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重庆三峡库区 Chongqing Three Gorges reservoir area ; The Three Gorges Reservoir of Chongqing

长江三峡库区 the yangtze three gorges reservoir

三峡库区社区 Community in the Three Gorges Area

三峡库区江段 the three gorges reservoir reaches

和谐三峡库区 harmonious Three Gorges reservoir

三峡库区腹地 three gorges reservoir abdominal area

三峡库区塌岸 three gorges reservoir region shore collapse

三峡库区小城镇 Townlet in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

重庆市三峡库区 Chongqing three-gorges reservoir area

  • three gorges area - 引用次数:114

    参考来源 - 水土环境与施肥对茎瘤芥质量的影响
    three gorges region - 引用次数:39

    There is no correlation between the plastics content and the stabilization character of the refuse in the Three Gorges region.


    参考来源 - 三峡库区沿江生活垃圾堆放场垃圾稳定化研究
  • three gorges area - 引用次数:185

    参考来源 - 三峡库区金融体系的重构研究
    three gorges district - 引用次数:58

    Three Gorges District is one of the most attentional areas at home a nd aboard in resent years.


    参考来源 - 三峡库区“产业空虚化”的成因及对策
  • three gorge reservoir region - 引用次数:7

    参考来源 - 夏橙绿斑病发生、危害和病原遗传多样性研究
  • the three gorges project - 引用次数:8

    参考来源 - 万州城市土地利用空间结构优化研究
  • tgp reservoir area - 引用次数:13

    Implementation of the oriented resettlement development will bring inevitably some changes in economy and society and ecology in TGP reservoir area.


    参考来源 - 三峡工程开发性移民与可持续发展研究
  • the three gorges project - 引用次数:2

    参考来源 - 明代长江三峡乡镇里地理考
  • reservoir sanxia - 引用次数:2

    This article is example for the ultrahigh embankment in the east of FengJie reservoir SanXia aiming at the research and discussion for the deformation and stability of the high-filled embankment made of gravel-soil.


    参考来源 - 人工特高筑填路堤变形及稳定性研究
  • tgp area - 引用次数:7

    Then base on their relationship and experiences about water resources management in Rhone River basin, this article put forward the mode of water resources management in the TGP area.


    参考来源 - 三峡库区生态系统健康诊断及水资源管理研究
    shanxia reservior region - 引用次数:5

    参考来源 - 三峡库区地质灾害特征及建设管理
  • the reservoir of three gorges - 引用次数:4

    As the special geological factors of the reservoir of Three Gorges, it's the place where landslide hazard happens frequently.


    参考来源 - 基于GIS的三峡库区滑坡稳定性评价系统的设计与实现
  • three-gorges reservoir - 引用次数:4

    Conclusion It was the first complete investigation which found out the sources of E. coli O157 in Chongqing and Three-gorges Reservoir Area and the phenotypic characteristics of the isolates had been studied.2.

    结论 本次调查是首次对重庆市及三峡库区大肠杆菌O157的家畜带菌情况进行较全面的调查,查明了该菌的传染源,对菌株的表型特征进行了研究。

    参考来源 - 重庆市及三峡库区大肠杆菌O157的流行病学调查



  • 三峡库区地质灾害防治工程顺利实施

    The third phase of the project to prevent and control geological disasters in the Three Gorges Reservoir area was carried out smoothly.


  • 研究成果三峡库区高切坡地质灾害认识防治有一定的意义

    Research results are significant in the prevention and treatment of geo-hazards of the Three Gorges reservoir area.


  • 随着三峡库区形成三峡库区环境的质量引起了公众注意

    With the formation of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (the TGR Area), the water quality of the TGR Area has also aroused public attention.


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