• 天堂美妙之处,以及之所以成为天堂,就是因为有神亲自同在

    The best thing about heaven, the thing that makes it heaven, is the presence of God himself.


  • 答案不会亲自出现,你应该勇气活着一些真正能带给快乐的事情。

    The answer then isn't looking for yourself, but having the courage to live unabashedly, to do what truly brings you bliss.


  • 十分高兴这个场合你们在一起,并且亲自接触古老享誉盛名大学

    I am sincerely happy to be here with you on this occasion and to become personally acquainted with this old and most prestigious University.


  • 重要的一课就是如果没有上帝亲自的供应带领我们绝不可能自己计划掌控一切

    The important lesson that we learned is: we would never be able to plan or control any of this without God's provision and guidance.


  • 通常团队领导或者亲自协助解决问题,或者开发人员解决问题,或者使用来自其他团队或者公司帮助解决问题。

    Usually the team lead either personally assisted in the problem, left the developer to battle the problem, or engaged help from another team or company member.


  • 然而,拉特雷亲自出现会议上,试图挫败他们计划

    Rattray, however, personally showed up at the meeting to try and put the kibosh on their plans.


  • 由于收到来信数量太多,戴夫很遗憾不能亲自回复各种询问

    Due to the large volume of letters he receives Dave regrets he is unable to answer queries personally.


  • 亲自组织反对大西洋倾倒放射性废料示威活动。

    I personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 可以员工公告栏张贴一张的、亲自签名感谢鼓励他们

    You might encourage them by posting a large, personally signed thank-you card to your cooks on the employee bulletin board.


  • 即便如此,仍有几个自动免除妇女担任陪审员职责除非她们亲自要求自己名字列入陪审团名单

    Even then several states automatically exempted women from jury duty unless they personally asked to have their names included on the jury list.


  • 老太太马上因为认为彼得亲自

    Immediately, the old lady called to him, for she thought that Peter himself had picked the flowers for her.


  • 时候,皇帝就亲自了。

    Now the Emperor himself wished to see the costly manufacture, while it was still in the loom.


  • 被遗弃黑豹一只妈妈所收养现在狗妈妈接受家庭成员亲自喂养这个小黑豹。

    A rejected baby black panther has been adopted by a dog mother. The mother has accepted the new member of the family and is now feeding the baby herself.


  • 纳塔尔亲自察看最近激战所造成的影响

    He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting.


  • 苏卡格可以亲自挑选继承人

    Sokagakkai was able to handpick his successor.


  • 亲自下厨的,所以小心点哟!”开玩笑说

    'I cooked it myself, so be careful!' he joked.


  • 海军上将亲自挑选出来做这份工作的。

    He was handpicked for this job by the Admiral.


  • 总是亲自料理自己的正经事,因为那时肯定能把做好

    She always attends to her own serious business herself, as then she is sure of having it done properly.


  • 学习这些规律必须亲自实践学习过去一些优秀演讲

    To learn those rules you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.


  • 湾区官员表示,鉴于萨克拉门托办事拖沓令人恼火,他们周四计划亲自动手搞定当地日益增长电子垃圾问题

    Frustrated with delays in Sacramento, Bay Area officials said Thursday they planned to take matters into their own hands to regulate the region's growing pile of electronic trash.


  • 社会工作者发现妻子通常会尽其所亲自照顾自己丈夫,以免耗尽他们生活积蓄

    Social workers discover that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself for as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings.


  • 营销总监第一个措施指示每个销售人员五个最好的客户打电话,亲自邀请他们参观促销活动。

    The marketing director's first measure was to instruct each salesperson to call his or her five best customers and personally invite them to visit the boost.


  • 1795年,德国语文学家弗里德里希·奥古斯特·沃尔夫首次提出,荷马作品不仅不是荷马亲笔写下的,甚至也不是荷马本人亲自创作的。

    In 1795, the German philologist Friedrich August Wolf argued for the first time that not only were Homer's works not written down by Homer, but they weren't even by Homer.


  • 也许懂得作者写作过程中的细微末节,最简便的办法不是而是亲自动手字句艰难险阻进行试验

    Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words.


  • 的老师打电话给他父母,建议他们回来亲自和他们的儿子谈谈。

    His teacher called his parents and advised them to come back and talk with their son in person.


  • 也可以亲自打扫你的房间。

    You can also clean your room by yourself.


  • 亲自读过鲁迅的作品,你才能体会他的写作风格。

    You can't taste Lu Xun's writing style until you read his works for yourself.


  • 的父亲亲自教小徐。

    His father taught little Xu by himself.


  • 茜在新年前夕亲自为她的大家庭做了一顿饭。

    Jessie cooked a meal for her big family by herself on New Year's Eve.


  • 果你听到朋友的坏消息,你可以用合适的方式亲自问问他们。

    If you've heard something bad about your friends, find a proper way of asking them about it by yourself.


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