• 嘉奖令中写道表现出了与众不同堪为楷模英勇

    His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.


  • 七号信令中SCCP面向连接业务实现关键问题

    Key Problems of Realizing SCCP Connection-oriented Operations in the Signaling System No.


  • 逮捕包括几十以前从未面临指控军事秘密警察官员

    The warrants also include dozens of former military and secret police officials who have never faced charges before.


  • 另外研究发现富裕居民区贫困居民区的人禁烟受益更多

    In addition, the study found that people in more affluent neighbourhoods benefited more from the ban than those in poorer areas.


  • 库珀任何林肯签名文件有意义的,而这份文件“是林肯签署令中份”。

    While Cooper said that any document with Abraham Lincoln's signature is significant, the document "becomes one of many pardons that Lincoln signed."


  • 一个前所未有疏散令中一部分范围包括曼哈顿南端的巴特利公园几个街区之遥的华尔街

    It's part of an unprecedented evacuation order, which takes in this area - Battery Park City at the very southern tip of Manhattan; Wall Street is just a few blocks away.


  • 征兵令中要求 纳瓦霍新兵能通过海军陆战队的体检足够英语 纳瓦知识完成 纳瓦霍语传送战斗的任务。

    The enlistment order required that recruits meet full Marine Corps physical requirements and have a sufficient knowledge of English and Navajo to transmit combat messages in Navajo.


  • 这个首先出现九月份一个峰会公报法国高兴英国担忧

    This word first appeared in a summit communiqué in September to the delight of France and the concern of Britain.


  • 国际奥委会感到尴尬是,它声称绿色意识没有像体育文化一样,这奥林匹克宪章永久内容

    Embarrassed by environmental protests, the I.O.C. claims that green awareness is not entrenched—along with sport and cultureas a permanent dimension of the Olympic Charter.


  • 学校失窃现象突然增多父母深感不安

    The sudden increase in thefts in the school disturbed the parents.


  • 虽然没有进入涅盘状态,但是他们已经实现了大多数羡慕资源控制理解的一个程度

    While not yet in a state of nirvana, they have a degree of control and comprehension over their resources that most would envy.


  • 这种环境工作组织通过变更请求工作流可以让每个项目配置取得成功。

    Organizations working with such environments have been successful by allowing the change request workflow to be configurable by each project.


  • 可以看到预算前报告措施以及随后的具体措施那种情况发生更快,”

    "You will see in the pre-budget report, and subsequently, measures that will actually make that happen more quickly," he said.


  • 研究团队:“通过系统形态微小变化可能整个系统特定财富分配方式转变一种更公平的分配方式的。”

    The teams says: "it is possible to bring the system from a particular wealth distribution to another one with a lower inequality by performing only a small change in the system configuration".


  • 热量金属材料可以各个方向传导有所不同,这种制程能够热量在这些聚合物沿着某一个方向传导。

    The process does endow the polymer to conduct heat in only one direction, however, unlike metals which conduct equally well in all directions.


  • 成长繁荣时代网络生活错觉,觉得世界欠了他们点儿什么。

    Having grown up in good times, Net Geners have laboured under the illusion that the world owed them a living.


  • 离散数学基础课程引入时态逻辑一些工具处理并行

    Introducing temporal logic in discrete mathematics and foundations courses offers some tools to reason about concurrency.


  • 问:《月蚀》广大粉丝们超级期待的一幕戏就是外面冰天雪地的帐篷雅各布自己体温温暖贝拉因为爱德华的“冷血”做不到一点。

    One scene fans have been dying to see takes place in the tent during the snowstorm. Jacob warms up Bella with his body because Edward is cold-blooded and can’t do it himself.


  • 案子未免寻求言论禁止报纸承认未能事前莫斯利征求意见

    During that case the paper admitted it had not sought comment from him prior to publication, lest he seek a gagging order.


  • 一方面,发现个人姓名表示原则设计者感到惊奇

    Representing personal names, on the other hand, is a case where I've seen this principle surprise designers.


  • 一点重要,必须意识到,正是犹豫不诀才当初深陷憎恨不能自拨。

    This is important to realise, for these hesitations were what caused me to be stuck in the first place.


  • 但是第三引入代码上进行构建带来软件项目处于风险新的业务许可关系问题

    But building on code from third parties brings new business and licensing concerns issues that can put software projects at risk.


  • 业绩瞩目:他不仅2001年席卷了航空业风暴波音公司保持盈利空客夺回市场领先的地位。

    His credentials are impressive. As well as keeping Boeing Commercial profitable amid the storm that broke over aviation in 2001, he also managed to recapture the market leadership lost to Airbus.


  • 暗示与不明款项有染斯卡吉尔声誉受损,然而矿工威信依然牢不可破。

    The hint of a link tarnished Scargill and yet trust of him amongst striking miners remained firm.


  • 代码复制软件程序难于维护,同理,构建脚本的复制代码存在这样的问题。

    And just as code duplication can make a software program more difficult to maintain, so too does duplicate code in build scripts.


  • 这样,那些负面想法进一步加深了压抑情绪容易陷入挖越的困境的你感觉彷徨无助寻找一丝希望

    Your thoughts are negative, which furthers the depressive mood. It is easy to feel trapped and hopeless, but dig deep and look for that flicker of hope.


  • 这样,那些负面想法进一步加深了压抑情绪容易陷入挖越的困境的你感觉彷徨无助寻找一丝希望

    Your thoughts are negative, which furthers the depressive mood. It is easy to feel trapped and hopeless, but dig deep and look for that flicker of hope.


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