• 目的调查深圳市孕妇地中海贫血发病率基因突变类型,对风险胎儿进行产前诊断

    Objective To investigate the incidence and types of genic mutations for thalassemia in Shenzhen area and perform the prenatal diagnosis in high risk fetus.


  • 而那些营养充足母亲怀的胎儿正如我们看到的那样,不能预知营养不良风险因此作出反应方面不及前者。

    Fetuses carried by well-nourished mothers do not, as it were, anticipate the risk of malnutrition, and thus respond to it less well.


  • 通过基因筛查技术可以筛选出那些女性胎儿存在此种风险通过饮食补充药物治疗阻止酒精影响

    The hope is that gene screening could ID women whose fetuses would be at-risk, and that dietary supplements or drugs could block alcohol’s effect.


  • HIV阳性女性如果怀孕应当进行咨询,了解未出生婴儿风险以及如何使用药物避免胎儿受到感染

    HIV-positive women who wish to become pregnant should seek counseling about the risk to unborn children, and medical advances that may help prevent the fetus from becoming infected.


  • 怀孕后期胎儿推挤胸廓,导致孕妇肺活量减少,这样感染流感后,就面临呼吸并发症风险

    Late in the pregnancy, the fetus pushes up against the thoracic cage and decreases a woman's lung capacity, putting her at risk for respiratory complications if she contracts flu.


  • 因为存在某些基因疾病——例如乳腺癌——风险而被流产的胎儿越来越多,而这些疾病是可以治愈的,或者这些疾病也许根本不会发生。

    It also is increasingly used to weed out embryos at risk of genetic diseasessuch as breast cancerthat could be treated, or that might not strike a person later in life.


  • 然而,根据研究,妊娠中期经受飓风胎儿出生时胎儿窒息风险增加了20%。

    However, hurricane exposure during the second trimester provoked a 20% rise in fetal distress at birth.


  • 这些试验造成流产胎儿受伤风险为1%左右

    These tests carry around a one per cent risk of miscarriage and may lead to fetal injury.


  • w -3脂肪酸对于胎儿大脑发育积极的作用可能减少早产风险还有利于胎儿发育健康

    The Omega 3 fatty acids seem to have a positive effect on fetal brain development and may reduce the risk of premature birth. There are positive effects on the growth and health of the fetus.


  • 如果检查没有流产风险,那么更多妇女愿意选择这项检查,这就使得更多的妇女发现自己是否怀有患病胎儿

    With no miscarriage risk, more women might be willing to take it, and so more women would find out they have a Down syndrome pregnancy.


  • 目前还不清楚药物是否胎儿副作用,科学家称这样好处远甚于风险

    Little is known about the possible ill-effects of the drugs on the foetus but scientists say their benefits are likely to be greater than the risks.


  • 胎儿感染疟疾妇女艾滋病毒传给新生儿风险较高

    Women with malaria infection of the placenta also have a higher risk of passing HIV infection to their newborns.


  • 由于可能引起胎儿造成伤害风险,故怀孕妇女可能怀孕的妇女避免用药部位接触

    Because of the risk for fetal harm, women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should also avoid contact with the application site.


  • 肥胖妈妈胎儿死亡婴儿死亡风险(绝对风险)1000个孩子16个死亡(1.6%),而正常体重的妈妈是1000个孩子有大约9个(0.9%)。

    The total (absolute) risk of fetal or infant death was 16 in every 1, 000 births (1.6 percent) among obese women and nearly 9 per 1, 000 births (0.9 percent) among normal weight women.


  • 这些女性们需要激励鼓励面对他们对于乳癌病史及其母乳质量、胎儿健康和乳癌复发风险担忧。”Azim说

    "These women need motivation and encouragement to face their fears regarding their breast cancer history and its effect on milk production, fetal health and of course risk of recurrence," says Azim.


  • 绒毛取样需要胚胎中取出遗传物质样本,有百分之一可能导致流产所以一般只有胎儿患病风险很高的情况下才会使用。

    The latter tests take samples of genetic material from the foetus but they carry a 1% risk of miscarriage and are therefore reserved for high risk pregnancies.


  • 母亲癫痫发作期间还有其它胎儿胎盘损伤,最终可能导致流产风险增加

    There are addition concerns of fetal and placental injury during the mother seizure which can lead to an increased risk of miscarriage.


  • 如果补剂制造商通过FDA认证他们可以在标签中宣传一些健康相关内容,比如足够的叶酸可以降低胎儿神经管出现缺陷风险。”

    Supplement manufacturers can make health claims if they are approved by the FDA. One example would be "adequate folic acid may reduce a woman's risk of having a child with a neural tube defect."


  • 叶酸有助于减少胎儿发育过程出现神经系统畸形缺陷风险

    Folic acid helps reduce the risk for neural tube defects in the developing fetus.


  • 安德森医学博士第一个三个月孕期没有孕妇化疗,这时期胎儿重要器官形成期出生缺陷风险最高的。

    Chemotherapy is not given at M. D. Anderson during the first trimester of pregnancy, when vital organs are still forming and the risk of birth defects is highest.


  • 分娩具有明显更大死亡受伤风险,通常在头胎、或者高龄产妇、早产儿及低体重胎儿中常见

    The position causes significantly greater risks of death or injury to the baby.


  • 这位妇科医生透露,胎儿们面临最大风险早产,医生正竭尽所防止一情况发生。

    The biggest risk for the babies is being born prematurely and doctors are doing all they can to prevent that, the gynaecologist added.


  • 可能怀上双胞胎双胎胎儿可能处于更高健康风险

    But she may then also be more likely to have twins - and such children are at more risk of health problems.


  • 他们建议由于使用依诺阿司匹林母亲胎儿具有最小限度风险,对于经历过三次甚至更多怀孕失败妇女,上述任意一种形式治疗应该考虑。

    "In view of the minimal risks of enoxaparin and aspirin to the mother and fetus," they recommend that "either form of treatment should be considered in women after three or more pregnancy losses."


  • 颈部扫描有助于医生估计风险唐氏综合征胎儿缺陷其他准确地母亲年龄孤单

    The nuchal scan helps doctors to estimate the risk of the fetus having Down syndrome or other defects more accurately than by maternal age alone.


  • 对于胎儿我们兴趣长期增长长期儿童长期糖尿病的风险代谢综合征肥胖

    For the fetus, we are interested in the long-term growth and long-term risk of the child developing diabetes or metabolic syndrome and obesity.


  • 绒毛膜双胎妊娠中,如果其中一个胎儿26仅重320发生宫内死亡风险很高时,我们通常建议推迟产妇的分娩时间。

    In a dichorionic pregnancy, if a co-twin weighs 320 g at 26 weeks and is at high risk of in utero death, we typically would advise the parents to delay delivery.


  • 其中超声胎儿异常染色体异常检出率(33.33%)明显高于21-三体风险(4.54%)、不良孕产史组的检出率(9.09%)(P<0.05)。

    The detection rate of the chromosomal abnormality of the abnormal fetus detected by ultrasound (33.33%) was higer than the trisomy 21 high risk group(4.54%) and abnormal delivery group(9.09%)(P<0.05).


  • 如何了解胎儿是否存在神经系统畸形风险还有如何才能防止其发生

    How do I know if I am at risk for having a baby with neural defects, and how can I prevent this from happening?


  • 如何了解胎儿是否存在神经系统畸形风险还有如何才能防止其发生

    How do I know if I am at risk for having a baby with neural defects, and how can I prevent this from happening?


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