• 即使当前汽车越来越高效混合动力车也更实用南达科他州德克萨斯州拉斯加州近海石油储量继续保持上升

    The amount of oil in the Dakotas, in Texas, in Alaska, and offshore climbs too, even as cars are getting more efficient and new hybrids become more practical.


  • 美林证券弗朗西斯科·布朗齐说的那样,若要把产量维持目前水平它们必须找到相当于另一个沙特拉伯的新石油储量。

    As Francisco Blanch of Merrill Lynch puts it, they must find another Saudi Arabia's worth of oil every two years just to maintain their production at today's levels.


  • 科赫家族拉斯加德克萨斯明尼苏达经营石油精炼业务,拥有近四千英里长的输油管道

    The Kochs operate oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and Minnesota, and control some four thousand miles of pipeline.


  • 拉斯加州共和党人勇于正视自身的问题,在初选穆尔科斯基先生

    In Alaska, Republicans had faced up to their problem by replacing Mr Murkowski in the primary.


  • 当然,如果标签脱落包包可能到了拉巴马州的斯科茨伯勒,里面东西(你以前的东西)被人卖掉了。

    If those tags fell off, your bags might've wound up in Scottsboro, Alabama, where its contents (your former belongings) would be sold off.


  • 楚科奇鱼类野生动物组织未来目标防止拉斯加北极熊两个种群进一步减少

    The conservation goal of the Fish and Wildlife Service over the next five years is to prevent further decline of Alaska's two polar bear populations, the southern in Beaufort and in the chukchi.


  • 夕阳西下的拉斯加西北部的科伯克沙丘根据史前文物发现一万年前个冰河世纪期间这里就有了人类活动。

    The sun sets on northwest Alaska's Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, through which humans passed during the last ice age, 10, 000 years ago, according to artifacts found here.


  • 六月布兰登·科垂斯(BrandonColtress威胁奥巴马不仅通过电子邮件,还拉巴马普拉特维尔警局接受特工人员当面的调查询问时仍作此扬言。

    In June, Brandon Coltress was indicted for making threats against Obama, both by e-mail and in a face-to-face interview with Secret Service agents at the Prattville, Ala., police department.


  • 去年秋天大多准备选举州长时,只有两位——拉斯加州弗兰克·穆尔科斯基和俄亥俄州鲍伯·塔夫脱——相较肯塔基州州长不受欢迎

    Last autumn, as many states prepared to elect new governors, only two-alaska's Frank Murkowski and Ohio's Bob taft-were more unpopular than Kentucky's.


  • 沙洲把楚科奇划分为两个部分,左侧是从Kasegaluk泻湖,右侧是靠近近美国的拉斯加北坡

    A sandbar divides the Chukchi Sea, at left, from the Kasegaluk Lagoon, right, near North Slope, Alaska.


  • 多年跟穆拉斯一起,科莱特耳濡目染地学会个把拉伯语虽然听得似是而非完全能明白主人热情好客

    Mixed with the Muras years, Klaette monasteries to learn one of the sentences in Arabic, although he heard the specious, but completely understand the hospitality of the owner.


  • 好吧美国一些,像拉斯加夏威夷南达科他州这么干。

    S. holiday? Well, some statesincluding Alaska, Hawaii and South Dakotado not.


  • 位于拉斯加南部海岸边座岛屿科迪·亚克国家野生动物保护区里棕熊正在捕鱼

    A brown bear hunts for fish in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge on an island off the southern coast of Alaska.


  • 楚科奇位于拉斯加俄国之间白令海峡北部

    The Chukchi Sea lies between Alaska and Russia just north of the Bering Strait.


  • 王子科奥殿下要接见维斯女士。”传令官说道。

    "His Royal Highness Prince Cor of Archenland desires an audience of the Lady Aravis," said the Herald.


  • 拉米达美国加利福尼亚中部偏西城市,位于奥克兰附近弗朗西斯科岛上。该城海军飞行基地人口76,459。

    A city of west-central California on an island in San Francisco Bay near Oakland. It is the site of a naval air base. Population, 76, 459.


  • 拉斯加佛罗里达密苏里蒙大拿新泽西俄亥俄他这根据生活指数自动最低工资的。

    Seven other states, Alaska, Florida, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, Ohio and South Dakota, are automatically raising the wage based on indexing.


  • 拉斯加驯鹿移动屠宰场南达科他州野牛移动屠宰场。

    A group in Alaska USES a mobile slaughterhouse for reindeer. And an organization in South Dakota has a mobile unit for buffalo.


  • 加拿大铁杉一种松类雌雄同株的常绿树(加拿大铁杉) ,生长于新斯科舍省拉斯加的地区,木料作为纸浆用木材、制革以及装饰物很有价值

    A coniferous evergreen monoecious tree (Tsuga canadensis) native from Nova Scotia to Alaska and valuable for its timber, as a pulpwood, for tanning, and as an ornamental.


  • 拉斯加那里冬天白天短暂夜晚漫长人们情感生活肯定不同生活在卡普尔科、墨西哥的人们。

    In Alaska, where the days are short in winter, and the darkness long, a person's emotional life will differ from the emotional life of a person who is living in Acapulco, Mexico.


  • 蝮亚科(pitvipers)起源于中国通过连接西伯利亚东北部拉斯加陆桥扩散美洲的大类高等毒蛇

    The pit vipers are a large group of advanced venomous snakes that evolutionarily arose in china but spread to the new world across an ancient land bridge connecting northeastern siberia with alaska.


  • 蝮亚科(pitvipers)起源于中国通过连接西伯利亚东北部拉斯加陆桥扩散美洲的大类高等毒蛇

    The pit vipers are a large group of advanced venomous snakes that evolutionarily arose in china but spread to the new world across an ancient land bridge connecting northeastern siberia with alaska.


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