• There's a second figure here standing ab extra, and that's the moon hovering overhead: "while over-head the Moon / sits Arbitress."


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • The Psalmist is going to use this motif when he denounces social injustice, exploitation of the poor and so on.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • We expect universities to be fair to their students, to their employees, to their faculty, and pretty clear what some of those problems are.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • What about Mill's attempt to account for the especially weighty character of individual rights and justice in chapter five of Utilitarianism.


    耶鲁公开课 - 公正课程节选

  • The administration of justice,which means deciding what is just, is the regulation of the partnership which is the polis.


    耶鲁公开课 - 古希腊历史简介课程节选

  • And nearly not even a half of them graduate high school, which is like, a terrible injustice, a complete injustice.


    哈佛公开课 - 幸福课课程节选

  • These are extraordinary lines These are among my most favorite lines in all of Milton Samson is questioning the wisdom and the justice of God's admittedly who can deny it?


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • There can be no such thing as an unjust law, he infers, again, because the sovereign is the source of all justice.


    耶鲁公开课 - 政治哲学导论课程节选

  • The next passage: "Taste is the faculty of the judging of an object or a method of representing it by an entirely disinterested satisfaction or dissatisfaction."


    耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选

  • What Harsanyi and Rawls both gave us was a system of justice that, in my mind, conveys a sense of financial risk management.


    耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场课程节选

  • We see somebody who's fairly decent morally, and it reminds us of perfect justice or perfect virtue.


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • you gonna be transparent and explainning to people what you need done, because no one can understand completely what you are, as the surgeon, thinking.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 领导能力简介课程节选

  • So the values that I discuss, our liberty and democracy and equality and justice.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会课程节选

  • It is unjust, contrary to nature and religion, to hold men enslaved.


    耶鲁公开课 - 美国内战与重建课程节选

  • And Einstein credited de Broglie, which is a fair statement of lifting a corner of the great veil, because really there was this fundamental misunderstanding about what the difference was between matter and light, and the reality is that they can both be like-particles and they can both show characteristics of waves.


    麻省理工公开课 - 化学原理课程节选

  • And because there're so many issues you could look at when we talked about what is a just university.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • I have a final question for you: do you feel that Princeton university is on the right trajectory in answering the question of just university?


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • The distinction I made in the paper that we talked about in the class is between procedural justice and substance of justice in the university.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • So the writer seems very determined to tell the story in a way that depicts God as acting not capriciously but according to certain clear standards of justice.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • Why can't you take to the Hustings, persuade your fellow citizens that taxation is unjust and try to get a majority?


    耶鲁公开课 - 公正课程节选

  • And so the syllabus we had both was intended to give students background reading of what is justice, you know, more generally.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • And there is a further objection that could be raised against Mill's case for justice and rights.


    耶鲁公开课 - 公正课程节选

  • But he does distinguish, he tells us, between a just law and a good law.


    耶鲁公开课 - 政治哲学导论课程节选

  • And sovereign is appointed for Hobbes to be much like an umpire in a baseball or a football game, to set the rules of the game.


    耶鲁公开课 - 政治哲学导论课程节选

  • Milton actually wrote that it was the duty, not just the right but the duty, of a nation to rise up and dethrone through execution an unjust, though legitimate, king.


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • Justice on the other hand,is an element of the polis.


    耶鲁公开课 - 古希腊历史简介课程节选

  • Aristotle in his Politics says this: "As man is the best of the animals when perfected, so he is the worst of all when he is divided away from the law and justice."


    耶鲁公开课 - 古希腊历史简介课程节选

  • Like how does a university or how does any - -well let's stick with the university- how do you get to the core and decide: yes this is actually the intention of this is justice.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • I worked on specifically, I looked at -and this is also the reason why it's difficult to say what is a just university, because we didn't just look at Princeton, we didn't just look at Ivy League Schools or at least private institutions.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • For many people, doing justly is reflected in the way you teach, whatever the subject is.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

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