• 如果一次晋升或者奖励事情发生候补申请者身上,很关键并发挥重要作用。

    If something happens to an applicant on the wait list-like a promotion or a reward-it can be significant and it can make a difference.


  • 阳光出奇地这时你们就来了黝黑健康身上残留沙子关于生活无声表达

    Sunlight extraordinarily good. By now, you came. Swarthy and healthy, on body residual sand, looks like one time about the life silent expression.


  • 阳光出奇地这时你们就来了黝黑健康身上残留沙子关于生活无声表达。

    Sunlight extraordinarily good. By now, you came. Swarthy and healthy, on body residual sand, looks like one time about the life silent expression_r.


  • 伦敦搭出租车金融区金丝雀码头英格兰银行听起来独特英伦经历也是一次独特的中国经历。

    RIDE in a London taxi from Canary Wharf, a financial district, to the Bank of England sounds like an inimitably British experience. It is also a Chinese one.


  • 愤怒泪水爆发间歇泉喷发减少了内部压力这样瘾君子可以正常行为,直到压力一次积累变大。

    An explosion of anger or tears, like a geyser eruption, lessens internal pressure so that the addict can function until the pressure builds up again.


  • 不能原谅一次事情以前一样继续下去?

    Will you overlook it this once and forgive me, and let things go on as before?


  • 地质记录中的其他大规模物种灭绝认为影响重大没有白垩纪大灭绝那样夸张

    Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts, but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event.


  • 认为大脑只能处理这么信息,针织这样活动会让大脑更难注意疼痛的信号

    She suggested that the brain can process just so much at once, and that activities like knitting and crocheting make it harder for the brain to register pain signals.


  • 匹诺曹一样一次谎话,就会遭受鼻子

    Like Pinocchio, he suffers from a nose that grows longer every time he tells a lie.


  • 下次抬头仰望天空看到一朵米老鼠最喜欢水果时,再一次

    The next time you look up at the sky and see a cloud that looks like Mickey Mouse or your favorite fruit, look again.


  • 回收利用不会制造这些东西一样消耗那么多能量

    Recycling doesn't take as much energy as making these things the first time.


  • 一个来自越南这样温暖国家学生秋天加拿大时,首先感觉到寒冷

    When a student from a warm country like Vietnam comes to Canada in the autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first.


  • 或许是指要实施塑料这种会增加破坏环境行为成本政策或者要全面禁用一次塑料

    This might mean implementing policy such as a plastic tax that adds a cost to environmentally problematic action, or banning single-use plastics altogether.


  • 们中有多少人过着大象一样的生活——仅仅因为之前失败过一次或几次,就认为自己的能力无法完成某件事?

    How many of us go through life like the elephants—believing that it was beyond our ability to do something only because we failed once or some times before?


  • 可能听起来一个不寻常的建议,但这是真的,当别人第一次见到你时对你的第一印象可能会影响那个人将来如何对待你或对你的反应。

    It may sound like an unusual piece of advice, but it is true the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.


  • 的想法是:好好生活,不制造一点垃圾;采取不同的方式拯救环境,比如停止使用一次性物品;把不想要的东西给别人,或者捐给红十字会这样的组织机构。

    Her idea is: live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different kinds of ways to save the environment, such as stopping the use of one-off objects; giving unwanted things to others or donating these things to organizations like the Red Cross.


  • 人们第一次在显微镜下看到冠状病毒时,他们发现它的刺突使它看起来一个皇冠。

    When people first saw a corona-virus under a microscope, they found that its spikes made it look like a crown.


  • 常年扮演童话坏人媒体行业,默多克经历并送走很多流言蜚语和丑闻,但是没有一次这次这么严重。

    During his long career as the pantomime villain of the media world, Rupert Murdoch has seen out many scandals, but nothing like this one.


  • 常年扮演童话坏人媒体行业,默多克经历并送走很多流言蜚语和丑闻,但是没有一次这次这么严重。

    During his long career as the pantomime villain of the media world, Rupert Murdoch has seen out many scandals, but nothing like this one.


  • 因此不得不一次分手并且现在伴侣解释这这段时间之后为什么突然收到前任的邮件电话

    So you have to break it off (again) and explain to your current partner why you're suddenly getting e-mails or calls from him after all this time.


  • 虽然刚刚结束日本媒体采访,羽西又亲切讲述一遍创立品牌的故事。这个故事她肯定向他人讲述一千遍,但仍然讲述那样激动。

    Fresh from her interviews with Japanese media, she obligingly retold the story, for what must be the thousandth time, of how she built her brand like it's a fresh tale for her.


  • 真的宁可没有这样朋友

    At times like this, I wished I had different friends.


  • 比如说一次采访中就没有很多明星那样假装朋友一样亲切。

    In an interview, for instance, he didn’t pretend to be a friend the way a lot of stars do.


  • 这个苹果准备好邪恶王后就画,伪装了头发,把自己打扮农夫老婆一次穿越大山来到矮人小屋

    As soon as this apple was ready, the wicked queen painted her face, disguised her hair, dressed herself as a farmer's wife, and went again over the mountains to the dwarfs' cottage.


  • 那些比尔曼这样公开病情失去了机会球员呢?

    What happens to players like Biermann who weren't given a second chance after he informed the public about his condition?


  • 我回到位背包客身边,这时他们的话题是怎样这样的长途旅行中消磨时间

    Back with the backpackers, the talk had moved on to why one should spend time on extended trips such as this.


  • 如果有人索要亲笔签名,你应该给人签名那样保持那种受宠若惊感觉

    If someone asks you to autograph a copy of your book, you should feel just as honored as you did the first time it happened.


  • 即使2002年世界杯,也是美国感觉一个足球之

    For the first time, even counting the run in 2002, America felt like a soccer nation.


  • 一旦某颗小行星开始接近地球重力作用下,跳华尔兹一样一次一次接近地球,因为它和地球一样太阳运行。

    Once an asteroid starts approaching Earth, it will do so again and again in an orbital waltz driven by gravity as both bodies travel around the Sun.


  • 无论如何我们周一会我们第二个期中考试,并且期中考试一样,但是数学方面会涉及的更少

    Anyway we have our second mid-term exam on Monday and it will be like the first mid-term but it will be less mathematical.


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