• 相似的历史遭遇共同斗争历程使中巴人民心灵相通。

    Similar historical sufferings and the common struggle have brought our hearts and minds together.


  • 共同历史遭遇、共同的奋斗历程中非人民结下了深厚的友谊

    We Chinese and Africans have forged profound friendship through our common historical experience and in our common struggles.


  • 早期历史中,芝加哥经常遭遇洪水,街道变得泥泞不堪,行人,马匹还有马车都泥土里出不来。

    In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, making the streets so muddy that people, horses, and carts got stuck.


  • 我们遭遇人类历史最可怕恶魔同时也经历了人类历史最伟大勇气

    We encounter the worst evil in the history of mankind together with the greatest courage in the history of humanity.


  • 因此,尽管现在广受欢迎历史确乎,欧洲遭遇禁止并且美国也是非常争议的。

    So, it was a very popular book in the U.S., but it did have this history of being banned in Europe, and it was certainly controversial here.


  • 德国人将加加一家自己家中赶了出来强迫他们花园掩体里面可能正是因为这些遭遇让加加林变得非常热衷于历史研究

    Perhaps because the Germans kicked the family out of their home and forced them to live in a dugout in the garden for three years, Gagarin became a keen student of history.


  • 历史我们一代人这一挑战反应作出评判,因为如果我们不能应对一挑战---大胆迅速齐心协力地,---我们将冒使自己的后代遭遇不可逆转灾难的风险。

    Our generation's response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet itboldly, swiftly, and together – we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe.


  • 本身就续写历史,遇到台风季节,几乎就被连根拔起之后遭遇干涸等接连的创伤

    The tree itself has a storied and inspirational history - it was almost uprooted during a typhoon, then it dried out from the subsequent trauma.


  • 从未一次访问遭遇如此境况,从未一次访问在历史造成如此的反响,也从未有一次访问在一个猜疑彼此误判的氛围下进行。

    But there have never been circumstances like this, never with such resonances of history, never laden with circumstances of such suspicion and mutual misunderstanding and incomprehension.


  • 每当遭遇危机时,历史总是重演

    History repeats itself in crises.


  • 俄罗斯遭遇1000历史以来最热

    Russia suffered through its hottest year in 1, 000 years of history.


  • 非洲有600殖民地历史中国1840年后殖民地历史中非有着相似的遭遇

    Africa was colonized for 600 years. China shares similar experience with Africa as it was subjected to colonization after 1840.


  • 遭遇过程进行大约几百万对于宇宙历史来说只是一眨眼的工夫。

    The encounter, though, has been going on for about a few hundred million years, the blink of an eye in cosmic history.


  • 最后这样观点虽然伊拉克遭遇一次恶劣惨败也是历史——尽管鲜血淋漓,毕竟世易时移。

    Finally there is the notion that, although Iraq may have been a wretched fiasco, it is also history-so much blood under the bridge.


  • 人们回到过去只需通过手中古董某个历史名胜出现遭遇危及生命事故简单看一下镜子

    People travel backwards in time via the possession of antiques, presence at historical places of interest, encounter of life-threatening accidents, or simple a look into the mirror.


  • 并且,噬人鲨遭遇架坠落客机可以说怪兽电影历史疯狂的一幕

    Still, MegaShark’s encounter with a passenger airplane goes down as one of the craziest moments in monster movie history.


  • 白银虽然创出历史高点但是遭遇了强大的阻力

    Silver moved to new highs but encountered a very long-term resistance level.


  • 世界悠久历史中,只有很少几个世代的人赋有这种在自由遭遇最大危机保卫自由的任务。

    In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.


  • 70年代拉丁美洲遭遇滑铁卢以后,这家银行至此都十分小心谨慎,“我们已经有130历史,是慎密的心态我们可以成为存活到今天。”

    After lending mishaps in Latin America in the 1970s his bank has an abiding desire to be cautious. "We've existed for 130 years." Prudence has really helped us to become a survivor.


  • 出于可能通过出售股权廉价资产支撑财务状况担忧3i股票于今年月底遭遇历史新低

    3i shares hit a record low in late-January on fears it may be forced to shore up its finances through a rights issue or cheap asset sales.


  • 然而远远不只是这个城市建筑物物体,更主要的突然遭遇大灾难人们的样子使得这个城市成为人类历史纪念馆

    However, much more than buildings and objects, it is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city a monument to human history.


  • 1755年里斯本地震海啸欧洲近现代历史具破坏力次地震,也是欧洲迄今为止直接遭遇最大一次海啸。

    The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake-Tsunami was a most damaging earthquake in modern European history and it also has been the greatest tsunami ever suffered by Europe.


  • 历史角度看民族变化一个社会所能遭遇困难事情之一

    Historically, ethnic change is one of the most difficult things a society can go through.


  • 历史遭遇维系正在集体之间这场威严智力比赛之中

    History of the encounter between the two is to maintain the collective majesty and intelligence of game.


  • 世界悠久历史中,只有很少几个世代的人赋有这种在梦想遭遇最大危机保卫梦想的任务。

    In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending dream in its hour of maximum danger.


  • 因此,尽管现在广受欢迎历史确乎欧洲遭遇过禁止,并且美国也是非常争议的。

    So, it was a very popular book in the U. S., but it did have this history of being banned in Europe, and it was certainly controversial here.


  • 出色后卫吉奥瓦尼-范布隆·霍斯特第79分钟时打了一个防守反击,进了第三个球,最终意大利队遭遇欧洲杯历史惨重失败

    Standout defender Giovanni van Bronckhorst added the third on a counterattack in the 79th minute to give Italy its most lopsided loss in the history of the tournament.


  • 出色后卫吉奥瓦尼-范布隆·霍斯特第79分钟时打了一个防守反击,进了第三个球,最终意大利队遭遇欧洲杯历史惨重失败

    Standout defender Giovanni van Bronckhorst added the third on a counterattack in the 79th minute to give Italy its most lopsided loss in the history of the tournament.


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