.


  • 这些扫帚蜂窝为材料设计椅子夏天拉斯维加斯市场受到了广泛的庆贺讨论

    These chairs, designed with brooms and honeycombs, were widely celebrated and discussed in the Las Vegas market in the summer.


  • 机器水下已经被腐蚀许多齿轮

    The mechanism had corroded underwater, and many of the gears were stuck together in a mass.


  • 看着它们松鼠咖啡馆谈论橡子期货市场

    Watch them as they stand in line at the little squirrel coffee shop, discussing the acorn futures market.


  • 正是这种信息缺乏促使第一代”组织2013年立,最初联盟组织“学生机会中心”的一个分支

    It was this lack of information that prompted the launch of I'm First in 2013, originally as an arm of its umbrella organization, the Center For Student Opportunity.


  • 天空变幻滑稽橙色粉色晴朗夜晚太阳看起来就像美味的油桃

    The sky morphs into comical orange and pink colors and on a clear night, the sun looks like a tasty ripe nectarine.


  • 自由女神像最初法国建造的,之后分解350到214个运到美国

    The Statue of Liberty was originally constructed in France before being deconstructed and shipped to America in 350 individual pieces packed in 214 crates.


  • 木瓜12森林地面排列开来。

    Rows of pawpaw trees, growing up to 12 meters tall, line the forest floor.


  • 格尔美国我们往往工作设计照本宣科”高度标准化”的模式没有给人们留下一丁点发挥“个人主动性创新”的空间

    Hagel says we have designed jobs in the U.S. that tend to be “tightly scriptedandhighly standardizedones that leave no room for “individual initiative or creativity”.


  • 格尔美国我们往往工作设计照本宣科”高度标准化”的模式没有给人们留下一丁点发挥“个人主动性创新”的空间

    Hagel says we have designed jobs in the U.S. that tend to be "tightly scripted" and "highly standardized" ones that leave no room for "individual initiative or creativity".


  • 最初三十英里里,土路蜿蜒穿过低地森林高大树木整齐地排列我们的两旁,它们枝桠我们头顶上交错一个树叶拱门

    For the first thirty miles the red earth road wound its way through the lowland forest, the giant trees standing in solid ranks alongside and their branches entwined in an archway of leaves above us.


  • 第三组,孩子们被要求把自己想象蝙蝠侠,并问自己“蝙蝠侠工作努力吗?”

    And in Group Three, the children were told to imagine themselves as Batman and ask themselves "Is Batman working hard?"


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