• 希望加入我们,从而一个的人变成一个积极生活方式的人。

    P.S. I hope that you will join me during a retreat From a Sedentary to Active Lifestyle in 1 Month.


  • 设计一个少断路器调整音响信号电路以便提高调整工作效率减轻劳动强度

    The sounder circuit is used to adjust oil-minimum breakers, so that the working efficiency can be raised and the labour intensity can be reduce.


  • 诺基亚手机是不是建立一个能够承受厕所意外大跌现在应该

    Your Nokia phone isn't built to withstand an accidental plunge in the toilet, but a little rain every now and again shouldn't fry it.


  • 因为这些花费中的一些项目之前已经购买过了,所以第二个第三个孩子花费个少

    Bear in mind that second or third children will cost less than the first, since you will already have purchased many of the items you need.


  • 民族植物学一个为人知的、古老神秘学科我国有深厚历史文化积淀有广博的群众基础

    National Botany, an ancient and mysterious discipline, which is little known by people, is based on deep Chinese culture and broad mass foundation as well.


  • 皮耶罗希望得到现在起到2010合同但是据都灵体育报称尤文图斯老板只愿意提供一年条件更差的合同。

    Del Piero is seeking a contract on the current terms running through to 2010, while TuttoSport claim that the Juventus bosses are offering him one year less, and that too on reduced terms.


  • 指出武汉市主汛期降水存在4025年、10年、4—7年左右周期振荡,并由降水周期性推知本世纪武汉市汛期将进入下一个少时段

    The main period about 40,25,10 and 4-7 years are found. Based on this, we can forecast the lack of rainfall in Wuhan city in initial stages of this century.


  • 造成这种稀缺一个原因挪威公司管理层女性相当——她们占据了15%高级职位

    One reason for the scarcity is that there are fairly few women in management in Norwegian companiesthey occupy around 15% of senior positions.


  • 伊斯兰堡组织报告说巴基斯坦教育上的花费南亚任何国家都要

    A group in Islamabad reports Pakistan spends less on education than any other country in South Asia.


  • 人们说,陈词滥调作家可能犯下严重的错误对于一个口头吟游诗人来说它们必不可

    It's said that clichés are the worst sin a writer can commit, but to an oral bard, they were essential.


  • 实现我们寻求经济增长,我们需要开启一个使我们经济未来数十年中获得动力必不可增长源泉

    To achieve the economic expansion we all seek, we need to unlock a vital source of growth that can power our economies in the decades to come.


  • 北极观察显示每个夏天北冰洋上面覆盖冰川一个夏天的要

    Observations of the Arctic reveal that the Arctic Ocean is covered by less ice each summer than the previous summer.


  • 插曲一个具有讽刺意味的事实变得更加明显:尽管公共场合美国男性往往女性得多,但在家里他们往往

    This episode crystallizes the irony that although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations, they often talk less at home.


  • 两者都必不可没有一个优于一个它们互不冲突反而相辅相成,本身的职权范围

    Both were essential and neither was superior to the other; they were not in conflict but complementary, each with its own sphere of competence.


  • 几代人来说大学摆脱父母控制一个决定性时期同时同龄人长者的支持指导也是必不可的。

    For previous generations, college was decisive break from parental control; guidance and support needed help from people of the same age and from within.


  • 平静的,压力一天开始

    It makes for a calmer, less stressful start to your day.


  • 相信如果一个游客城市这些将会改变但是现在马拉加

    I'm sure that would change if I would go to a city that was less touristy, but at the moment I really like living in malaga.


  • 曾告诉朋友,多他入伍,就会一个口的士兵上战场。

    He told a friend he wanted to join up so that a soldier with a wife and family would not have to.


  • 精力这里需要澄清一个误解如果的话,肯定精力不足

    Energy: Let's clear up a big misconception. You might assume that you'll feel less energetic if you slept so much less.


  • 装配辆汽车需要差不多10000个单独零件不能

    Assembling a car requires some 10, 000 individual pieces, and every single one of them is needed in the finished product.


  • 装配辆汽车需要差不多10000个单独零件不能

    Assembling a car requires some 10,000 individual pieces, and every single one of them is needed in the finished product.


  • 图书馆是在这个过程一个必不可部分那些自己无法获得资源或者接触书籍信息的人,提供了唯一途径

    Libraries are an essential part of this process, providing the only access for those who do not have the resources to purchase or access books and information on their own.


  • 定义了公共实体模式公共信息模型成为这个类型系统一个必不可部分

    The common information model that defines the schemas of the "common Entities" will be an essential part of this type system.


  • 意味着一个年龄层的人口都一个年龄层的人口——这种趋势其他社会已经证明是不可逆的。

    This means that each age group is smaller than the one older than it - a trend that has proved hard to reverse in other societies.


  • 计算一个概念允许的投入得到多收获,从而更加轻松地工作

    Cloud computing is a concept that enables you to work smarter by doing more with less.


  • 计算一个概念允许的投入得到多收获,从而更加轻松地工作

    Cloud computing is a concept that enables you to work smarter by doing more with less.


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