• 所有信件都盖有阿比利的邮戳。

    All the letters bore an Abilene postmark.


  • 迅速有效处理全部来往信件

    She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently.


  • 职责信件电话

    Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone.


  • 我们二连收到大批的投诉信件

    We have been bombarded with letters of complaint.


  • 所有信件绝密处置。

    All letters will be treated with complete confidentiality.


  • 所有信件都被仔细地归档文件夹里

    All her letters were carefully filed away in folders.


  • 父亲去世后清理遗物发现这些信件

    I found the letters when I was clearing out after my father died.


  • 囚犯信件照片不允许任何私人物品

    Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs.


  • 无一邮局意味着上百万信件无人处理

    Unmanned post offices meant millions of letters went unsorted.


  • 来自囚犯们信件声明他们不会袭击一个老妇人。

    Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.


  • 每个包里有成捆信件大部分标注日期的。

    In each packet there are batches of letters, most of which are undated.


  • 我们登出广告后收到了雪片般飞来的大批答复信件

    We received an avalanche of letters in reply to our advertisement.


  • 信件翻,匆匆忙忙不管不地扔得满都是

    She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.


  • 如果需要许多类似信件,就计算机一个模板。

    If you need to write a lot of similar letters, set up a template on your computer.


  • 市政委员会可以选民寄送西班牙语的通知、信件等类似的东西。

    The council can send messages or letters or whatnot in Spanish to their constituents.


  • 他们信件起来,加处理。

    They shelve the letters and do not give them due consideration.


  • 备忘录信件外观上有些不同

    Memorandums and letters differ somewhat in appearance.


  • 我们每周大约发表35信件

    We publish about 35 letters each week.


  • 备忘录信件组织方式一些差别

    There are a few differences in the organization of memorandums and letters.


  • 信件可能编辑过的。

    Letters may be edited.


  • 信件一批一批地涌到

    Letters come in showers.


  • 我会通过信件方式告诉活动最新的发展。

    I will keep updating you on the event's developments through letters.


  • 这些来自异国他乡信件最先引起他们注意

    It's the letters that come out of this exotic place that first catch their attention.


  • 这些信件如期来,抄件已发给新闻界各位代表

    These letters were duly handed in, and copies were given to the press representatives.


  • 报纸流行出版物以及一些有历史价值信件

    It has newspapers, popular publications, as well as letters of historical interest.


  • 父母应该意识到,未经许可孩子私人信件违法的。

    Parents should realize that it's illegal to read their children's private letters without permission.


  • 他们保存着图画信件诗歌其他他们记住东西

    They kept pictures, letters, poems and other things they wanted to remember.


  • 可以使备忘录信件分开另一个特征备忘录幽默感。

    Another characteristic that can set memorandums apart from letters is the inclusion of humor.


  • 他们第一次交换信件马丁到达美国段时间持续了

    It lasted six years from their first exchange of letters to Martin's arrival in the United States.


  • 无论下雨还是下雪邮递员都无法寄出我们非常希望收到信件

    Neither rain nor snow keeps the postman from delivering our letters which we so much look forward to receive.


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