• 好莱坞工间休息耗费不少

    Downtime in Hollywood can cost a lot of money.


  • 从未结婚不过追求者不少

    She never married but had many admirers.


  • 体重减轻不少

    I have lost a lot of weight.


  • 饭菜剩下不少

    There was lots of food left over.


  • 那些好像发现了其魅力不少女人所发出的性暗示置之不理

    He ignores come-ons from the many women who seem to find him attractive.


  • 我们不少时间,对安吉生活方式啧啧地表示了反对。

    We all spent a lot of time tut-tutting about Angie and her lifestyle.


  • 承诺不少是口惠无实。

    He has made a lot of promises, but none of them have been carried out.


  • 两千段经文不少——真的,真的很多

    Two thousand verses is a great many--very, very great many.


  • 女儿婚期的操心使消瘦不少

    The thought of her daughter's wedding day prompted her to lose some weight.


  • 我们他们的教育上可不少

    We've forked out a small fortune on their education.


  • 清理这场所需要不少

    Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees.


  • 自己技术不少调整。

    He has made a number of readjustments to his technique.


  • 女性1工作40小时并不少见。

    It is not unusual for women to work a 40-hour week.


  • 期杂志不少市场上收回

    Copies of the magazine were withdrawn from circulation.


  • 这座建筑物整个城市增色不少

    The building is an ornament to the city.


  • 房子一定花了他们不少

    That house must have knocked them back a bit.


  • 优秀运动员我见不少出类拔萃

    I've seen some fine players, but she's something else.


  • 大学生家里

    It is not uncommon for college students to live at home.


  • 这些菜谱中的很多都是添加了不少调料

    Many of these recipes are highly flavoured.


  • 这个地区100个不同物种

    There are no fewer than 100 different species in the area.


  • 一家子饥饿人张罗食物不少

    Feeding a hungry family can be expensive.


  • 这栋不少需要修缮

    The building needs quite a few repairs.


  • 急急忙忙按时完工,结果出了不少

    In her haste to complete the work on time, she made a number of mistakes.


  • 张桌子一度为公爵起居室增色不少

    The table had once graced a duke's drawing room.


  • 其中包含不少真理

    There's more than a grain of truth in that.


  • 这个系统虽然缺点不少,却是现有最好一个。

    The system, for all its faults , is the best available at the moment.


  • 我们不仅得了价钱应得的,而且捞到了不少

    We got our money's worth and then some.


  • 我们不少早已过了鼎盛时期运动员试图复出

    We've had a series of athletes trying to come back well past their prime.


  • 显然一个近似值但是猜测不少余额

    Clearly that's an approximation, but my guess is there'll be a reasonable balance.


  • 听说模特儿赚了不少钱。

    I hear she is making good money as a model.


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