• 人们认为侮辱公众道德

    The play was considered an affront to public morals.


  • 这样侮辱的人我决不会善罢甘休。

    Nobody gets away with insulting me like that.


  • 表现出极大的克制没去理会种种侮辱

    He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.


  • 侮辱其人之道还治其人之身。

    She insulted him and he responded in kind.


  • 意思是,我感到有些侮辱他们认为收受贿赂才肯闭嘴

    I mean, I was a bit insulted that they thought I needed bribing to shut up.


  • 不要那讨厌名字侮辱的耳朵

    Don't insult my ears with his hated name.


  • 不要侮辱之前老板或者之前的雇主

    Do not insult your former boss or your former employer.


  • 这种侮辱就是受不了

    He just couldn't bear with such insults.


  • 人们觉得受到了侮辱,纷纷离开了拉特纳商店

    People felt insulted and stayed away from Ratner's shops.


  • 不再任何人提问,因为他们带给只是侮辱而不是消息

    He had ceased to ask questions of anyone, since they brought him only insult instead of information.


  • 西方人认为真诚眼神东方人则认为是缺乏尊重个人侮辱

    What a Westerner considers an honest look in the eye, the Oriental takes as a lack of respect and a personal affront.


  • 艾德不仅侮辱这个暗示一个垃圾清洁工而且显然没有小费

    Not only had Ed insulted this man by hinting that he was a garbageman, but he had obviously neglected to tip him.


  • 没有疯狂驾驶,没有侮辱咒骂,没有超车抢道;交通法规得到尊重,驾驶变得更加安全。

    No crazy driving, no insults, no cutting in; traffic laws would be respected and driving much safer.


  • 疲惫队伍推推搡搡公共汽车地铁时,许多刻薄争论侮辱争吵爆发了。

    Many a brisk argument or an insulting quarrel breaks out as the weary queues push and shove each other to get on buses and tubes.


  • 他们同事们有机会侮辱他们

    Their colleagues insulted them whenever the opportunity presented itself.


  • 完全有理由辞职。他受了侮辱

    He's absolutely justified in resigning. He was treated shamefully.


  • 主席蒙受会议之外侮辱

    The chairman suffered the indignity of being refused admission to the meeting.


  • 声称其他士兵们口头侮辱

    He alleged that he was verbally abused by other soldiers.


  • 囚犯们免于遭受身穿统一服装侮辱

    Prisoners are spared the indignity of wearing uniforms.


  • 辩护律师声称囚犯遭到残暴侮辱对待

    The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment.


  • 是个独裁者,又是军阀式领袖,压迫侮辱南方人

    He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South.


  • 不要侮辱达尔文

    Don't diss Darwin.


  • 的确,小叮当在到处乱窜了,侮辱语言

    Indeed Tink was darting about again, using offensive language.


  • 国王王权受到的巨大侮辱感到非常愤怒,顿更是憋住一肚子气,沉默寡言

    The King chafed bitterly over the stupendous indignity thus put upon his royalty, but Hendon was moody and taciturn.


  • 如果他们放在那里,“好吧侮辱有人不想要我的书!”如果不在,我觉得也是一种侮辱

    If they've got my book there, I think, "Well, this is an insult! Somebody didn't want to keep my book!" But if it's not there, I feel it's an insult too.


  • 如果他们放在那里我会:“好吧侮辱有人不想留着我的书。”如果书不在那,觉得也是一种侮辱

    If they've got my book there, I think "Well, this is an insult! Somebody didn't want to keep my book." But if it's not there, I feel it's an insult too.


  • 如果他们放在那里我会:“好吧侮辱有人不想留着我的书。”如果书不在那,觉得也是一种侮辱

    If they've got my book there, I think "Well, this is an insult! Somebody didn't want to keep my book." But if it's not there, I feel it's an insult too.


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