• 九月份捕杀不合法的,它违反联邦法庭2002年的颁布令要求马卡人在新的捕杀之前要获得灰鲸从《海洋哺乳动物保护法》中被撤销的文件。

    But the September hunt was illegal, violating a federal court's 2002 order demanding that the Makahs get a waiver to the Marine Mammal Protection Act before killing another whale.


  • 卫生部颁布禁烟涉及公共场合包括酒店饭店剧院火车站机场等候

    The regulation, issued by the ministry of health, bans smoking in places such as hotels, restaurants, theatres and waiting rooms at railway stations and airports.


  • 颁布王室赦免或者减刑但是通常罪犯监狱服刑后才这样做。

    He is able to grant royal pardons and reduce sentences but usually only after the felon has served time in jail.


  • 颁布禁飞是因为一旦伦敦VAAC预测那样,火山灰扩散甚远,航班难以飞过火山灰所覆盖的航线

    The ban was imposed because once the ash cloud, as predicted by VAAC London, had spread out far enough it was hard to get any routes through it.


  • 墓地已经被用的差不多,不能火化解决加上法律禁止修建墓地,所以镇长想出了一个新奇的"解决之道"--颁布

    There's no more room to bury the dead, they can't be cremated and laws forbid a new cemetery. So the mayor has proposed an intriguing solution: outlaw death.


  • 如果通缉颁布这些骚扰肯定会加剧导致许多咨询项目关闭至少一个已经关闭了。

    If a warrant is issued, the harassment will surely worsen to the point where many counselling projects will be shut down, as at least one has been already.


  • 我们颁布禁烟时(甚至室外公园体育场所都禁止),我们可曾禁止胖子面目狰狞地大特嚼?

    While we have outlawed smoking in bars — and even in outdoor parks and sporting fields — we haven't outlawed fat people chowing down on Mars bars?


  • 2008年,饭馆咖啡厅破产数量暴涨26%,其中禁烟颁布难辞其咎。

    In 2008 bankruptcies of restaurants and cafes, affected also by the smoking ban, leapt by 26%.


  • 现在所谈到上个月应一家名为“克”石油公司要求颁布的,阻止媒体刊登有关其将有毒废水入非洲小国象牙海岸的篇报道详细内容

    The gag in question was granted last month at the request of Trafigura, an oil firm, to prevent publication of the details of a report related to the dumping of toxic waste in Côte d’Ivoire.


  • 相邻的特拉华州自2002年颁布禁烟之后宾夕法尼亚特拉华所发生的事故数量上升了26%。

    Accidents in Delaware county in Pennsylvania increased by 26% after the next-door state of Delaware introduced a smoking ban in 2002.


  • 大赦颁布以来,已经至少有三报道激进派反对派持续交火中死亡

    The announcement of the amnesty came as at least three people were reported to have been killed in continuing clashes between security forces and protesters.


  • 在不宜诺斯·爱丽丝颁布周,来自欧洲的研究者程高盐高血压实际并没有那么紧密的联系

    A study by European researchers released just weeks before the new Buenos Aires salt restrictions discounted the link between salt and hypertension.


  • 1994年颁布一项旨在促进就业措施雇佣临时工轻而易举,导致数量猛增

    A 1994 measure to promote jobs made it easier to hire temporary workers and led to a sharp rise in their Numbers.


  • 巴马先生,于国际刑事法庭颁布通缉前后走马上任,更是需要一个政策

    Mr Obama, who will be taking office more or less at the moment when the ICC is expected to issue its warrant, needs a new policy even more badly.


  • 尽管有这些压力英国法庭加大强行限制力度,仍在秘密颁布超级禁制以免那些网络流言追逐者留下任何信息

    Despite these pressures, English courts are clamping down harder, granting secret super-injunctions to avoid giving Internet rumour-chasers any crumb of information.


  • 研究者分析120个美国郡县搜集来资料其中20个郡县颁布禁烟

    The researchers analysed data from 120 American counties, 20 of which had banned smoking.


  • 国会通过了摧毁性针对白宫特别修正案,认为所颁布预算法案不负责任的,因为这项预算法案会环保局对车辆排放的温室气体固定污染源监管失去权威力量。

    One particularly destructive amendment to the house's irresponsible budget bill would strip the E. P. A. of its authority to regulate greenhouse gases from vehicles and stationary sources.


  • 整个国家等待国际刑事法庭的法官们是否按照检察官7月份提出建议颁布逮捕巴希尔先生的通缉

    The whole country is waiting to see whether the ICC judges act on the chief prosecutor's recommendation, made in July, to issue a warrant for Mr Bashir's arrest.


  • 教皇星期六颁布该赦召回了被冻结的天主教主教richardWilliamson[理查·威廉森]以及其他隶属庇护协会主教

    The Pope's decree, issued Saturday, brings back into the Catholic Church's fold bishop Richard Williamson and three other bishops who belong to the Society of Saint Pius X.


  • 我们短讯已经成了颁布周期结束保证之一

    Our brief has been one of ensuring that the cycle ends as decreed.


  • 高等法院提交文件,用以向法庭申请有限公司颁布清盘

    A document to be presented to the High Court for an application to grant a winding-up order against a limited company.


  • 然而依照最高法院颁布解释这项判例离异女性堪忧

    Yet the court's interpretation sets a worrying precedent for divorced women.


  • 古巴成为第一颁布禁止国家48小时内禁止墨西哥航班

    Cuba became the first country to impose a travel ban today by suspending flights to and from Mexico for 48 hours.


  • 这个研究揭示,韦布附近没有颁布戒烟区域,其心脏病发作的死亡病例没有太大的变化

    The researchers found no considerable change in the number of heart attacks in areas near Pueblo without smoking bans.


  • 《开发建设项目水土保持设施验收管理办法》(水利部第16号颁布实施后,火力发电项目水土保持监测工作受到了相关部门关注

    Since the 16th order of Ministry of Water Resource was executed, the monitoring work of Soil and Water conservation on thermal electric generation project had been paying by all departments.


  • 不是觉醒那一天老天“你”颁布一道特赦,你因著恩典雀屏中选而觉醒。

    It is not that on the day you wake up, God will sign the divine decree for you and, by His grace, you will be the one at that moment to wake up.


  • 我们特别建议适时更新 2009 年12 月29之前颁布EC 类型式查验证明以期符合的要求并且持续证书有效性

    We especially recommend a timely update of EC type-examination certificates issued before December 29, 2009 in order to adhere to the new Directive and to maintain their validity.


  • 我们特别建议适时更新 2009 年12 月29之前颁布EC 类型式查验证明以期符合的要求并且持续证书有效性

    We especially recommend a timely update of EC type-examination certificates issued before December 29, 2009 in order to adhere to the new Directive and to maintain their validity.


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