• 当然不是在问!”愤然反驳

    'I'm certainly not asking him!' she retorted indignantly.


  • 评论好像反驳主席当天早些时候言论

    His comments appeared to contradict remarks made earlier in the day by the chairman.


  • 一些以前人质反驳官方对这些事件说法。

    Some former hostages contradicted the official version of events.


  • 不敢反驳

    She dared not contradict him.


  • 不能这儿吸烟,”说道。—“担心不是烟叶,”反驳

    "You can't smoke in here," Shaw said.—"Don't worry, it's not tobacco," he retorted.


  • 不该这样的话。”彼得反驳

    "You shouldn't say such things," Peter retorted.


  • 相信爷爷知道的。”海蒂起来反驳道。

    "I am sure grandfather knows," Heidi retorted, jumping up.


  • 识字彼得不识字。”海蒂反驳

    "I can't read and Peter can't do it either," Heidi retorted.


  • 试图争辩反驳说各项计划尚未完成

    I tried to argue but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.


  • 是的,小叮当告诉的。”温迪轻蔑地反驳

    "Oh yes, Tinker Bell will tell you," Wendy retorted scornfully.


  • 彼得觉得名字于是激动地胡乱反驳道:“也一样!”

    Peter felt that she was calling him names, and at a venture he retorted hotly, "So are you!"


  • 学生解释说,我觉得困惑,于是我便进行了反驳

    I explained to my student that I actually thought he was rather more confused than I was and I argued back.


  • “很抱歉,”猫头鹰,“我不得不反驳乌鸦杰出朋友同事。”

    "I am sorry," said the Owl, "to have to contradict the Crow, my famous friend and colleague."


  • 学生解释说实际上觉得困惑于是便进行了反驳

    I explained to my student that I actually thought he was rather more confused than I was, and I argued back.


  • 该死的,”那个声音反驳,“要是再说一遍,你身上。”

    "Brimstone and gall," the voice retorted, "say that again, and I'll cast anchor in you."


  • 因为邀请消费者自主决定,所以隐含结论减少怨恨不信任反驳风险

    Because consumers are invited to make up their own minds, implicit conclusions reduce the risk of resentment, distrust, and counterargumentation.


  • 记者身份报道了那次会议真正感到不安学者们召开的反驳会议。

    I covered the conference as a reporter, but what really unnerved me was a counter-conference of scholars to refute the earlier one.


  • 劳工维权人士反驳这些论点坚称医疗保健一项基本权利应该得到政府项目保障

    Labor activists countered these arguments by insisting that health care was a fundamental right that should be guaranteed by government programs.


  • 另一个合理论点进行反驳提高最低工资迫使企业更短的时间内雇佣更少

    I counter with another reasonable argument: that a higher minimum wage will force businesses to employ fewer people for less time.


  • 莫斯反驳说,员工缺陷在于工作技能在于动机人际交往能力和适当的工作举止品质

    Moss and Tilly counter that worker deficiencies lie less in job-specific skills than in such attributes as motivation, interpersonal skills, and appropriate work demeanor.


  • 即使真的,这一证据也不能反驳编辑应该承担部分责任论点除非编辑只是被动回应读者兴趣

    Even if true, this evidence does not refute the contention that editors should bear some of the blame for the reductions, unless editors are merely passive instruments responding to reader interest.


  • 史密斯反驳说,如果把政府谷物补贴隐藏成本环境恶化以及人类健康动物保护减少考虑在内,那么草模式更具成本效益。

    Smith counters that if you factor in the hidden cost of government corn subsidies, environment degradation, and decreased human health and animal welfare, grass-fed is the more cost-effective model.


  • 一些尖锐的提问反驳讲话人

    She came back at the speaker with some sharp questions.


  • 谁要是表示不在行,她都予以反驳

    She refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally.


  • 金姆反驳那些乡村音乐过于伤感的指责。

    Kim rejects accusations that country music is over-sentimental.


  • 准备全面反驳共和党严重的指控

    He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.


  • 从政者善于自己辩解反驳别人的批评

    Politicians are skilled at defending themselves against their critics.


  • 论点无可反驳

    His arguments were irresistible.


  • “看老天上!”多反驳道。“他们便宜而且他们有用。”

    "For heaven's sake!" Dot expostulated. "They're cheap and they're useful."


  • 行政部门灾难反应做了争辩,反驳批评人士指控联邦政府行动过于迟缓

    He defended his administration's response to the disaster against critics who charge the federal government is moving too slowly.


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