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  [计] structural feature

结构特征structural feature 摆臂式垃圾车选用已定型的标准载货汽车底盘,在底盘上增加专用装置制造而成。



分子结构特征 character of molecular structure

二维结构特征 two dimension structure feature

空间结构特征 Spatial Structure Feature

超微结构特征 ultrastructural characteristic

群落结构特征 community structure characteristics

资本结构特征 Capital Structure Characteristics

生物膜结构特征 structure feature of bio-membrane

位错的结构特征 Structure of Dislocations

  • structural characteristics - 引用次数:6

    参考来源 - 西北干旱区冬、夏季大气边界层结构对比研究
  • structure characteristics - 引用次数:50

    This part use input-output analysis to analyze the structure characteristics and the inerlinkages of Chinese agribusiness.


    参考来源 - 中国涉农产业:结构、关联与发展
    structure characters - 引用次数:7

    Chapter 3 is the conditions and characters of the milk foods consumption in China. The area characters, kinds and structure characters are analyzed.


    参考来源 - 中国乳品消费现状及未来发展趋势研究
  • structure feature - 引用次数:48

    To extract structure feature for 3D retrieval, we decompose the given 3D model into some meaningful patches by segmentation technology.

    在三维模型的结构特征提取方面。 我们引入三维分割技术,从分割结果中提取结构特征

    参考来源 - 三维模型形状分析和检索
    structural features - 引用次数:30

    Furthermore,neural networks are used for classification tool of satellite image. In classification spectral feature,texture and structural features of ground objective are used for the category of an IRS\|1C satellite image.

    在此基础上 ,采用神经网络方法将纹理结构特征与地物光谱特征相结合 ,进行卫星图像分类。

    参考来源 - 分形与神经网络方法在卫星数字图像分类中的应用
    architectural feature - 引用次数:4

    参考来源 - 基于Hough变换的神经网络表格字符识别技术的研究
    structural feature
  • microstructure - 引用次数:12

    The microstructure of the products sintered at 1100 C1300 C were discussed by SEM coupled with EDS.


    参考来源 - TiAl/Ti
    structure characters - 引用次数:3

    参考来源 - 螺旋离心泵的叶片变螺距设计及数值模拟
  • structural characteristics - 引用次数:31

    Stage 0 includes the formation of genital fold, the migration and accumulation of primordial germ cell and the formation of gonad. At stage Ⅰ, some structural characteristics of different sexual gonad were observed by microscope.


    参考来源 - 施氏鲟早期性腺发育的研究
    taxonomy - 引用次数:3

    The results showed that the cross-section structure of Equisetum was more stable, and the interspecies diversity was more obvious, so it could be used as one of the features in taxonomy. The epidermal features of Equisetum had great similarity.


    参考来源 - 山西省木贼属解剖结构、生物量及抑菌性的研究
  • structural properties - 引用次数:3

    A lot of experimental findings have uncovered that complex networks in various fields share many common structural properties such as small-world property, scale-free feature, community structure etc.


    参考来源 - 复杂网络上的社团结构探测研究



  • 由此产生的干燥陆地适应包括一些植物进化早期出现的结构特征现在这些特征对于几乎所有陆地植物来说都是很常见的

    The resulting adaptations to dry land include some structural features that arose early in plant evolution; now these features are common to virtually all land plant.


  • 什么语言结构特征

    What are design features of language?


  • 基因基因组水平上分析这些序列结构特征亟待解决问题。

    It is the most pressing task to analyze these sequences at gene and genome level.


  • And these rings are indicative of the crystal structure of nickel and can be explained only by invoking wavelike properties of light.


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选

  • You're not responsible for these paintings, but we'll illustrate ways in which the Dutch Republic, and their social structure, and what they emphasized, and who they thought they were was very different than, for example, la belle France.


    耶鲁公开课 - 欧洲文明课程节选

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