And if they can't answer that question, I say well, before you even run it, have an answer to that.
So why on earth should theory come along and say Well there's sort of a problem with communication?
In stories about startups, people often say well I was here then I was here, instead, you had a long chain.
You might say, "Well, gee, why don't we just power our cars with hydrogen placed on an internal combustion chamber."
My mom will say "well done" or "thank you" if I help to do the housework.
Henry looks at me, as though to say, Well, that's that.
When they do, rule aficionados will say, "Well, we can emend it and make it more supple by adding to the circumstances it covers."
Whether it is Rooney, or Macheda, or Welbeck, or Nani, they all have to say, 'Well, this guy was exceptional'.
For 100 years, people have used these and more sophisticated paradoxes to try to say, 'Well isn't there this way to exceed the speed of light?
Some of you might say: Well it's because you don't have kids that you move so much.
I say: 'Well, it isn't'. They think, 'Well, it should be'.
If that meant I wanted to wear a potato sack, I'm sure she'd just say, "Well, OK." All that matters is that you're here.
So it's very different from the gas phase, where it can be a pretty realistic approximation to say, well, the molecules are essentially non-interacting.
If you say, "Well, I kind of, sort of, maybe want to change" it isn't going to happen.
If you get it, even undeservedly you might say, well, I don't deserve that or don't count your blessing, if you are lucky, you got it.
Now there is a strange thing because classically you would say, well, if I just have a wire with nothing in it there is no voltage on it.
We might say, well, it's not true now Death isn't bad for me now I'm not dead now ? Maybe death is bad for me when I'm dead?
"Dad would come in and say, 'Well, Henry's outside and I've asked him to stay for dinner,'" she said.
A lot of people say, well in a way didn't we just rename the metadivine realm God? No.
People try and put a nice varnish on it, and say, well, you mellow. You come to understand life and accept things.
That is to say, you really can get someplace, and so you're entitled to say, "Well, okay."
If you ask them why it matters, they say, well it's pretty obvious — it's all their investor psychology that we have to deal with.
So what ends up happening then, if you look at the relative variation, you might look and then say, well it's pretty big.
What was I supposed to say? 'Well, son, we burnt her and she's in that box there.'
我该怎么对孩子说? “儿子,我们把妈妈烧了,然后装在了那个盒子里。”
Why can't we just say, well, it's going to be a degenerate critical point?
The management might say, well what do you mean we didn't lose any money this year?
The management might say, well what do you mean we didn't lose any money this year?