• 最后建立起受约束非线性控制系统求解迭代算法给出相应数值例题

    Finally the iterative algorithm is established for the solution of the constrained nonlinear control system, the corresponding numerical example is given.


  • 针对多速率系统,提出了一种新的联合功率速率控制迭代算法

    In this paper, a new joint power and rate control algorithm is proposed for multi-rate cellular radio systems.


  • 研究结果表明采用迭代学习控制算法可以有效地提高系统跟随精度

    The research results show that using iterative learning control algorithm can improve the tracing accurate of the force system.


  • 针对线性模型实际系统之间差异提出一种基于双线性模型求解非线性动态系统最优控制迭代算法

    This paper presents an iterative algorithm of optimal control for discrete time nonlinear systems, according to the differences of the real system and its bilinear model.


  • 理论分析表明系统状态初值漂移系统参数扰动一定范围迭代学习控制算法关于鲁棒的。

    Theoretical analysis indicates that iterative learning control algorithm is robust if initial shift and System parameter disturbance within limited bound.


  • 类新算法目前所有迭代学习控制算法不同具有非线性结构

    The new algorithm is different from the algorithms of iterative learning control proposed recently, and is with nonlinear structure.


  • 理论计算和计算机模拟实验结果显示,模糊控制迭代算法迭代结果其振幅误差为0.69%,振幅不均匀度1.01%。

    Computer simulation experiment, as well as theoretical research show that the amplitude mean square error of the iterative output derived from IAFC is 0.69%, and the amplitude un-uniformity is 1.01%.


  • 运用即时学习算法解决一类非线性系统迭代学习控制初值问题

    A method is proposed to solve the problem of the initial control input using lazy learning method.


  • 其次学习现有分布式功率控制算法基础上,深入研究分析了一个新的分布式功率控制算法算法经典DPC算法需要少的迭代次数。

    Secondly, on the base of studying the distributed power control algorithm we studied and analyzed a new algorithm which requires a much less iteration than the classical DPC algorithm.


  • 参数控制算法基本思想正好相反构造参数序列逼近相应迭代点列逼近最优点。

    The parameter control methods are in the contrast, which is to find a sequence of parameters that converge to optimal value and its corresponding pointsinconverge to optimal solution.


  • 采用控制容积离散能量方程N -S方程,并用SIMPLEC算法进行迭代求解

    The energy equation and the N-S equations were discretized by the control volume method (CVM) and solved by the SIMPLEC algorithm.


  • 算法迭代过程中不再与加密原始图象进行比较而是用加密图象振幅分布的均匀控制迭代

    This algorithm is controled by the amplitude uniformity of encrypted image rather than comparing the original image encrypted with calculated result.


  • 算法采用使操作末端目标距离单调减小控制策略推导相应迭代公式

    It USES the control strategy in which the distance between the manipulator end and the target could be decreased monotonously, and the corresponding non iterative formula is deducted.


  • 针对一类不确定非线性受扰动系统提出一种基于非线性迭代滑模结构增量反馈控制算法

    An increment feedback control method based on nonlinear iterative sliding mode variable structure control is presented for a class of uncertain nonlinear perturbed system.


  • 提出一种基于地面控制点的迭代动态规划立体匹配算法

    A ground control point based stereo matching algorithm via iterative dynamic programming is proposed.


  • 设计了固体运载火箭上升飞行程序,应用修正牛顿迭代求解上升段弹道控制参数推导了迭代算法公式

    We designed the flight program for solid launch vehicles, resolved the control parameter of ascent trajectory with modified Newton iterative method, and deduced the iterative formula.


  • 本文研究系统状态初值漂移系统参数扰动迭代学习控制算法收敛影响

    In this paper, the influence about system initial shift and system parameter disturbance on convergence of the algorithm is studied.


  • 采用模糊控制迭代算法生成密钥解密质量优于G - S算法平滑修正法

    Therefore the decryption quality of key design from IAFC is better than that of key designed from G-S and SR algorithms.


  • 迭代学习算法设计一直迭代学习控制研究重点本文从一些新的视角做了探讨。

    Designs of the iterative learning algorithms, the most important problems in the ILC, are also studied in this dissertation.


  • 采用PID控制通过迭代学习算法SIMULINK下实现了PID控制仿真

    By using PID control, through the iterative learning algorithm, the PID control simulation is realized by using SIMULINK.


  • 一类连续系统迭代学习控制问题进行讨论,提出了一种新的迭代学习控制算法

    A discussion is made on the iterative learning control for a class of continuous systems.


  • 增量算法基础提出了用控制分原理来形成非增量迭代求解基本思路,并给出了求解的基本控制方程。

    Some basic concepts and the essential control equations of non incremental algorithm based on the optimal control variational principle in mechanics are presented in this paper.


  • 本文还给出提出迭代学习控制律在一个电液位置伺服控制系统中的应用实例验证算法有效性

    The paper also gives a case of the electro-hydraulic position servo control system to prove the validity of the proposed ILC.


  • 新的控制条件下证明次型极小问题迭代算法的有效性,所得结果改进了徐洪坤关于二次型优化最新结果。

    Under new control conditions, we prove convergence of the quadratic minimization problem, which improves the recent results by Xu about quadratic optimization.


  • 然后文章针对非线性离散时变系统迭代学习控制问题提出了一种改进迭代学习控制算法

    Then, aimed at the problem of iterative learning control for nonlinear discrete time-variant system, the improved iterative learning control algorithm was given in the paper.


  • 针对非线性离散时变系统迭代学习控制问题,提出了一种改进迭代学习控制算法

    Aimed at the problem of iterative learning control for nonlinear discrete time-variant system, the improved iterative learning control algorithm is given.


  • 最后文章针对多输入多输出线性时变系统提出了一种迭代学习控制算法证明了算法收敛充分必要条件

    Finally, an iterative learning algorithm was presented for a MIMO linear time-varying system in the paper and a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of convergent algorithm was proved.


  • 提出种用六丝悬吊控制形状复杂不规则目标飞行物姿态方案,建立数学模型,着重论述了用反解迭代逼近绳长的算法进行位姿求解的思路。

    We propose a six-wire suspension method to control the attitude of a flyer of complicated or irregular shape and set up its mathematical model.


  • 提出种用六丝悬吊控制形状复杂不规则目标飞行物姿态方案,建立数学模型,着重论述了用反解迭代逼近绳长的算法进行位姿求解的思路。

    We propose a six-wire suspension method to control the attitude of a flyer of complicated or irregular shape and set up its mathematical model.


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