And if they can't answer that question, I say well, before you even run it, have an answer to that.
So you say well, rather than rushing off and fixing this one bug, let me pull back and ask, bug is this a systematic mistake that I've made throughout the program?
So the most basic answer that doesn't explain why is just to say well, the s orbital is lower in energy than the p orbital, but we now have a more complete answer, so we can actually describe why that is.
Now I try that on my students, and invariably they say "Well, of course you've got to save the child.
So, you might say, well, gee, why don't we just power our cars with hydrogen, use an internal combustion chamber.
So these Greeks would say, "Well, we have another Goddess of the Hunt," and you'd find other Goddesses of the Hunt.
Somebody else might say, well I want to just hold this point, I want to hold the tangency portfolio.
Well, you might say surely there could be creatures that would want to live forever, that would enjoy an eternal existence.
You'd say, "Well, you know, it kind of works out that the heads group is kind of really--heads, smart."
A lot of people say, well in a way didn't we just rename the metadivine realm God? No.
So I can in a very straightforward way say, OK, well, here is my Helmholtz free energy.
That is to say, you really can get someplace, and so you're entitled to say, "Well, okay.
So, some of you might say, "Well, I've seen this before", so maybe there is nothing new here.
This chart, very boring and uninteresting but useful to say there are very well defined rules as to when you're writing code, what operators, like what syntax should get evaluated first.
Well before I say that, I should say I'm not going to change it, you are.
在我说出来之前,我需要说明 不是由我来改变它,而是由你们来做
And,so,every government that comes to power,they say, well we're going to do something about this.