• 每天早晨出去跑步,风雨无阻

    He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine.


  • 他们察看风雨造成损失

    They surveyed the damage inflicted by the storm.


  • 天气闷热觉得风雨

    It's very heavyI think there'll be a storm.


  • 我们不幸遭遇猛烈风雨

    We had the misfortune to run into a violent storm.


  • 这场风雨夺走50生命

    The storms took the lives of 50 people.


  • 那场预示已久的风雨即将来临。

    The long-threatened storm was upon us.


  • 这场风雨信造成多达4死亡

    The storm is thought to be responsible for as many as four deaths.


  • 船只能任凭强大风雨肆虐

    The ship was helpless against the power of the storm.


  • 演讲博得风雨般的掌声。

    His speech was greeted with a storm of applause.


  • 风雨临时天空变得黑沉沉的。

    The sky began to darken as the storm approached.


  • 风雨引发了萨沃纳的山崩水灾

    The storm caused landslides and flooding in Savona.


  • 登山运动员山洞躲避风雨

    The climbers took cover from the storm in a cave.


  • 天空中的乌云预示风雨即将来临。

    The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming.


  • 茅草屋顶风雨遭到严重破坏

    The thatch was badly damaged in the storm.


  • 他们的飞机遭到了风雨的猛烈袭击。

    Their plane had been severely buffeted by storms.


  • 这些登山者风雨困住了。

    The climbers had been stranded by a storm.


  • 这场风雨南方造成了巨大的灾害。

    The storm wrought havoc in the south.


  • 风雨树枝树干上刮了下来。

    The storm split a branch off from the main trunk.


  • 风雨一点儿把屋顶掀

    The storm nearly tore the roof off.


  • 风雨持续多久

    How long do you think this storm will last?


  • 风雨并未造成严重损失。

    The storm didn't do much damage.


  • 没有听见风雨那时一定睡着了。

    I didn't hear the storm. I must have drifted off by then.


  • 风雨甲板所有的东西都必须

    During the storm everything on deck had to be lashed down.


  • 我们躲避一个门洞里等候风雨过去。

    We sheltered in a doorway to wait out the storm.


  • 穿上足以风雨衣服

    Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain.


  • 风雨过后转晴了。

    The sky cleared after the storm.


  • 风雨没有减弱迹象

    The storm showed no signs of abating.


  • 风雨冲走建筑物道路侵蚀了沙滩

    The storm washed away buildings and roads and eroded beaches.


  • 风雨倾盆大雨造成了全国交通混乱

    The storms and torrential rain caused traffic chaos across the country.


  • 我们乘船外出看到风雨正在酝酿之中

    We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat.


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