• 信件尾部附加了一个说明

    She appended a note at the end of the letter.


  • 明天首先这些信件寄出去。

    I must get these letters off first thing tomorrow.


  • 信件保存一只盒子里

    She kept all the letters in a box.


  • 双方都偷窃对方私人信件

    Each side purloins the other's private letters.


  • 所有这些信件必须回复

    All this mail must be answered.


  • 我们只能发表作者姓名地址信件

    We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer's name and address.


  • 当然纯属私人信件务须保密

    My letter is, of course, strictly private and confidential.


  • 能不能所有信件转寄纽约我们

    Could you forward any mail to us in New York?


  • 告知整理全部信件个人物品

    He was told to pack up all of his letters and personal belongings.


  • 这些信件处理了吗?

    Have you dealt with these letters yet?


  • 下来打开信件

    I sat down to open the mail.


  • 需要保存这些信件吗,还是干脆它们扔掉?

    Do you need to keep these letters or shall we bin them?


  • 打印信件一半就寄走了,有什么用呢?

    What's the point in writing in when you only print half the letter anyway?


  • 艾德电视节目,因为粉丝信件得不可开交。

    Ed was snowed under with fan mail when he was doing his television show.


  • 信件记录中国外交生活中家庭社会活动的细节

    Her letters record the domestic and social details of diplomatic life in China.


  • 私自阅读别人信件违法的。

    It is illegal to read people's private letters without permission.


  • 帮忙把这些信件归类排序吧。

    Please find the neighbors for the letters.


  • 这些以前信件使忆起许多往事

    The old letters brought many recollections to my mind.


  • 每天大量信件回复

    He has a large amount of mail to answer every day.


  • 邮局里的人员将信件寄送地点分类

    Men in the post office classify mail according to places it is to go.


  • 世界上著名信件都是用笔书写的。

    The most famous letters in the world were written with a pen.


  • 在这儿一些信件转寄

    She's got some mail here, and I'd like to forward it to her.


  • 由于地址字迹清,致使信件无法投递

    It is impossible to deliver this letter because the address is illegible.


  • 邮递员一些信件投进了我们信箱

    The mailman just dropped some mail in our box.


  • 请把这些信件仔细归档

    File these letters carefully.


  • 母亲烧掉了信件

    Mother burned her old letters.


  • 信件每天早晨八点收取

    Letters are collected at 8:00 every morning.


  • 电台参加圣诞祝福比赛信件蜂拥而至

    At the radio station, letters poured in for the Christmas wish competition.


  • 一举动引发洗衣房墙上信件大战

    This act started a battle of letters posted on the wall of the laundry room.


  • 信件写信人收信人之间架起了一座桥梁

    Letters build a bridge between the writer and receiver.


- 来自原声例句

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