• 该党新近的选举耻辱失败了。

    The party was humiliated in the recent elections.


  • 不无忧虑观察选举结果

    He watched the election results with some apprehension.


  • 随着选举临近这个政党组织工作正在紧锣密鼓进行。

    The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches.


  • 政府坚定推行选举改革

    The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms.


  • 共和党选举一败涂

    The Republicans got shellacked in the elections.


  • 他们选举自由投票受强迫

    They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.


  • 目前选举依然非常有利倾向于执政党

    The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.


  • 两次无结果选举政治僵局使得比例代表制受到广泛指责

    The proportional representation system was widely blamed for two inconclusive election results and a year of political stalemate.


  • 含含糊糊说着很多如果进行选举发生的状况。

    He is equivocating a lot about what is going to happen if and when there are elections.


  • 几乎每个竞选政治职位一种直觉如果他们筹集花费更多,他们就能有力影响他们赢得选举几率

    Nearly every person who runs for political office has an intuitive sense that they can powerfully influence their odds of winning the election if they can just raise and spend more money.


  • 我们过去一直惊讶选举旋风当中,简化论者会所有复杂琐碎问题都会呼天抢吵闹一番。

    We are long past being surprised when complicated and nuanced problems are, amid an electoral whirlwind, turned into reductionist rallying cries.


  • 总之捐款人也好,记者也好,观察员也好,清楚认识选举观察所为所不能十分重要的。

    Overall, it is important for donors, journalists, and observers themselves to be aware of the power and the limits of election observation.


  • 新加坡选举算法一如既往取得胜利

    The iron laws of Singaporean electoral arithmetic will prevail, as ever.


  • 一次选举胜利少有品尝到如此苦涩挫败感

    SELDOM has an election victory tasted so bitterly of defeat.


  • 如果布托女士出人意料横扫选举可能会抛弃将军

    If, for example, Ms Bhutto unexpectedly swept the election, she might dump the general.


  • 坦率认为这次选举的关键问题,是否选奥巴马

    "Candidly, I think this election is about Senator Obama," he said.


  • 很难理解为什么赤道几内亚为何不厌其烦选举

    IT IS hard to know why Equatorial Guinea goes to the bother of holding elections.


  • 南非选举委员会骄傲宣布,2009年大选是自由公正的,反映南非人民意愿

    The election Commision of South Africa is proud to declare the 2009 elections free and fair and that they reflect the will of the people of South African voters.


  • 天哪简直太可怕了”,一位外国选举专家震惊,“决不可能发生这种事。”

    God, it was just terrible,” says one shaken foreign election expert. “It just can’t happen again.”


  • 天哪简直太可怕了”,一位外国选举专家震惊,“决不可能发生这种事。”

    "God, it was just terrible," says one shaken foreign election expert. "it just can't happen again."


  • 天哪简直太可怕了”,一位外国选举专家震惊,“决不可能发生这种事。”

    God, it was just terrible, ” says one shaken foreign election expert. “It just can’t happen again.”


  • 或许为了平息一点点反对方的情绪,国家选举委员会可以宣布清理违规行为短暂推迟选举

    Perhaps, to appease the opposition a little, the NEC could declare a short postponement of the election to sort out some of the irregularities.


  • 明显诚意完成和平进程并且认为选举中的大获全胜使责无旁贷把这件事做好。

    It was clear that he wanted to complete the peace process and believed that his big election victory gave him a mandate to do so.


  • 参院马萨诸塞州议员补选结果巴马意味着什么不可避免成为对选举关注焦点

    In the aftermath of the Senate election in Massachusetts, the focus of attention is inevitably on what it means for Barack Obama.


  • 过去几年选举因为明显属于人为操纵,以致于很少有选民有兴趣参加投票

    Elections in the last few years have been so patently rigged that few voters bother to turn up.


  • 最近几个月来,调查显示共和党选民特别是保守派今年选举跃跃欲试,打算成群结队去投票。

    For months now, surveys have shown that Republican voters, especially conservatives, are energized about this year's election and intend to turn out in droves.


  • 不过,现在更多非洲人认识到了能够真正选举他们的领导人一条通向自由繁荣的最好的道路。

    Yet more Africans these days accept that being able genuinely to choose their leaders is the least bad way to freedom and prosperity.


  • 直到现在还清楚记得选举那个寒冷冬日身上条毯子坐在门廊阅读福克纳的《喧哗骚动》。

    I still vividly remember spending one cold winter day after the election sitting on the porch with a blanket wrapped around me reading William Faulkner's the Sound and the Fury.


  • 说,一些选民错误指责印尼选举委员会2004年舞弊攻击选举部门的工作人员

    He says some voters wrongly accused Indonesia's election commission of graft in 2004 and attacked election staff.


  • 说,一些选民错误指责印尼选举委员会2004年舞弊攻击选举部门的工作人员

    He says some voters wrongly accused Indonesia's election commission of graft in 2004 and attacked election staff.


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