• 科夫曾一位贵族家庭小少爷。

    Nabokov was the scion of an aristocratic family.


  • 一脸茫然,“明白先生。”

    Abbot looked blank. "I don't quite follow, sir."


  • 考尔德迷人微笑着伸出手说:“十分荣幸,塔尔夫人。”

    Calder smiled charmingly and put out his hand. "A pleasure, Mrs. Talbot."


  • 现在开始,抵制任何成龙参与电影。”知名主北风

    "From now on, boycott any movie with Jackie Chan involved," said Bei Feng, a prominent blogger.


  • 丁以嘲讽式风趣而出名

    Boulding was known for his biting wit.


  • 一边普舞,一边打着响指

    He was bopping around, snapping his fingers.


  • 克曼口齿不清地表示祝贺

    Bochmann lisped his congratulations.


  • 午饭后,察言观色哄着谈谈他自己

    After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.


  • 安妮斩首

    Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off.


  • 客人们整都合着迪斯科节拍跳普舞吉格舞。

    Guests bopped and jigged the night away to the disco beat.


  • 阿尔夫•肖执导给了一个重要角色

    Alf Sjoberg offered her a large part in the play he was directing.


  • 特罗斯·加利行动超出环境的承受能力。

    Dr. Boutros Ghali said the operation would overstretch resources.


  • 通用汽车公司大约4亿美元获得50%的股份

    General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400m.


  • 目前情况来看华纳兄弟公司的冒险似乎要赢了。

    So far it looks like Warner Brothers' gamble is paying off.


  • 斯画头脑里想着勃朗特的只是猜测而已

    It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting.


  • 基弗只是60年代初期伊斯指导学艺艺术家之一

    Kiefer was just one of the artists who had studied under Beuys in the early Sixties.


  • 伊德补充说明了他观点指出证据可以其他方式加以解释

    Boyd qualified his opinion, noting that the evidence could be interpreted in other ways.


  • 公园大道上举办费尔南多·特罗雕塑户外展览纽约可是第一次

    It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero's sculpture on Park Avenue.


  • 扬·斯莱特有一个远大的目标。

    Boyan Slat has one huge goal.


  • 文化所处气候非常恶劣

    The climate that the Botai culture lived is harsh.


  • 后来嫁给了演员克拉克·

    Later, she married Clark Gable that was an actor.


  • 我们一起对吧

    You're taking us with you, right, Booger?


  • 他太可爱了。”库里在微上发布。

    "He is so cute," posted Curry on Weibo.


  • 浪微鼓励用户分享餐后空盘的照片或视频。

    Users of Sina Weibo are encouraged to share photos or videos of empty plates after finishing their meals.


  • 机器人没有再生产,因为它仅供娱乐。

    AIBO wasn't made any more because it only provided entertainment.


  • 认为署名是纳托,但经他仔细研究后,发现署名是纳尔,一位他从未听说过的法国画家。

    It was signed "Bonnato" or so he thought, but when he researched it, he only found "Bonnard," a French painter he had never heard of.


  • 来,我们把照片发到微或者微信上,等着被点赞。

    Later, we post the photos onto Weibo or Wechat, waiting to be "liked".


  • 据文章,在新浪微你可以找到你最喜欢的歌手。

    You can find your favorite singers on Sina Weibo from the passage.


  • 伦·赫·卡茨教授是这40名科学家之一。

    Dr. Ellen Heber-Katz is one of the forty scientists.


  • 今天的英语课上,我的同学丹尼尔扮作电子狗霍

    My classmate Daniel dressed up as the e-dog Hobo in today's English class.


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